Beach Cazoules


Cruising spot gay & straight in Le Roc

proposed by nucool  (04/06/2018)

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Type : Beach gay & straight
City :  Le Roc
Area :  Occitanie
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
To get there, it is to park along the path, down on the bank and then cross the small stretch of water. Then cross the small wood and shingle beach appears.
Address :
Lieu-dit Maisons Basses
46200 Le Roc

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06/09/2024 in 20h21
for information, it has always been a naturist place, sometimes even families come there to sunbathe quietly, so actually seeing a transvestite is not really the right place, who are the perverts??? I have never seen any, just guys having fun discreetly so what is the problem???

06/09/2024 in 13h59
Cool guys Cagoules is charming There is room for everyone Today especially for the herons Let the frustrated voyeurs go home: there is enough video and story on the site for them to be able to connect in joy and frustration Let everyone regain their calm their smile their good humor and their wandering hands and more too Kisses to all

05/09/2024 in 23h28
Apparently @leatrav19 didn't like my question because he blocked me... You can see the guy's open-mindedness. What's more, he's slightly stupid because he wrote to me and blocked me. So, I can't read what he wrote to me... That said, I don't think I missed anything...?

05/09/2024 in 19h54
Hoods full of perverts and other big scumbags, Cressensac full of lunatics, filth, troublemakers.... Léa Trav19 would tend to want to sow doubt about these places it seems to me...... No???

05/09/2024 in 12h32
for @leatrav19 Is it more perverse to be a naturalist or to dress up as a woman? I don't think so, but a little open-mindedness wouldn't hurt. ......

05/09/2024 in 11h43
Too bad I go there often, I don't know what we call perverts, but those who complain are often voyeurs and they are the ones who pollute the atmosphere. They "there is no one" but they are there to peep and make derogatory comments A few years ago the beach was a meeting place for naturists and not for perverted thieves. I do not want to make any amalgamation but the date of the suggested events corresponds to that of the local festival which attracts many foreigners to the Commune of CazouleS.

04/09/2024 in 22h28
for your information vehicles were vandalized and a guy even had his belongings stolen they just left him his phone, a group of young wankers degraded even stole from cars so unfortunately places to avoid or park quite far away

04/09/2024 in 18h53
How can this place be dead and overrun (with perverts)?!?!?

27/08/2024 in 13h49
I'm there this Tuesday 1:35 p.m.

24/08/2024 in 13h58
Et maintenant sanedi1356 ? S??

24/08/2024 in 12h04
Bjr Du monde mardi après midi ?

21/08/2024 in 13h13
Hello, anyone in the area this afternoon? Biz

17/08/2024 in 19h27
maybe i will go monday afternoon

17/08/2024 in 13h40
Si vous venez cet après-midi faites signe dites le Bises

17/08/2024 in 13h13
Le 17 août à 13h15 j'y serai

17/08/2024 in 04h39
Change of plans, I'm there on Monday, is there anyone there?

17/08/2024 in 01h04
Hello, I'm going there on Tuesday afternoon, is it busy at the moment?

14/08/2024 in 21h06
A couple to go for a walk there tomorrow afternoon?

13/08/2024 in 13h03
j'y serai vers14h

13/08/2024 in 08h29
Anyone out today at noon? Couples, women, active men exhibiting?

10/08/2024 in 08h25
A couple to go for a walk there this afternoon or tomorrow afternoon?

03/08/2024 in 20h15
Present tomorrow

29/07/2024 in 13h24
I'll see what's going on there.

27/07/2024 in 16h56
J y passe bientôt.. y a t il quelqu'un ? Biz

25/07/2024 in 23h27
j y etais avec un pote et on a vu personne , juste un cpl en maillot de bain fluo pour la femme mais meme pas la potrine a l 'air et somme partis a 17h

25/07/2024 in 20h25
Present naked

25/07/2024 in 19h00
I'm here for whoever wants

25/07/2024 in 18h56
@Exhibicouple are you still there?

25/07/2024 in 15h34
We will be there between 16 and 18, more towards the tip.

24/07/2024 in 22h34
We will be there late Thursday afternoon but we don't know what time yet. We will specify it on this page as soon as we know. She would like to have lots of cocks for her mouth and pussy and especially lots of sperm. Please do not flood us with private messages.

07/07/2024 in 14h25
J'y suis cee jour d'élection venez me rejoindre

24/06/2024 in 12h55
This Monday I will be there early afternoon

22/06/2024 in 11h56
Anyone planning to go sunbathing next week? :-)

18/06/2024 in 16h07
J'y suis ce mardi encore un peu

17/06/2024 in 19h33
Who plans to go tomorrow at noon or afternoon? Sun and heat expected!!

08/06/2024 in 12h49
I will be there early this Saturday afternoon. If you want to join me send me a little message thank you

01/06/2024 in 15h25
I'm excited to go there tanned naked Tuesday this Tuesday, June 4, be interested

25/05/2024 in 14h03
J'y suis en ce moment samedi25

11/05/2024 in 21h40
I'm going to go there tonight

08/05/2024 in 16h22
I'm not there anymore

08/05/2024 in 14h24
This May 8th I will be there around 3 p.m.

22/04/2024 in 14h14
I'm going there this Monday afternoon around 2:50 p.m.

13/04/2024 in 11h30
A place conducive to naughtiness! It makes me want this sun!!

12/04/2024 in 14h35
J'y serai dans pas longtemps. Quand vous êtes à Cazoules aller jusqu'à l'église prenez à droite jusqu'au stop tournez à gauche Garez vous sur le chemin de halage continuez à pied presque jusqu'à la rivière prenez le petit sentier à droite c'est le chemin du paradis

11/04/2024 in 13h44
I'll be there in 10 minutes: 2 p.m.

15/02/2024 in 13h42
J'y serai dans dix minutes qui m'aime suive L2 15 février 13h 45

12/02/2024 in 17h44
not easy to find, I passed by yesterday

11/10/2023 in 10h19
Setback I'm sure to come. ALDO

10/10/2023 in 10h19
Peut-être mardi vers 13h30

09/10/2023 in 10h03
j'y serai probablement cet après midi vers &'h jusqu'à 15 ou 16h. N'hésitez pas à vous fourvoyer dans les petits chemins surtout à l'extrémité de l'ile

26/09/2023 in 16h12
Bonjour, j'ai l'intention d'y aller demain, est ce la plage des Embruns ? sinon je n'arrive pas à voir où c'est avec MAPS. Merci de votre aide

12/09/2023 in 19h58
If anyone can help me get to this beach? Not local, and I would love to go!

09/09/2023 in 00h35
Anyone out today Saturday 09!?

06/09/2023 in 00h55
Hello tout le monde, J'aimerais découvrir cette playa naturiste sauvage. Un bon plan sex serait bienvenue avec cette chaleur !

03/09/2023 in 09h23
Hello I'm there afternoon Sunday 3 if anyone wants to come and have fun!!!

14/08/2023 in 21h56
Hello world this August 15th?

16/07/2023 in 21h41
Hello, I will go for a walk on Tuesday afternoon, leave me a message if you are available that day, have a good evening

16/07/2023 in 11h16
Don't hesitate to flirt when you meet other liberated people.

15/07/2023 in 17h56
Can you give a little more detail on how to get there?

13/07/2023 in 09h59
great, thanks

13/07/2023 in 09h53
Philou46500 you can cross without problem I was there Sunday afternoon

13/07/2023 in 09h02
Hello, can we cross at the moment?? Thank you

24/06/2023 in 16h55
I went there, it's hard to go through, I didn't try, not knowing this place well...

10/06/2023 in 14h18
Bonjour qui va à la plage demain dimanche ? Bonne journée

07/06/2023 in 18h56
I confirm having been there the day before yesterday, crossing is possible, just a little current, otherwise as usual, a very exciting place

29/05/2023 in 12h11
The beach is accessible and you can easily cross very little water.

27/05/2023 in 14h53
Hello, is it accessible?

16/05/2023 in 01h02
Hello, is it possible to cross?

14/05/2023 in 22h23
Endroit sympa près du parking en terre. Se faire un petit coucou de la ✋ si envie de prendre contact

04/04/2023 in 20h40
Hello Des promeneurs demain entre midi et deux?

14/03/2023 in 11h11
given the weather there will be no one

19/02/2023 in 19h32
Tomorrow someone available to suck and more?

17/10/2022 in 19h48
Il faut chaud demain Qui y sera vers 13h ? Ou pour manger vers 12h30?

16/09/2022 in 03h26
I'm going to try to go there tomorrow noon until 1pm!!!

27/08/2022 in 20h06
J'y vais demain dimanche après-midi si quelqu'un veut s amusez merci de répondre en pv

09/08/2022 in 13h46
To get there: You pass SOUILLAC towards Sarlat. First village after Souillac: CAZOULES You take the first left after the CAZOULES sign towards the campsite, you will come across the church of CAZOULES On the left you have the campsite: you don't take, you go right At the stop sign: you take the path on your left You go down and leave the car at the end of the path under the trees You take the path on foot that goes to the Dordogne (in the same direction and direction as the path you have just taken by car, chemin de pebbles) Before arriving in front of the river you have a path on your right: you take it, it goes along the river. At one point there is a passage to gay on pebbles: you cross either it's dry or you take off the shoes On the other side there are also pebbles, you sink following a Path and you fall facing the other arm of the river: it is there (well yes you are on an island) Once there, you can follow the RIVER going to the right. You have to pass a tongue of water and continue to follow the path that runs along the river: you come across a pebble beach, sometimes people here too Come many

26/07/2022 in 12h36
I'm there

25/07/2022 in 19h31
People tomorrow between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m.? Why not picnic there?

23/07/2022 in 23h16
Anyone on Sunday July 24 afternoon?

17/07/2022 in 09h04
I'm there in the afternoon in the shade by the water if someone wants to have fun!!!

04/07/2022 in 23h11
If someone can show me the place because I don't know the area

04/07/2022 in 22h36
I'll be around July 16 for a it really interesting...I'm bi and voyeur too

21/06/2022 in 21h09
I will be there on sunny afternoons the last week of June I especially rch corpulent people without F/M/Cple complexes I like to see and be seen often with a stiff tail in motion

19/06/2022 in 10h11
Passing by this afternoon

14/06/2022 in 21h37
Are there people at the moment?

25/05/2022 in 22h28
Who's going to the beach tomorrow afternoon?

25/05/2022 in 09h15
Spy87 yes you can I was there on Sunday there is no water

24/05/2022 in 16h53
Has anyone been through recently?

15/05/2022 in 20h35
it also interests me to know if we can cross because a priori the Dordogne is low at the moment

15/05/2022 in 16h51
Hello landi46 several messages left on the Vitrac beach ..... No response ... to believe that fantasists are omni present on the net?!

15/05/2022 in 12h37
Hello can we cross or not?

22/09/2021 in 18h55
hello, can we cross??

04/09/2021 in 11h24
I'm going tomorrow afternoon if anyone wants

25/08/2021 in 15h19
are there naughty cpl?? because in general when I go there are only men

12/08/2021 in 18h12
Crossing possible Kayakers and fishermen Bcp fewer mosquitoes since it was warmer I haven't seen anyone from the population that interests me ...

08/08/2021 in 09h36
philou46500 I doubt that the water level has fallen and seen everything that has fallen

06/08/2021 in 09h22
hello, is this accessible ?? I would like to go there on Sunday around 4 p.m.

25/07/2021 in 14h31
Right now at the cazoulés beach in naturist mode.

23/07/2021 in 09h11
can we cross or not?

01/06/2021 in 08h55
side under wood

31/05/2021 in 07h34
c est bon on peut traverser

15/07/2020 in 13h06
It's rubbish, a place not discreet and shielded from tourists (necessarily). Go after the Lanzac coast for a quiet place in the area

11/07/2020 in 10h20
I cancel my visit for tomorrow Sunday for work and spend this afternoon in cazoulés in naturist mode. Guys will be there?

10/07/2020 in 09h47
maybe Monday if some tails need to be purged ...

09/07/2020 in 18h46
I will be at the naturist beach of cazoulés on Sunday afternoon. Guys for a Nat plan ???

23/06/2020 in 22h15
calou32 for info dream not there are no women labas, and rarely cpls

23/06/2020 in 21h59
Who, Friday afternoon?

23/05/2020 in 11h22
it's good we can cross without hesitation but passing through the undergrowth because on the other side they have blocked access and the water is still too high, Saturday 2 men and alas textiles at the bottom

22/05/2020 in 18h07
je confirme ce que dit PHILOU46500 il faudrait attendre un peu pour traversé jy vais regulierement je reside 500m du lieu actuellement ...mais je traverse pas pour l instant et les moustiques sont déjà la

22/05/2020 in 11h58
Access possible if you don't mind getting wet, because the Dordogne is high and the water is up to your waist with a current.

17/05/2020 in 21h51
nobody was there yet ??

05/05/2020 in 10h36
can someone in the area tell us if access is possible ??

25/07/2019 in 22h34
lol you hope tjrs meet single women dejas Cpl c is rare ;-)

25/07/2019 in 22h20
Hello hello man available in the day or evening for a nice time at the waterfront female couple I will deal well Madame under the sun kisses

05/07/2019 in 13h11
I am for the afternoon. The world goes there?

27/06/2019 in 13h08
Bjr. The beach is it?

15/06/2019 in 01h08
still too much water to cross

23/04/2019 in 08h30
Is the beach accessible now?

07/09/2018 in 14h39
Hi, I'm at the beach hoods today from 14.30 to 16.30

26/07/2018 in 14h45
Hi I try to go there but a little lost. Is the side of the rock or cazoules. I spent my village the rock and then c is which way I'm rolling a bit and then pass a bridge and then ss before the welcome panel Dordogne taken a path that is the thank you for your answers

26/06/2018 in 23h46
hello there 'in the world right now that it will lower the ???

08/05/2018 in 15h30
olivier31200 we are not through the same place we just wet ankles pubic area remains dry and no spine

07/05/2018 in 09h00
jy am yesterday can go a crowded beach and easily accessible

23/09/2017 in 08h15
can t we always cross to go to the beach? the 3 weeks there was dry there can t there a world?

26/08/2017 in 00h25
J was there this week, to 17 pm; few people ; rather aged and a lot of mosquitoes!

02/08/2017 in 03h50
I will be Wednesday, 9 shaven meadows ... enough for cpl exhib, woman or man so exciting for mutual motion.

16/07/2017 in 07h13
great quiet and peaceful place

15/07/2017 in 14h26
great place

14/07/2017 in 21h07
salut j aimerai y aller la semaine prochaine quelq un pourrait m indiquer la direction pour y acceder merci .

19/06/2017 in 23h35
I'm going tomorrow around 2 p.m.; who joins me

17/06/2017 in 13h00
Hello jy will be Monday at 17 am; m that accompanies? Can t we go through? Can someone help me ?

26/04/2017 in 11h35
Hello ; who goes there in the after noon to 17 pm? as soon as the temperature rises course;

22/04/2017 in 00h18
naturist quiet beach uppermost requirement if some mixed couples with that of elsewhere I have them reporting torque-old hot very and without taboos Mr. Bi with very big balls Stu thighs with his lady with big boobs and very nice big ass they are very strut your stuff all like me looking elsewhere people strong body types for sex shots back in quiet corner leave message if interested

12/04/2017 in 12h51
who's going to tomorrow? there are people right now? c is a little tight right now in temperature?

25/08/2016 in 10h47
J'm there from 13 hour joins me?

25/08/2016 in 00h59
jy be tomorrow August 25th from 13 hours

18/08/2016 in 01h19
must stop your pipos they come probably yes but in the parking lot I saw the wrong shoes to come on the island .... lol

17/08/2016 in 18h54
J y'm actually they viennen ... Like every year you just pay attention to some walk naked up to the fishermen should not abuse this little island is still quite large

16/08/2016 in 09h24
and they have crossed the river ??

15/08/2016 in 18h46
bizzare never seen a policeman labas more you have to cross the river, it's hard to believe that it undress to come controler more we would see them arrive

15/08/2016 in 15h24
Yes me too but it apparently yen has a little further as

15/08/2016 in 15h18
They go there often?

15/08/2016 in 15h10
Hello I will go to cazoules Tuesday, August 16 to 18: 30 pm for those unfamiliar c is not easy to find

25/07/2016 in 10h06
Ohhh yes even for cpl

12/07/2016 in 12h20
Someone in the week?

08/07/2016 in 16h57
jy'll probably cool Sunday apm alone or cpl can be

08/07/2016 in 16h10
Cool .We can again cross good vacation! !!!!!

30/09/2015 in 09h11
We can go over the river is too high

05/06/2015 in 09h55
desolated to disappoint but rarely are you cpl, much less single women, and qua ago Cpl they are foreigners and true naturists with children so etc. etc. not libertines, by cons side man no problemo, it is less complicated must say ..... lol good tan, I was there yesterday c divine

15/08/2014 in 00h04
Someone in the week. ?

15/08/2014 in 00h04
Someone in the week. ?

… close history