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My first 2nd wk 4

Publié par : jejebobrun33 le 18/12/2020

It is late, or early in the morning. I don't want to go back to the dorm. I don't want to sleep either. My only desire is to continue making love with Sophie. We are both lying on the bed and sweating. It's very hot. Sophie gets up and offers me a shower to refresh us. I accept and watch her go to the bathroom. She turns around and says to me: do you think I'm going to take her on my own? Very obedient and not having understood the allusion at the beginning, I almost got up running and joined him. In the shower we rub each other. She lingers well on my cock and I do not forget any part of her body. I start to bend again. She comes out of the shower grabs a towel for herself and for me. And begins to wipe off. As the bathroom is small I wait in the shower. Once she's done, she grabs my tail to pull me towards her. Hands me the towel, still not holding me sex. I start to dry my hair. She leans forward and says: let's see if it's really clean, and she swallows all my already stiff cock. I continue to dry myself, she lets me go after a few steps and comes with that mouth and says: I'm going to prepare us to drink you join me. Here I am in the still stiff kitchen, a glass of coke awaits me. Sophie is sitting on the table with one foot on a chair. This position makes her spread her legs and gives me a superb view of her pussy. I grab the glass and start drinking when she says: you can sit down if you want. As the only chair away from the table is the one where she has set her foot, I decide to sit there. I push my fo ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero