
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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My first times (3) (Sex Story gay)

Published by : ftc1962 the 11/01/2021 in the Gay erotic stories
At the age that we were, Guillaume and I, at the beginning of these second summer holidays in his beautiful countryside, are going through a lot of changes. Intellectual, psychological, physical… Adolescence is here, with its train of good times and not so good. We then only had good ones. Our days were very similar: farm work, harvests, bike rides but above all and above all, joint exploration of underground delicacies.After our reunion so hot and so strong, our vigor made us seek pleasure at see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Ados, Teens, First time

My first times (2) (Sex Story gay)

Published by : ftc1962 the 05/01/2021 in the Gay erotic stories
The next morning, we woke up together in the hay. We said hi normally, as if nothing had happened. I was a little worried that Guillaume would freak me out. I knew very well that in this campaign, as in many others, in the 70s, what we had done was not really seen well. Guillaume, moreover, just said to me, before arriving at the kitchen to have breakfast: “Well, no one should know! " I agreed. The morning passed quickly, lunch. Then we had planned to go to the swimming pool. Naturally, we heckled, see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Masturbation, Ados, Teens

My first times 1 (Sex Story gay)

Published by : ftc1962 the 03/01/2021 in the Gay erotic stories
Holidays on the farm… What could be richer and better for a city dweller? Luck will have wanted me to spend mine on a breeding farm, from the age of 16. Friends of my grandfather, a very large family. Since my parents did not have enough time available during the summer holidays, my grandfather took two rooms in a nearby hotel. He would go for a walk, go fishing, I would go by bike to spend my days on the farm. During the two-month long vacation, we spent at least four or five weeks in this way.We see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Masturbation, Ados, Teens
Mine de rien, la pendule tourne vite. Tous les épisodes d’une après-midi réussie sont là quand je peux me dire, après ces diverses étapes rituelles : depuis que je suis arrivé, j’ai sucé une demi-douzaine de mecs dont certains ont été jusqu’au bout, deux mecs m’ont pénétré, j’ai déjà joui une fois, mes tétons me font un peu mal mais quel pied…Ça fait un peu tableau de chasse effectivement mais j’arrive souvent à penser qu’en trois ou quatre heures, j’ai vécu l’équivalent see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty

SAUNA NOSTALGIA 5 (Sex Story gay)

Published by : ftc1962 the 09/12/2020 in the Gay erotic stories
At this point in the afternoon, after the hammam, after the backroom, after the lounges in the second basement, if I'm tired, I sometimes go to the central swimming pool, or lie down in one of the chairs next door and sleep. I need to recover a bit, or make up for a too short night, before the more intense things start. This is indeed where one of my favorite moments in this sauna comes from.To the left of the deckchairs, there is the corridor that leads to the cabins. A central corridor, with immediately see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Mature

SAUNA NOSTALGIA 4 (Sex Story gay)

Published by : ftc1962 the 01/12/2020 in the Gay erotic stories
This famous video room in the second basement therefore adjoins another room which shows continuous TV news channels, BFM style. It's still funny: naked guys with in the best case a towel around the back, and in the worst case their assets copiously exposed and this in front of the guys in ties and the girls in suits who talk to us about everything happening elsewhere ... A clash of worlds, especially admirable when two guys jerk off and kiss in front of the stock market! Their stock markets are see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Mature, Black

SAUNA NOSTALGIA 3 (Sex Story gay)

Published by : ftc1962 the 21/11/2020 in the Gay erotic stories
After the hammam and the backroom, when everything is working ideally, it can already be almost an hour of various and varied games. When nothing is going well and the fishing is unsuccessful, it goes faster. Frankly, it's very rare to have absolutely nothing to eat… sorry, under the tongue.It's time to go down to the second basement of this sauna on the Grands Boulevards that connoisseurs will easily recognize.Right next to the hammam, a staircase, a ramp that I hold on well: sliding would be see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Mature

SAUNA NOSTALGIA 2 (Sex Story gay)

Published by : ftc1962 the 16/11/2020 in the Gay erotic stories
When leaving the hammam, and all the more so in the event of an unbridled fuck according to the process detailed in the first text: again the shower which is right next to it. If we go out with two protagonists, some small wet things can also continue.I remember, on a particularly hot day, being followed by a very handsome man when I left the hammam. In the shower, he was pressed against my back and I felt a respectable volume tail which was pressed between my buttocks. His hands caressed me and see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, Mature


Published by : ftc1962 the 16/11/2020 in the Gay erotic stories
Saunas closed! Containment the covid and all and all, so my eyes to cry and my memories of the afternoon well filled and the hurry for it to resume.57 brooms, bi sexual, 2 saunas per week on average. This is to say if it's missing ... A typical afternoon in one of my favorite saunas? for example that of the great boulevards at the end of the gallery? It would look like this: I ring: small airlock, hello to the statue, I pay, hello sir, a key, a towel. Superstition: when the locker room number is see the rest
Keywords : Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, Mature, Threesomes