Good evening, who is available?
In addition, I would add to this sad Sir that exhibiting oneself, fucking outdoors such as in Siouville, which Mr seems to know, is prohibited by law with 1 year in prison and a €15,000 fine. I practice in a dedicated place, the sauna, where I am safe for the modest sum of €10 for 4 hours spent in the warmth in premises cleaned every day before opening!
JE ne fais pas de" Melanchonisme " ,ce traitre à la Patrie...Je ne dénonce pas ce que certains construisent avec leurs propres deniers pour le bien être et le plaisir des autres...Au contraire de détruire,il est plus intelligent de faire perdurer le peu qui existe mis à notre disposition par certains qui investissent et qui doivent être respectés...! Le sauna ne te plait pas ,tu vas pisser ailleurs ,mais tu n'accables pas de mensonges ...!
tes attaques mesquines, deplacées, personnelle, tu devineras facilement ce que j en fait d'ailleurs pour ce qui est diffamatoire, tu te poses pas mal la, sans doute vais je signaler ce comportement a l'administrateur
t as vraiment un souci avec les avis divergents toi alors dis moi quel lieu ou il se passe qqchose et pas une fois par hasard, et ou j ai dit le contraire
By poking around a bit at the local outdoor CRAWLING PLACES, I notice that this Mr. trolive never ceases to contest their existence. He probably finds himself there alone as a pseudo-transvestite in his car... so much does he have to say about the lack of interest shown to him. Certainly this Mr. has no place among us in the sauna. His lack of respect for OTHERS spares us from it...!!!
For those who have the courage to go in... Because it takes a lot of courage to go into the sauna. I've seen some on coco offer me an appointment so that I can hold their hand to go in. It's crazy, but it's true. For those, any excuse is good... The entrance is not discreet, etc... Before, this place was a mosque. I never knew it when I walked past. Moreover, I am not in a position to judge the people entering this place that I have been frequenting since 2013! Let everyone take care of their own field and the cows will be well looked after..!
I really want to go and get "vaccinated" up there, if I can find the right "syringe"...
Let's go to the sauna...the Atlantic, we're fucking ourselves there