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Alex performs his first blowjob

Publié par : alexis69 le 13/08/2022

Alex succeeds in his first fellatio, shakes the convictions of a hetero and finds an ally in the person of an adorable lesbian... At the start of my first year of college in Lyon, I was a little lost, I didn't know anyone. Until then I came on vacation to cousins ​​every year in August, but Paulo the cousin who had fucked me so well (see "Alex gets filled up nicely by his cousin") had just retired and moved on. settle in Vals les Bains in Ardèche. He and Paulette were leaving town when I was coming to settle there for several years... I could have lived with them in Perrache and Paulo could have continued to empty his balls and I could have enjoyed it... Paulo had grown up in Lyon, Paulette, a native of Vals, did not like Lyon and had never liked it. And Paulo the nice, Paulo the frustrated, Paulo with the beautiful tail had ended up giving in to Paulette's demands. Paulette, who was not interested in sex and perhaps disgusted. In conversations, when we alluded to sex, Paulette would tell us, “You can't talk about anything else! You are really obsessed...” and we answered in chorus “Well yeah...”. She turned her head from right to left by way of reprobation "Pfff!...".I thought of him who was going to bury himself in a small house at the exit of Vals in the direction of Antraigues… Paulette was going to continue reading her magazines and dreaming of another life by proxy. Paulo was going to spend his days fishing in the Volane and chomping at the bit... He didn't enjoy his retirement for long and died of cancer a few years later.In the first days of the new school year, we wondered among students, "Where are you from?...". We were less than a dozen Ardèche boys and girls in the same section and we came together quite naturally. We usually saw each other in the evening and more often on weekends. We met in the small apartment of Laure, one of the Ardèche students, rue Chevreul, close to the university.Everyone brought food and drink. The evenings were drunk.This Saturday evening we were all well soaked. When I got up to go to the bathroom, I tripped over a stool and fell to my knees. Thrown forward, I found my head between the legs of a guy. General peals of laughter! Laurent (that was his name), his eyes a little vague, said to me, “Suck me! » and the others resume « Suck it! Suck it”. I ended up regaining a bit of dignity and then Laurent looked me straight in the eye, "You're not good...", obviously taken up in chorus by the others. Without taking my eyes off him, I undid his belt and unbuttoned his pants. I told him to get up and I lowered all the pants and underpants, offering everyone a magnificent spectacle… Laurent was very well hung, a long penis of medium thickness, nice balls.I had been fucking for three years already and yet I had never practiced fellatio… With Yann (see “Alex looks like a girl!”) We were unaware of these practices as for my cousin Paulo, he had often sucked me off but never never wanted me to touch him.So it was the first fellatio that I practiced and more in public. I couldn't miss...The contact of his skin, his balls, the feeling of his member who was in the process of recovering ... all that excited me enormously. I licked him slowly from bottom to top then I started the movement again several times and when he was very stiff, I grabbed his magnificent glans in the mouth. There he uttered a long moan. My tongue was busy all around the glans while I masturbated gently while stroking his balls.No one (apart from me) opened their mouths, silence set in, everyone watched me with delight sucking Laurent's cock who was gently (and probably unconsciously) caressing my hair, moaning and closing his eyes. …He stiffened suddenly, opened his eyes, was taken by a long spasm before crying out and cumming heavily in my mouth. He let out small moans with each throw. I licked his glans well and stroked his balls one last time before stepping back and pulling up his underpants and pants. He was flabbergasted. He had a hard time realizing what had just happened. The others too, for that matter… He came to his senses, rebuckled the belt of his trousers, sat down again and said to me, “But you've been doing this all your life! "."No, it's the first time I've sucked!" I answered him, laughing. "On the other hand, I've already been sucked off!". I didn't talk about the rest and no one asked questions...All of a sudden I had just taken my stripes with all my comrades, but at the same time everyone was wondering about my "nature". Laurent, a handsome boy, benefited from all the interest of the girls and from a budding reputation as a warm bunny and no one questioned his own.The evening dragged on. Some decided to sleep there. With Laurent and two other comrades we decided to return to the university campus which was not far away. Everyone said good night to each other and locked themselves in their rooms.I undressed and went to shower before going to bed. Some had smoked in the apartment and I couldn't stand the smell of tobacco on me.I fell asleep like a mass... Suddenly I had the impression that someone was scratching at my door. Since I didn't react immediately, we knocked lightly. Half asleep I went to open the door ajar, it was Laurent. He slipped through the opening and closed the door behind him. He saw that I was naked… He took me by the shoulders and with an anguished air said to me “Alex, I can't fall asleep… I'm only thinking about you…” I immediately understood his dilemma: “Me, the girl-killer, I am sexually attracted to a boy...”. I took him in my arms, he let himself go and hugged me. "Laurent do what you want to do...and don't ask yourself any questions...". He hugged me even tighter, kissing me on the neck, then began frantically caressing my back, my buttocks... I pushed him away slightly, lifted his chin and I kissed him softly on the mouth. He returned my kisses while moaning "What's happening to me Alex?" ". I stroked her hair, her face. “Do you want to make love with me? ". He nodded. " Come ! I guided him to the bed and helped him take off his clothes. "But it's not normal that I want you!" ". Once naked I hugged him, sex against sex. He moaned while saying "Aah it's good... it's good...". "But it's not normal that I want you!" ". Once naked I hugged him, sex against sex. He moaned while saying "Aah it's good... it's good...". "But it's not normal that I want you!" ". Once naked I hugged him, sex against sex. He moaned while saying "Aah it's good... it's good...".I started to masturbate him, to caress his balls, he was in a daze, nodding his head as if he were drugged. “I want you Alex… I want to make love to you…”. "So what are you waiting for?" I whispered in his ear.He kissed me on the mouth, hugged me "Yes, I really want to!" ". I ostensibly turned my back on him, passed me some Vaseline to facilitate penetration and got on all fours on the bed for him to take me doggy style. He took me first by the hips, his cock was erect. Without the help of his hands he penetrated me several times, moving forward then back and forward until his pubis touched my buttocks. He was discovering an unknown pleasure which he seemed to greatly appreciate. He growled, visibly took his foot, then his back and forth became faster, his fingers tensed on my hips, I stuck my buttocks against him as much as possible and in a long rattle he released his seed in me in long jets. I felt each spasm with relish.I lay down on the bed and held out my arms for him to join me. He lay down, took me in his arms and immediately fell asleep. It didn't take me long to join him.In the morning he woke up first, kissed me on the mouth and sta ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy