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Publié par : ftc1962 le 16/11/2020

Saunas closed! Containment the covid and all and all, so my eyes to cry and my memories of the afternoon well filled and the hurry for it to resume.57 brooms, bi sexual, 2 saunas per week on average. This is to say if it's missing ... A typical afternoon in one of my favorite saunas? for example that of the great boulevards at the end of the gallery? It would look like this: I ring: small airlock, hello to the statue, I pay, hello sir, a key, a towel. Superstition: when the locker room number is even it's going to work like hell!Collective locker room, I undress without dragging and I watch a little at the same time: there is something for everyone even if it is in my age group.The toilets and I go downstairs. The shower which is right next to the hammam. And I go home, putting my glasses in my rolled up towel. This hammam is always very hot with changing lights and stimulating colors.When we arrive early in the afternoon there are not many people but in general the guys want to… Without my glasses, it's blurry, but I see several very different behaviors. The guy who keeps his towel around his back and his legs tight ... A priori it's no! The guy who comes in naked and looks on leaving immediately: too bad for him! And the guy sitting, naked, legs apart, more or less stretched, who touches himself and who looks around him, or who looks at his cock ... It's there, when you enter that you have to judge the attitudes of those who are already seated and make the correct bet by sitting next to the correct one.So I enter, I analyze, I choose, and when I have chosen well, happiness.Sitting next to him, I watch his cock while wanking mine and closing my eyes, I reach out to touch his thigh. he stops jerking off and I feel his desire to enter the game. My hand goes back slowly to his penis and if he doesn't move, don't push me away, it's my mouth that goes down to him. Without further ado, I sit on the floor, my head comes between her open thighs and I take his cock. Because yes, first of all, my first pleasure is fellatio, before anything else. And as I claim to be gifted, without false modesty, those who want to and who do not stop at the face or the simple bodily aspect, those who allow themselves to be understood very quickly. And since it's early afternoon, as I'm their first, I can feel them relaxing (except at the place that must remain tense). I feel them extend their legs, while while sucking I stroke the thighs, stomach, nipples and arms. the less selfish caress my neck and shoulders. Some lean, I keep them in the mouth, they grab my growing penis, and lean back on the back. Some do not touch me, close their eyes and only focus on themselves and their pleasure. What does it matter! Their hardness and spasms are already my pleasure, even if they don't give anything else. Some do not touch me, close their eyes and only focus on themselves and their pleasure. What does it matter! Their hardness and spasms are already my pleasure, even if they don't give anything else. Some do not touch me, close their eyes and only focus on themselves and their pleasure. What does it matter! Their hardness and spasms are already my pleasure, even if they don't give anything else.Whatever their color, their age, their face and their body (as long as they do not smell badly washed, because that, it blocks me very quickly) A male erect, hard or semi-rigid, it is the pleasure in the mouth, on the tongue. I vary the pace, the depth of penetration, the speed ... My cock stands up and it's so nice to resist the pleasure of taking it in hand.Sometimes, but not always, it creates a small group: a stretched tail comes close and enters my field of vision, or my partner sucks the neighbor who is sitting. So there, one of my hands goes on an adventure and can end up on another erect cock. However, it is rare that I abandon my first victim: the others just have to wait! But sometimes my partner, also in his fantasy, gently pushes my head towards another cock, and then there, I have the right.If I'm on all fours, sometimes hands and sexes on my back, or fingers that penetrate me. When there is no nail, it's done nicely, why protest?And then there, at a certain moment, there are always three scenarios!The first scenario, quite common: my partner loves it but he knows it's early afternoon. So all of a sudden he realizes that he doesn't want to cum right away. Or he's sick of it because I'm the type who doesn't give up. So, e ...

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Keywords : Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, Mature, Threesomes