
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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When she arrives at the top of my thighs, she passes a hand under my pelvis and pulls out my cock. Once caught my cock, which is half soft, she coats it with cream and the mass without saying a word. I feel her pussy glued to my calf. To feel these movements the excitement is great, I even think she will enjoy. His hands are more and more pressing. The movements of the pelvis are stronger and faster. She doesn't really massage anymore, she rather takes support to force her pelvis leaning on my calf. see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero
After the shower, we go for a walk like last weekend. A few shops and small restaurants, nothing unusual or very exciting. We are Saturday, all the shops are open. We take the opportunity to shop for traditional souvenirs for the family. Once all these are done, we go back to the apartment. Where are we going, she said? Beach or walk. As you want, we can change, ballad but where? There are forest paths that you could do a hike. Why not, but little one we have no equipment. I have a pair of sneakers see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero
The next morning, as usual, I open my eyes early. Earlier than Sophie. I watch her sleep, it's so hot that she only has a piece of sheet covering her right breast. I get up quietly and head for the bathroom. A little pee, a glove on the sex and I go out to prepare a breakfast. Since there is nothing to eat, I put on something a t-shirt and go downstairs to get some pastries. On the way back, the groundhog is still not up. It is a little after 9 o'clock. I prepare a coffee, arrange breakfast and wait. see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero
The position is not very comfortable. Sophie has one leg in the air which blocks my penetration. There she grabs my hands and directs them to those thighs and knees. I understand, grabs both knees and lifts him up. I can fully penetrate it. I start to tumble harder and harder. I tuck my cock more and more into her. She lifts her legs and comes to lean on my shoulders. Take me, take me hard, she told me. I start to lose control, I come and go stronger and brutal. Yes, yes take me, go ahead, take me see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero
It is late, or early in the morning. I don't want to go back to the dorm. I don't want to sleep either. My only desire is to continue making love with Sophie. We are both lying on the bed and sweating. It's very hot. Sophie gets up and offers me a shower to refresh us. I accept and watch her go to the bathroom. She turns around and says to me: do you think I'm going to take her on my own? Very obedient and not having understood the allusion at the beginning, I almost got up running and joined him. see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero
She gives me that pussy and moves gently so that I lick her. She is sweaty and out of breath. This pulls me off my condom. She makes a knot in this one. She tilts her head and takes my cock in her mouth to clean me. On these little licks, I regain my strength. She withdraws and says to me: Monsieur is not satisfied, he asks for more. She jerks me off, lies down next to me and asks me to step over her. I do. She places my cock in the middle of her breasts and begins to jerk me off gently. When these see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Masturbation, Blow job, Vaginal penetration, Ados, Teens, First time
A man's voice is heard: thank you and have a good evening. We guess the couple are leaving when Sophie returns. I am on my knees in front of her, buttocks resting on my heels. She is sitting in front of me with her legs spread. It was good, she told me. You can see my excitement in the moonlight. But you strip my pig, she said to me, laughing. There she leans and begins to suck me. She takes off my penis and gives it a big lick. I stand up by moving him forward to facilitate access. We hear people see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Masturbation, Blow job

My first 2 nd wk1 (Sex Story gay)

Published by : jejebobrun33 the 09/11/2020 in the Gay erotic stories
The night was brief. We resumed the course of our week as if nothing had happened. We are working hard to make our internship a success and so the week passed in a sporty way but very calm sexually. The weekend arrived and like the previous time, everyone returned to these houses except Sophie and me. I took the initiative on this Friday evening, to ask Sophie what she wanted to do. I have lots of ideas, she told me, but not at the club. It is 4.30 p.m., we are happy tonight, I go up to the apartment see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Masturbation, Blow job, Teens
She comes to herself, not that she's passed out, but regaining control of her body. I get out of the way and say to him: I'm going to make a coffee if you want some. A nod of her head says yes as she climbs back up to the couch. I see her give up on this couch with a smile on her face, watching me prepare the coffee. I said nothing serves her coffee while she is recovering. She is soaked in sweat, between her legs it's wet and my saliva glistens in the light. I dare to ask him: did you love, words see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Teens
I decide after blowing lightly on her clitoris to change position. I release those knees, get up, take her by the hand and help me with this statement. She follows nothing to say. Once up she tries to stick to me to kiss me. I slip away in an elegant movement and install him on the sofa on my knees, elbows resting on the backrest. Standing behind her I contemplate her back and her butt. She, abandoned, she crosses her hands and puts it head on. I stroke her back and go down on her buttocks that I see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Teens