before yesterday at 17:30
Faut-être dans le bon coin,sinon l'on tourne en comme un rond n'a pas de coin,ça va être difficile de s'y retrouver...! Avis aux amateurs ...
Je serais dans le coin a partir du mardi 4 mars, au plaisir
Quelqu’un de disponible ce soir ?
La Montagne ,ça nous Roule,on se vide les Boules !
Good evening, who is available?
In addition, I would add to this sad Sir that exhibiting oneself, fucking outdoors such as in Siouville, which Mr seems to know, is prohibited by law with 1 year in prison and a €15,000 fine. I practice in a dedicated place, the sauna, where I am safe for the modest sum of €10 for 4 hours spent in the warmth in premises cleaned every day before opening!
JE ne fais pas de" Melanchonisme " ,ce traitre à la Patrie...Je ne dénonce pas ce que certains construisent avec leurs propres deniers pour le bien être et le plaisir des autres...Au contraire de détruire,il est plus intelligent de faire perdurer le peu qui existe mis à notre disposition par certains qui investissent et qui doivent être respectés...! Le sauna ne te plait pas ,tu vas pisser ailleurs ,mais tu n'accables pas de mensonges ...!
tes attaques mesquines, deplacées, personnelle, tu devineras facilement ce que j en fait d'ailleurs pour ce qui est diffamatoire, tu te poses pas mal la, sans doute vais je signaler ce comportement a l'administrateur
t as vraiment un souci avec les avis divergents toi alors dis moi quel lieu ou il se passe qqchose et pas une fois par hasard, et ou j ai dit le contraire
By poking around a bit at the local outdoor CRAWLING PLACES, I notice that this Mr. trolive never ceases to contest their existence. He probably finds himself there alone as a pseudo-transvestite in his car... so much does he have to say about the lack of interest shown to him. Certainly this Mr. has no place among us in the sauna. His lack of respect for OTHERS spares us from it...!!!
For those who have the courage to go in... Because it takes a lot of courage to go into the sauna. I've seen some on coco offer me an appointment so that I can hold their hand to go in. It's crazy, but it's true. For those, any excuse is good... The entrance is not discreet, etc... Before, this place was a mosque. I never knew it when I walked past. Moreover, I am not in a position to judge the people entering this place that I have been frequenting since 2013! Let everyone take care of their own field and the cows will be well looked after..!
I really want to go and get "vaccinated" up there, if I can find the right "syringe"...
Let's go to the sauna...the Atlantic, we're fucking ourselves there
Anyone available nearby with a desire to vent?
Hi, who is available today, I am receiving for a good time
The mountain is winning us over...At Roule we empty our balls...!
I did see a "Santa Claus" up there, but not the one you think... He had some nice bags to fill my bag... That's good!
Maybe Santa Claus will come up there on December 25th...I really want to go and see...!
When will "France" be in the African Cup of Nations... The team already wears the colors! It is an insult to the French Gaulish people that I still represent...!
France's vital prognosis is engaged...!
In 20 to 30 years, we French Gauls will be a minority in this country that we will still dare to call: France....France in turn will have let us down, like the flagship liner France...!
I plan to go there in "convertible" mode if it doesn't rain, of course...!
On Monday, everything is allowed, but does it still work...?
Cherche bonne queue à sucer en pleine nature. Si vous connaissez un coin et envi de vous vider, contactez moi. Je suce avec capote et hygiène +++
Not many people in the Cherbourg "Bitosphere"...
There are many BitMan's at Roule, but for 30 minutes spent up there in their cars, the acrobats are not likely to find what they are looking for... When I go there, I can well imagine spending hours there... before finding the right adventure! Thanks to those I meet...
Once up there, just follow the asses and get in line...simple, right?
pour Frakass69 ,il y a moyen de t'expliquer la manoeuvre quand on est tout en haut !
Si quelqu'un peut me dire où sont les bois a proximité svp?.. Je suis tout en haut,sur le parking du musée.suis je au bon endroit ?
Bonjour Trav dans le coin ?...ou vieux pervers ?
My last visit to Roule was on 09-08-2024 as indicated and not yesterday after a good sauna session! So the "crazy" is not from Me and is not part of my language!
There, there is identity theft! The previous message does not belong to me and yet was formulated under my pseudonym "Saunavale"
It was a crazy sauna, it was so bad at Roule that day!
After the heavy rains yesterday 05-09-2024...We can't find any condoms up there anymore...
Assembly, disassembly...the mechanics are rolling!
Where exactly is it happening, I don't see any discreet place
There are people during the day and in the evening. The guys still have to deign to get out of their cars to meet each other...!
Are there people in the evening??? I'm going there on Friday 5th in the evening
Today between 4:00 p.m. come suck my ass.
I go there from time to time, there are several guys who tour in the area but no couple or single woman
If someone tell me or if possibility of another place, I don't know the area well
Tomorrow morning around 10 am..... If someone
Nice little youngster on an electric scooter that I sucked off...
On Cherbourg from June 03 to 06... want a woman or a couple, I have accommodation.. don't hesitate to contact me
Hello, I will be in Cherbourg on Tuesday February 8 in the evening. I could receive at the hotel. thanks x
Now that we are confused, who is going to go? Can you tell me more precisely where the meetings take place, and what time is the best? Thank you !
someone to suck me good vidange.que total submitted
active or versatile looking for plan 3 under 50 if that tells you send messages
yes tps tps but rather in aprem until 19h ...
Now on or near Cherbourg man woman couple private messaging thank you
I would be but I might be disappointed with the place?
blah not so interesting it
I'll go tonight to 20h-18-09 8:30 p.m. kisses
hi to all I am a mountain of runs that day 14-09-2013 12:30 a13h30 if I find the road for me is a discovery and new place and see ????
that Sunday night ?? or evening
I'll check it out and we'll see who suck me ??
how is it going ? I never go up ... everyone gathers to kiss or everyone and aparpiller?
which to plan? I suck and swallow
I have often visited the interesting places for all ages
Qqun to join me any time al?
available as possible so when?
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