
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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Je me souviens de cette fin d’année scolaire comme si c’était hier, avec cette prof d’écologie qui m'a fait fantasmer pendant des mois. Un vrai canon, une bombe blonde avec des seins et un cul à damner un saint, et elle le savait. À 19 ans, insouciant et plein d’envie, je n’en croyais pas mes yeux quand elle m’a proposé de la suivre chez elle après un cours au bord du lac, sous prétexte d’assouvir nos envies réciproques de sexe.L’excitation montait à chaque virage dans sa see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Bisexual, Teens, Forty, European, Maghrebin, Married, At work, Threesomes
At first, it was just crude discussions on apps: "you're such a big whore", "I'm going to beat you up". I must admit that this excited me greatly. I ended up agreeing to meet these kinds of people, excited by their alpha male speeches. I knew these reports could be extreme, but I had to try. Anyway, I could say stop at any time. Before reading this story, please know that I am a bottom with submissive tendencies. Over time, I accepted more and more hardcore encounters. The first was a handsome guy, see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Hetero, Bisexual, Blow job, Sodomy, Teens, Forty, Submission/domination, European, Maghrebin, Married
C'était il y a six mois, juste après ma sortie du placard. J'avais enfin décidé d'assumer pleinement mon homosexualité. Étant de nature très timide, je ne savais pas trop où aller pour rencontrer de beaux hommes. À vingt-quatre ans, encore puceau, ça bouillonnait en moi.Après avoir fait quelques recherches, j'ai découvert le sauna Sunbeach à Chambéry. J'attendais avec impatience le week-end, et en préparation, j'ai acheté du lubrifiant aux fruits, du parfum et des tongs. Oui, des see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Bisexual, Teens, Forty, First time, European, Maghrebin
Un samedi après-midi, vers 13h, je faisais tranquillement mes courses au Carrefour de L'Isle-d'Abeau. Alors que je parcourais les rayons, un homme d'origine méditerranéenne, environ 1m80, attira mon attention. Il portait un survêtement kaki qui moulait parfaitement son corps, laissant peu de place à l'imagination, et un tee-shirt noir tout aussi ajusté. De mon côté, je portais un simple bermuda, sans sous-vêtements. Rien de vraiment spécial.Cet homme s'est positionné nonchalamment dans see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Teens, Forty
In a secluded parking lot near Annecy, on a starry night, an atmosphere charged with desire enveloped the place. Four men, each coming from different directions, had arranged to meet, attracted by a palpable electrical tension. Philippe, a man in his forties with a well-groomed beard, was the first to arrive. He leaned against his car, his eyes scanning the parking lot as the headlights cast intriguing shadows around him. Shortly after, Guillaume, younger and visibly nervous, got out of his car. see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Bisexual, Teens, Forty, European, Maghrebin, Married
On a Friday evening, the excitement was at its peak. I had posted an ad on "lieuxdedrague croozr", setting up a meeting in Saint-Priest, Allée des Parcs, in the famous Feuilly Park, a place well known for its discreet meetings. I was ready for an unforgettable night, and I wasn't going to be disappointed. I arrived at the park around 10 p.m., the night was mild and the park almost deserted. Adrenaline was pumping through me, and I headed to a more isolated corner, where the vegetation was denser, see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Hetero, Bisexual, Blow job, Sodomy, Teens, Forty, Submission/domination, European, Maghrebin, Black, Sport, Married, Threesomes
### Rencontre Brûlante sur l'AutorouteMax, commercial toujours en déplacement, roulait sur l'autoroute A43 par une chaude journée de juin. Le soleil tapait fort, et la climatisation de sa berline peinait à compenser. Sentant le besoin de se dégourdir les jambes, il décida de s'arrêter à une aire de repos.À peine arrivé, il se dirigea vers le distributeur de boissons. En chemin, il croisa un routier imposant, vêtu d'un t-shirt moulant et de jeans usés. Les muscles de l'homme se dessinaient see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Hetero, Bisexual, Blow job, Sodomy, Teens, Forty, Odors, European, Married, Threesomes
I swam in the evening in a naturist pool near the Porte de Vincennes (which some people know if not frequent): I swam of course in skin clothes and I did lengths of 50 meters back and forth, while discreetly watching the little asses naked who came out of the water furtively from time to time. I must have already swum at least 800 meters.I must admit that this sporty, masculine and naturist atmosphere has the gift of stimulating me and motivating me even more in sport.After several lengths, I decide see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Hetero, Bisexual, Masturbation, Sodomy, Ados, Teens, Forty, Mature, European, Maghrebin, Married, At work