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Publié par : ftc1962 le 01/12/2020

This famous video room in the second basement therefore adjoins another room which shows continuous TV news channels, BFM style. It's still funny: naked guys with in the best case a towel around the back, and in the worst case their assets copiously exposed and this in front of the guys in ties and the girls in suits who talk to us about everything happening elsewhere ... A clash of worlds, especially admirable when two guys jerk off and kiss in front of the stock market! Their stock markets are more dynamic and above all on the rise! I am not staying there, a matter of taste. My libido remains cold in front of BFM or LCI. A matter of taste, I guess.Except one evening, or, by miracle or simple distraction from the honorable management of this sauna, instead of LCI: a porn! A real ! And not the same as the one in the next room!In front of the porn, a man alone, semi lying on the bench, both legs apart, the feet resting for one on a low table, for the other on the bench: a real open compass, with a stiff central point and gently maintained in a tempting stiffness by a clenched hand. I approach, he looks at me, I crouch down, he spreads his legs even more, I approach my lips, he squeezes his penis at the base and my lips take it, grab it and eat it for a long time. A young twink penetrated by a black member with an ahane organ pipe on the screen, but I have the TV in relief and in my mouth. It's sweet, it's long, it's tender, and then why speak? He begins to moan, his belly rises, hardens then contracts, my hands accompany him in tender caresses, then suddenly he frees himself and cries out with joy and pleasure. I drink it, inhale it, swallow it and savor it.After his departure, a glass from the providentially nearby water fountain, and I sit in his place, legs apart and cock erect in my hand.You might as well tell you (almost) right away: I take infinite pleasure in sucking, in being penetrated (for a shorter time, I will tell you this one day, it is expected) but I am less systematic in feeling pleasure in being sucked. I open my thighs less than others. Why ? I do not know. When I feel like it, or when I immediately feel a particular empathy for a face or a body, I can let it go.On the other hand, when I am in a sexual environment where it is women who suck me, there I have less reluctance to accept what still remains a rather particular gesture: accepting and savoring the presence of one's own sex in someone else's mouth.But there, I wanted.Then comes someone who would have the age of my great-grandfather, who approaches, sits trembling and dives towards my erected mast, without looking at me.A small psycho-behavioral analysis in 4 points;1) I am not wavering on the third age or the fourth.2) Even you arrogant dashing cowboys of today, you will be old men the day after tomorrow.3) We are humans all the same.4) How to say no without hurting him?Most of the time, I stop the dive of the head towards my penis, I stroke, the shoulders and the chest, I smile and I whisper: "No thank you! "It's still brighter than a contemptuous gesture of the hand, than a" clear, I don't like corpses "or worse: the indifference of the dominant male towards the faltering ancestor.Saying no is a freedom. To say no and to humiliate is cowardice.On the other hand, say no and see the clumsy guy who insists, goes out the door to come back through the window, that's different. In front of idiots, patience, and this unlike bullshit, patience has its limits, and my limits explode after the second no!So grandpa walks away, and I stay in the air, my cock erect, without insisting too much on it because after several overflows, we save ourselves.And approaches another body. Not especially a handsome guy on the head, but an interesting body, which has lived, which has full and thin lines like a capital B of the elementary school writing models, which smells good, which attracts the caress.Does he want to suck? Still, I can understand it! I let myself go and it's soft, humid and hot.As they say: "the seeker caught!" »I let myself go, especially as I feel a hand caressing my stomach and the other gently stimulating my anal mucosa.I let myself go and it's good! Almost as good as if I did it myself (modest isn't it?) Which my cat still manages to do but not me.I wave and I moan, plunging between two parted lips, rubbing against a nimble tongue that knows how to go to the most receptive places. I indulge in thrusts that kiss this mouth as if it were an open vagina and dripping, as if it was to dive into the soft open compass of soft thighs offered. And as I was pleasure to the end already twice that day, I manage to last, to resist, to keep within me this fire that wants to come out, this heat which rises in my balls… Finally, I 'explodes without warning, he drinks a little, the rest flows, I gasp, he smiles, he is the fisherman and me the fi ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Mature, Black