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With my godfather

Publié par : oliv22600 le 18/08/2024

Claude, my godfather, was undoubtedly my parents' best friend. He lived in the same town as us, that is to say in Tours, and came to the house regularly. We were very close and I would also stop by his house for the pleasure of seeing him and spending time with him. In addition, as he was a teacher, he was always on vacation at the same time as me and he often kept me at his house during these periods. Claude was gay, I knew it and, as a child, I didn't give it much importance. On the other hand, as a teenager, at fourteen, when I discovered my sexual orientation, it seemed a good thing to me. Like him, I was gay and he became my confidant. Together, we talked about sex and I quickly admitted to him that I was passive and liked to be caught. When I was sixteen, I experienced a terrible disappointment in love which left me a little depressed. My parents were worried but I didn't want to tell them anything and Claude, seeing my state, offered to take me skiing with him. He specified that he had rented a studio for two weeks in La Clusaz and told us of a small constraint. - There is only one bed so Olivier will have to sleep with me. “That doesn’t matter,” I said immediately. I want to sleep with you. It's even nice so you can cuddle me. I think I need it. - Oh, my Biquet, Claude said to me, taking me in his arms, you're very big for that but, if that's what you want, I'll cuddle you a little. - Are you sure that Olivier's presence with you won't bother you? asked my mother worriedly. In addition, he is not equipped and you will have to tell us how much he needs for the skis and the pass. - I will pay for Olivier's ski rental and ski pass, but I will leave it to you to buy him appropriate clothing. - We will still contribute to the living expenses, declared my father, You are not going to pay for everything. A teenager eats, you can believe me. - No, I'm not asking you anything. It's my gift. I invite Olivier to accompany me skiing and I will pay for his stay alone. Just dress it properly with a ski suit and wool sweaters. - As for the sweaters, he has what he needs, and the ski suit we will find in a sports store, declared my mother, I will take him to choose one next weekend. -And when will we leave? I asked curious, I can't wait to be with you. - Friday after school, my godfather replied. As soon as you get home from school, we'll leave and sleep in a hotel on the way.Upon learning this, I jumped with joy and I promised my Godfather not to hang around after high school. From then on, I started counting the days and was delighted when, the following Saturday, Mom took me to buy a ski suit. The last week before departure seemed endless to me but Friday finally arrived and I returned from high school as soon as my classes finished. I was happy to see my godfather's car parked in front of the house and I rushed inside. I found Claude and my mother talking in the living room and I kissed them before going to put my school bag in my room. My suitcase was ready and I took it straight away to take it down to the living room. - I'm ready! I shouted as I entered the living room again. - You haven't forgotten anything? My Godfather asked me. Once we leave, I won't turn back. - No, I have everything I need, I replied confidently. My suitcase has been packed for three days. - Well, let's leave, said my godfather, we have a long way to get to our hotel. We left after kissing my mother and I felt happy. I then told Claude how grateful I was to him for taking me on vacation and I thanked him from the bottom of my heart. My godfather said he was delighted to see me in a good mood and asked me about the reason for my sadness in recent days. I then explained to him that I had gone out with a boy from my high school who had used me before dumping me like shit. I admitted that I loved this boy more than was reasonable and that I suffered when I realized that it was not reciprocated. - You will often come across selfish people, my godfather told me, and only interested in their own pleasure. You must not be formalized by this and above all you must move on. - I know but it's been over a month since I had sex and I miss it. What do you do when you don't have a lover? - Oh you know, I flirt on the internet and if I get one hit a month, I'm happy. Otherwise, I masturbate like everyone else when alone. My problem is finding men I like because they are often too old. - Because what age are you looking for men? - I'm looking for twinks, barely out of adolescence, so eighteen to twenty years old at most and that's not common in the streets. - Eighteen years old? Have you ever looked younger? - Younger? No, and I don't want to fall into the misappropriation of minors. - Without going that far, wouldn't you like a guy of sixteen or seventeen? Can you imagine? You could enjoy it for three or four years before you find it too old. If I were you, that's what I would do.I would find myself a sixteen year old boy and go out with him.- Except that for that, I would have to leave the high schools in Tours and I would quickly pass for a pervert. - You don't have to leave high school. There are a lot of teenagers around you, right? - Apart from you, I don't see. - So what? Perhaps you don't find me to your liking... However, I have the feeling that I'm rather cute. - You ? You're cute but you're my godson. I've known you since you were born, so it seems impossible to me. - Pfff… Anything! I wouldn't mind going out with you; on the contrary. Plus it would be pretty good precisely because we know each other well and we love each other very much. - Of course, we love each other very much but I think it would be a bad idea to go out together. Not to mention that your parents might take it badly. - We don't care what they might think. In any case, they are stuck in the bulb. If I listened to them I wouldn't date anyone until I finished school. - It's not false... But that doesn't change my opinion. I really don't want to make you suffer. - It is now that I suffer. I love you Godfather and I would be ready to do whatever you want to make you happy, I said without holding back my tears. - Oh my, don't cry, my darling, I only want your happiness and I will do what I can to make you happy but don't ask the impossible of me. I didn't respond to this and locked myself in my bubble watching the landscape pass by. I didn't say another word until I reached a pee and dinner stop an hour from Mâcon. I avoided talking to my godfather again about a romantic relationship between us and he himself did not bring the question up again. To take my mind off things, he talked to me about skiing and the La Clusaz resort where we were going. I listened to him and finally became interested in this conversation. We had dinner as quickly as possible and took the road back to our hotel. We arrived around 10 p.m. in Mâcon and immediately took possession of our hotel room. Although Claude had specified that we were an adult and a child, an error meant that our room was equipped with only one double bed. - Well, we're going to have to sleep together, my godfather said to me, that doesn't bother you. - No, on the contrary, I don't want to sleep alone. On the other hand, I don't have any pajamas, I said, blushing, at home I sleep naked. - I usually sleep naked too, but if you want, we'll keep our underwear on. - As you wish, I replied. All I hope is that we hug. - I'll make you a big one; I promise, Claude told me.As Claude undressed, I did the same and decided not to keep my boxers on. My godfather, seeing me get naked under the shee ...

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Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, Ados