
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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Me voilà prof... Après plusieurs années idylliques au cours desquelles j’ai fait de très nombreuses rencontres (voir mes autres histoires), me voilà prof dans un collège sur le plateau ardéchois. J’étais diplômé, mais le métier s’apprend face aux élèves, on me l’avait assez répété.Les premières semaines j’étais complètement absorbé par mon travail, les emplois du temps à gérer, les différents niveaux... Mes élèves étaient très ouverts, curieux d’apprendre. L’histoire see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Blow job, Sodomy, Vaginal penetration
Last episode of Alex's adventures, following the question of one of you.If in my different stories the encounters seemed idyllic, quite respectful and the pleasure shared, it was not always so... One night when I left Leo's, I felt followed almost immediately, muffled footsteps but the gravel betrayed them. I turned around and immediately a man who was behind me on the same sidewalk crossed. He had pulled up the collar of his jacket and in the darkness I couldn't make out his features. I let him see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy
He was strapped from head to ankle in a soft leather encrusted beaded jumpsuit, a zipper at the level of the penis and bare buttocks. Monsieur le Baron liked to be put… He looked at me from head to toe, testing the softness of my skin, adjusting a strap. “You are exquisite! ". I felt like a cream puff that we were going to look at with envy… He kissed me for a long time, greedily on the mouth… He looked at his watch. " It's time ! ". He took two small coats of arms from a table and attached see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy
Thirty minutes later the waiter knocked discreetly on the door and entered pushing a trolley on which was our meal and a bottle of champagne in a bucket. My guide served me. He was precise, attentive and his gestures were somewhat amorous. I unzipped the bathrobe I had put on again after taking a quick shower. I dropped him to the floor and stayed naked next to him. He caressed me while eating. Once again the meal was excellent and ended with a few glasses of champagne which made me feel the desire. see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Blow job, Sodomy
Started with Fabien ("Alex makes the hairdresser come") in the first months of the new school year, the year continued with a torrid meeting with a water polo team from LOU ("Alex plays in the showers with a team of water polo”) before I discovered the hidden resources of Brasserie Georges.Leo had told me about the "secret resources" of Brasserie Georges. “When you come in through the Cours de Verdun, head left on the benches. You sit there. You will see Angelo the waiter arrive at a run. You'll see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy
Surprise ! Ma dernière histoire annoncée (« Alex baise en relais-château ») est trop longue pour être publiée en une seule fois. Je l’ai donc partagée en deux.Par ailleurs, l’un d’entre vous m’a demandé si je n’avais fait que de belles rencontres… Réponse non et ça fera l’objet d’une histoire supplémentaire « Alex fait aussi de mauvaises rencontres ».J’ai vécu quelques aventures intéressantes au début de ma deuxième année universitaire. see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy
Surprise ! My last announced story (“Alex fucks in a relay-château”) is too long to be published in one go. So I split it in two.Moreover, one of you asked me if I had only met good people… Answer no and that will be the subject of an additional story “Alex also has bad people”.I had some interesting adventures at the beginning of my second year of university. Started with Fabien (“Alex makes the hairdresser enjoy”) in the first months of the new school year, it continued with a meeting see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy
The week passed, Laurent refrained from speaking to me, he avoided my gaze as if he felt guilty of some betrayal. I left it in its juice... On Friday evening we found ourselves once again in the apartment in the rue Chevreul. Some had gone back to Ardèche for the weekend. We were only five, finally six with the "girlfriend" of Laurent who accompanied him. He slipped to me, "She's the one who wanted...". I did not answer him. He spread his arms as if he were a victim of fate.Among the Ardèche students, see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy
Alex succeeds in his first fellatio, shakes the convictions of a hetero and finds an ally in the person of an adorable lesbian... At the start of my first year of college in Lyon, I was a little lost, I didn't know anyone. Until then I came on vacation to cousins ​​every year in August, but Paulo the cousin who had fucked me so well (see "Alex gets filled up nicely by his cousin") had just retired and moved on. settle in Vals les Bains in Ardèche. He and Paulette were leaving town when I was see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy
Je venais de passer un mois de juillet sublime à Biscarosse dans les Landes. Je m’étais offerte à mon ami/amant Yann. J’avais 15 ans lui en avait 16 (Lire « Alex on dirait une fille! »). C’était l’aboutissement d’une relation amoureuse qui ne disait pas son nom et ce grâce à Anne, la sœur jumelle de Yann. C’était aussi notre dernière année de vacances ensemble, leurs parents allaient s’installer aux États-Unis à l’automne. En ce début de mois d’août j’avais see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, Mature