
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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Robert Chapter 2 (Sex Story gay)

Published by : clany the 05/04/2022 in the Gay erotic stories
Robert called me several times during the following week but our brief conversations remained very courteous and without future plans. I was a little surprised that no naughty encounter was offered to me.It was without knowing the pervert who inhabited it. Indeed, one morning my phone rang and I immediately recognized his deep voice. He suggested that I join him very early the next day at Place Denfert-Rochereau. He aroused my curiosity so I asked him for explanations. He complied to offer me to see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay

Robert chapter 1 (Sex Story gay)

Published by : clany the 22/03/2022 in the Gay erotic stories
It all started in 2005 one afternoon when I decided to go to a sauna in Montparnasse well known to Parisians. A rather mature clientele frequents it. After a good half hour enjoying the dry heat and the hammam, I take a good shower and then go upstairs. On the first floor, several cabins and a space where people observe each other in order to find an ideal complicity. I decide to wait a bit longer by going to see what is happening on the second floor. There, it's a little more direct with cabins see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay

first experience (Sex Story gay)

Published by : clany the 24/01/2022 in the Gay erotic stories
the summer of my 17 years I spent the months of July and August in Normandy because my father worked there as a seasonal worker. I was a little bored and my days were mainly occupied by the beach and swimming. One day I discovered an article in a local gazette which indicated the place where the practice of naturism was tolerated in the commune. A good week later I decided to go there in the hope of seeing naked women. I was rather attracted by the female sex although one fact had troubled me a lot see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, First time