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Foreground underwater

Publié par : suceur16 le 22/10/2020

In my early twenties, I moved to Paris and started to discover gay saunas. For the little provincial that I was, it was the perfect place to indulge in the new passion that I had long restricted in me and to which I was now giving free rein: sucking cocks. And with my small build, my belated teenage face and my little ass, I usually didn't have too much trouble finding one. At first, I was modestly hiding with the guy who had flashed on me in the booths provided for this purpose, but I quickly realized that one of the main charms of these places also resided in the on-site consumption of the tails that were left behind. 'offered to me, this having the further advantage of arousing the interest of the guys settled in the neighborhood, who often came to take the place of the one I had just relieved when they did not push the boldness to come and take advantage of my mouth and my talents together. I quickly discovered a flair for exhibiting and a taste for male plurality that I had never even imagined before.When I arrived to spend the afternoon or the evening in the sauna, I therefore methodically explored all the spaces available to me, from the hammam to the showers, from the backroom to the video room, to conscientiously empty all the cocks. that appeared before my lips. From time to time, my fellatio adventures were interrupted by the request of a guy who asked me to follow him in a cabin time for a quick sodomy, then I returned quietly to kneel in front of the next one.There was only one space in which I stood at rest: it was the hot tub, topped with a sign threatening to evict anyone having sex there who terrified me (no, I'm abusing , but I didn't want to get fired like that).One evening, I went to a sauna that I did not know yet, and that had advised me an acquaintance who knew that I appreciated mature men. It was indeed an establishment in the center of Paris mainly frequented by gentlemen of a certain age or even more, many of whom were in search of fresh flesh. And indeed, as soon as I entered the showers, I observed the sidelong or frank looks that slipped with envy on my young body. In the hammam, the guys wanked themselves squarely under my nose, and I just had to choose the cock most to my liking. Under the hammam floor, another basement housed the showers, cabins, the whirlpool and even a real swimming pool. Just to recover from the first attacks of the steam bath, I slipped into the jacuzzi, the largest and remarkably decorated that I had ever seen: a large ceramic basin installed directly in the ground and mosaic, in which two gentlemen dozed peacefully. As soon as I settled in, the one in front of me stared at me for a long time, then I felt his feet slide under the water up to mine, in a clear sign of invitation. I crossed the pelvis to come and sit next to him, and he started to gently stroke my thighs, stomach and buttocks. My hand groped between her thighs, up to land on a thick and already stiff rod of flesh which filled it generously. Without a word, he pulled me towards him to kiss me, settling me in front of him, between his thighs. As my fingers moved back and forth along his cock, hers lingered on my ass and then came back up to annoy my nipples, plunging me into a more and more arousal that reinforced the firm feeling of his desire in the palm of my palm. .He kissed me another time, then his hips rose to the surface, and his stiff cock emerged in front of me, deliciously tempting. I glanced around: the other gentleman was still dozing, but on the wall above us was a placard forbidding sex in the bath. I pointed it out to him quickly, but he told me no one ever checked, as he slid his long fingers behind my head in an unequivocal invitation gesture. I did not think more and slid his penis between my lips. His tail tasted a bit chlorinated after being in the tub, but I stepped over it and began to swallow it. It was then that he plunged his hips back, while his hand held my head firmly to keep me from ...

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Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Blow job, Teens, First time, Submission/domination