Behind Lespignan rest area

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Type : Nature gay & straight
City :  Lespignan
Area :  Occitanie
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Beziers Narbonne take exit towards D14 towards Lespignan. At the roundabout take the D37 to Lespignan towards Vendres. Drive about 800m and just after crossing the motorway bridge, turn right. Follow the road for about 2 km. A tunnel on your right. Continue straight and you arrive behind the area of ​​highway Lespignan. Caution walkers but road A9 feet pass the barrier to meeting. Preserve the area. See you soon.
Address :
La Languedocienne
34710 Lespignan

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E80, 34710 Lespignan, France
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3 d. ago
Bonjour, jamais personne ici ?

24/04/2023 in 20h44
salut ki koi? moi dispo discrret laisse RDV ici

19/03/2023 in 14h50
Nobody on this place?

13/09/2022 in 17h58
I can be there tonight for truckers or others… I empty my balls and get filled

21/06/2022 in 12h19
du monde ki y passe?

13/03/2022 in 10h54

16/01/2022 in 03h16
so, Saturday the 15th, of course....

16/01/2022 in 03h13
hello, this afternoon, at around 5 p.m. or so, behind the motorway service area, where you can't go any further (it's like a dead end, after having walked along the fence of the highway), ...... there was a white BMW, a series 3, rather recent I believe, so there was fog on the windshield and the windows, I did not see if 1 or 2 people inside????? I turned around in front of the parked car, I was on my motorcycle..... then I didn't dare come back..... was I stupid???? is anyone on the site???? %thank you, I hope it was crispy and pleasant for them?????I think I may have slightly distinguished that there were 2 people in front.... or else, it's my fantasy, who absolutely wanted that I

13/05/2021 in 10h35
Hi, I'm up to this Thursday from 6 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.

02/10/2020 in 12h20
hello who pump me Monday 05 October?

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