Essential precautions when using this site and cruising areas

on Croozr - Cruising sex, always take precautions and don't be naive !

When using, prenez garde :

- with profiles that are too attractive (pretty photos, attractive measurements, advertisement too good to be true.
Some members want to give you their number right away, ask you for yours, or want to chat on Skype. It is mostly escorts, crooks based in Africa (grazers) or even in France. Be careful not to show off on Skype if you do not know the person. it may be a scammer who will film you and try to blackmail you.

NEVER give your email or phone to a stranger you haven't seen on cam.

- to wild advertisements for other adult sites (SPAM.Most of the time, sites that spam their colleagues scam their customers : for example, you are asked for your credit card for a payment of 1 Euro, and after you are taken much more for months.

Respect cruising areas and pay attention to your health and safety !

Sur les lieux de drague, faîtes très attention:
- to guys in groups (2 or more).
Homophobic attacks and thefts are often the work of several accomplices.

- to families, to children, to the police... and to people who are not here for sex !!.
you take a big risk showing off in front of children or any other person who happens to pass by.
So don't get carried away with the excitement, and be discreet !

- do not leave any waste on site !
Always plan a small bag to put your condom packaging, used condoms and other handkerchiefs. You can throw this bag in a trash can afterwards...

- protect yourself every time !!!
Most contaminations are between people who do not appear to be HIV-positive. Some will tell you "don't worry, I'm married, and you're the first one I've cheated on my wife with...".
Know that if you fuck without a condom, you play Russian roulette !!
Many married men have become infected and infected other men, and their wives !

There are many other STIs that you can catch if you don't protect yourself (even for oral sex) : gonorrhea, genital herpes, chlamydia, syphilis, condyloma, etc...