
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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après midi surprise (Sex Story gay)

Published by : felin46 the 01/12/2023 in the Gay erotic stories
Nous avions convenu de nous revoir Tous deux contents de nos 2 premières rencontres où nous avions l’un et l’autre pris beaucoup de plaisirJe poussais donc à nouveau la porte d’entrée de sa maison. Jean Marc me savait ponctuel et m’avait dit de rentrer directement à mon arrivée.Sur son canapé il regardait la télé. En robe de chambre, bien installé il était assis confortablement et visiblement m’attendait avec impatience. Je compris qu’il se caressait déjà peut être pour see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Bisexual, Sodomy, Mature, Trav

After season (Sex Story gay)

Published by : felin46 the 14/09/2023 in the Gay erotic stories
My summer season finished, I was on vacation and I was starting to think about my itinerary since I had a little time. As we had exchanged phones I called Henri to get some news. Had he returned to work, how was he? To tell the truth, I called him above all because I really wanted to see him again and who knows maybe his friend Hervé as well. We had had such a good time together that I wanted us to pick things up where we had left them last time. I had thought back to that afternoon and that night see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Mature, Submission/domination, transsexual, Threesomes
Nous avions eu quelques échanges sur le site et nous avions décidé de nous rencontrer. C'est toi qui avais décidé du lieu et après avoir cherché un peu j'avais repéré l'endroit grâce à ta voiture qui était garée là. Tu m'avais dit devoir m'enfoncer dans ce bois juste derrière et je t'y trouverai.Sans t'avoir jamais vu je t'imaginais et pus te reconnaître (évidement tu étais tout seul dans ce bois un peu glauque). Grand, fort,rond, la soixantaine,(mon ideal masculin) tu étais see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Mature, European, Trav

bike ride (Sex Story gay)

Published by : felin46 the 01/08/2021 in the Gay erotic stories
I really appreciate the beautiful roads in my region; they lend themselves well to cycling. I have been living here for a few years now and when spring arrives, I resume this activity not only for the practice of a sport but also because I like to discover these country roads. The one I took that day went up a green valley with a few isolated houses and some pretty vegetable gardens along a stream that goes down this valley.I did not imagine by taking this route again what was going to happen.It see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Bisexual, Sodomy, Mature, Submission/domination

a hot summer (Sex Story gay)

Published by : felin46 the 17/06/2021 in the Gay erotic stories
A number of years ago, I was working in Le Lavandou during the summer season. After work, I went out a lot, the evenings in summer are long and warm. It was a moment of relaxation after long days of work. We were partying a lot with others. One evening, we were in a club, we had drunk a little and we were all a little tipsy. We were talking to other customers at the bar. I thus met a man who was in his fifties, I was barely thirty at the time. He too seemed to be off to a good start, telling me that see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, First time, Trav, Threesomes