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In the shower

Publié par : suceur16 le 28/12/2020

At the end of training, we always met all the guys in the locker room, to shower and change. It was a doubly painful moment, because I was ashamed to get naked in front of others, finding myself too short, too thin, not muscular enough, especially not well enough endowed by nature ... and because I was afraid as the others noticed the way I was glancing stealthily at their cocks, all longer and thicker than mine, dreading what they might think of the way I was doing. The one who caught my eye the most, who aroused in me the most jealousy, and an ambiguous feeling of fascination and repulsion, was Simon.Simon, he was a bit of my opposite extreme, he was the biggest, the strongest, the biggest mouth, the one who always made others laugh… the one who also had the biggest. And who did not hide it. He even showed off shamelessly in the locker room the long snake of flesh that hung between his thighs, grabbing it with full hand to mimic a weapon or a microphone or spinning it like a helicopter blade. He always displayed a natural detachment, an extreme casualness, which often got him in trouble but gave him an unparalleled charisma towards the whole of our group. As everyone hurriedly tossed their sweat-and-mud-damp clothes onto the wooden benches that circled the room before rushing into the shower, I deliberately dragged my shoes off and my workout clothes off, delaying as much as possible the moment to join the group naked, and often succeeding in delaying my entry into the collective shower until most of them had already left. With the towel tightly wrapped around my waist, I walked as close to the pommel as possible before removing it, making sure to stay my back. When I had to turn around, once finished, I was alone and could calmly return to the already almost deserted common room, in which I got dressed in haste. This way I avoided any awkward situation. But one day, after having rinsed myself thoroughly under the hot water which saturated the space with steam, turning around to grab my towel, I was amazed to find myself face to face with Simon who had quietly returned while I washed and stood behind me. He stood in a block between me and the door, towering over me with his head and shoulders that he was almost twice as wide as mine. Above all, his hand gripped firmly his penis, on which she came and went slowly. He was hard, and his already impressive cock at rest had almost doubled in size. Vaguely worried, I wondered what he was doing there. He smiled at me, without apparent aggression, pointing out that I often ogled his cock. I did not know what to answer ... he continued by asking me if I found her beautiful. I nodded, unable to articulate a word. So he continued to polish it in front of me, boasting a little, that it was clear that it was he who had the biggest, that it was very long and also very thick. And that when it squirted it was a real fountain. Holding it in both hands to prove its exceptional dimensions to me, he pointed it at me, adding that I had to prefer it like that, very hard and well inflated. I nodded again. And that when it squirted it was a real fountain. Holding it in both hands to prove its exceptional dimensions to me, he pointed it at me, adding that I had to prefer it like that, very hard and well inflated. I nodded again. And that when it squirted it was a real fountain. Holding it in both hands to prove its exceptional dimensions to me, he pointed it at me, adding that I had to prefer it like that, very hard and well inflated. I nodded again.He took a step in my direction, almost hugging me, and reached out to push the shower button on. Explaining to me that we were supposed to shower, that otherwise it would be fishy, ​​he again pushed his hips forward to stretch his penis in my direction. "You don't want to touch it, you'll see how hard it is. The hot water was streaming down my back, splashing his chest and muffling the sound of his voice. Going to talk, he gently grabbed my wrist and put my hand on his stiff penis, which quivered against my palm. My fingers closed around the hot and throbbing rod of flesh… It was the first time that I had touched a penis other than mine, and this one was so much bigger than it had nothing to do with it. I could feel its pulses against my skin, its texture both supple and rigid under the pulp of my fingers. Without even thinking about it, I started to move my hand back and forth, observing the turgid pink acorn that swelled a little more and reared up every time my fingers pulled the skin back. It was like discovering a new instrument whose handling elicited hoarse moans, interspersed with deep inspirations to Simon. As he started the shower again, he leaned over to whisper in my ear to continue. I continued my caress in the swirls of wet steam that enveloped us. I had my hard sex too now, the feeling of his cock on my skin turned me on. My left hand joined the right on the cock, encircling almost the entire length as I squeezed and slid against my palms, faster and faster, accompanying Simon's increasingly rapid and choppy breathing, until a long jet squirted from the tip of the glans and crashed into my stomach, followed by four more equally powerful and abundant ones that covered me skin of long streaks of sticky whitish semen, the hot runoff of which caressed me pleasantly. Without another word, he went back to get dressed, while I soaped myself thoroughly to remove all traces of his cum.Several sessions went by without anything to suggest what had happened between us. The fear, ultimately unfounded, that he would tell others what I had done to him was followed by a certain disappointment that he does not consider me better and continues as before to consider me a negligible quantity. The only difference was that now, at least, I felt free to watch his cock as much as I wanted. More than a month passed, I had resumed my habits of solitary showers, away from petty and mocking glances. I was rinsing thoroughly when I felt a hand brush against my buttocks. Turning around abruptly, I found myself facing Simon, his bandaged cock erect in front of him, and on which my fingers immediatel ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, Ados, Teens, First time, European