
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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With my godfather (Sex Story gay)

Published by : oliv22600 the 18/08/2024 in the Gay erotic stories
Claude, my godfather, was undoubtedly my parents' best friend. He lived in the same town as us, that is to say in Tours, and came to the house regularly. We were very close and I would also stop by his house for the pleasure of seeing him and spending time with him. In addition, as he was a teacher, he was always on vacation at the same time as me and he often kept me at his house during these periods. Claude was gay, I knew it and, as a child, I didn't give it much importance. On the other hand, see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, Ados
A cette époque j'habitais à Tours et cette ville comportaient plusieurs lieux de drague gay (sex-shops, Club privée, sauna et j'en passe). C'est dans l'un de ces paradis de débauche que j'ai rencontré Pierre. On s'est tout de suite plu et on a niqué assez vite dans un backroom. Il m'a pénétré avec sa longue bite bien épaisse et m'a besogné jusqu'à remplir sa capote. Après cette première baise, on a discuté un peu et on est allé chez lui pour plus d'intimité. En chemin on a poursuivi see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Submission/domination, Uro/Scat