
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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True story (Sex Story gay)

Published by : pouractifcho the 13/01/2018 in the Gay erotic stories
Sometimes I go to a little wood not very well known and set back from the road but quite famous for its hot encounters. Lately I got myself a complete woman's outfit (mini-skirt, bodice, thong, black stocking garter belt and heels as well as a blonde wig). So dressed I went one evening before it got dark in this little wood, I park my car in the shelter and go out for a walk along the path that surrounds the wood. After a few minutes spent strolling quietly, a bmw vehicle with tinted windows and see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, Teens, Uro/Scat, Maghrebin, Black, Threesomes