
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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active mateur (Sex Story gay)

Published by : grandpecheur the 19/05/2021 in the Gay erotic stories
last night in a quiet corner I was challenged by whispers and suspicious noises. I approached discreetly and came across two young boys who were gallanting. Quickly the tall blond bent down and opened his boyfriend's pants, revealing a good sized but still hanging penis. He quickly took it in the mouth, groping his balls and then lowered his own pants. The other took his cock in hand and groped it skillfully. They rolled their shovels again, fiddling with each other. I opened my fly and started to see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Ados, Teens, Uro/Scat, Threesomes