Vendres sleepers


Cruising spot gay in Lespignan

proposed by nospeon11  (08/11/2015)

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Type : Parking gay
City :  Lespignan
Area :  Occitanie
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
To get there it's simple. Output management Lespignan Vendres. 2 km just before arriving in Lespignan. You do not go above the highway, turn left to walk along the highway. You go up to the mill and from there, down, lots of nice quiet roads for fun !!!
Address :
La Languedocienne
34710 Lespignan

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E15, 34710 Lespignan, France
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18/09/2024 in 15h37
Who wants to suck my cock tonight?

18/09/2024 in 11h35
Who sucks me tonight at Decathlon Béziers

07/08/2024 in 12h39
I'm here until 1:45pm for my break, if someone wants to suck me off, I'm interested?

24/04/2023 in 20h46

27/02/2023 in 20h53
Grosselope cu myto with false plan guaranteed

29/01/2022 in 19h23
bonsoir, j'y suis allé ce samedi 29 janvier vers 16h , jusqu'à 17 h environ, je n'y ai vu aucu coquin, coquine....... qu'y a t il là bas? qui y va?

28/10/2021 in 16h49
Pity more frequented

21/02/2021 in 02h39
It comes back to me, I just looked at the map, and this afternoon on my way to Pissevache by Fleury d'Aude, arriving from Vendres, I saw 2 police motorcycles take on their right and enter this path. .. I thought they were going to hide away to make binoculars for the cars .... but no if it is, so they were going to the mill .... I don't know ???? Well, in short I will go there soon one afternoon to see, in addition it is not far from where I live ... let's be careful.

21/02/2021 in 02h29
well I'm going to go for a walk there soon

13/12/2020 in 10h59
Hello, I took legal action against the town hall of Villeneuve-lès-Béziers because the municipal police were hunting gays who, however, we did nothing in particular, discussed between us and we take the trouble to park our vehicles very well in order to not to be inconvenient parking. The Montpellier administrative court won my case. I have just read that the gays who went to Lespignan were there also the prey of the municipal police officers, that the victims of discrimination and harassment contact me in private please. Fred

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