plage sympa certes mais familliale donc naturiste gay etc total bidon les quelques locaux sont peu engageant et de toute facon c est interdit recrudescence vol voiture et j en passe un conseil fuyez cette endroit reserver au textile le gendarmerie veille des soucis passes en temoigne malsain a fuir
for information, it has always been a naturist place, sometimes even families come there to sunbathe quietly, so actually seeing a transvestite is not really the right place, who are the perverts??? I have never seen any, just guys having fun discreetly so what is the problem???
Cool guys Cagoules is charming There is room for everyone Today especially for the herons Let the frustrated voyeurs go home: there is enough video and story on the site for them to be able to connect in joy and frustration Let everyone regain their calm their smile their good humor and their wandering hands and more too Kisses to all
Apparently @leatrav19 didn't like my question because he blocked me... You can see the guy's open-mindedness. What's more, he's slightly stupid because he wrote to me and blocked me. So, I can't read what he wrote to me... That said, I don't think I missed anything...?
Hoods full of perverts and other big scumbags, Cressensac full of lunatics, filth, troublemakers.... Léa Trav19 would tend to want to sow doubt about these places it seems to me...... No???
for @leatrav19 Is it more perverse to be a naturalist or to dress up as a woman? I don't think so, but a little open-mindedness wouldn't hurt. ......
Too bad I go there often, I don't know what we call perverts, but those who complain are often voyeurs and they are the ones who pollute the atmosphere. They "there is no one" but they are there to peep and make derogatory comments A few years ago the beach was a meeting place for naturists and not for perverted thieves. I do not want to make any amalgamation but the date of the suggested events corresponds to that of the local festival which attracts many foreigners to the Commune of CazouleS.
for your information vehicles were vandalized and a guy even had his belongings stolen they just left him his phone, a group of young wankers degraded even stole from cars so unfortunately places to avoid or park quite far away
How can this place be dead and overrun (with perverts)?!?!?
I'm there this Tuesday 1:35 p.m.