I am single and measure 1m78 for 98 kilos.
I'm looking for a man between 18 and 70 years old for sex and I'm subscribed so motivated ! Registered since Subscribers only
Last visit Subscribers only
Location Cruising spot
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I'm looking for a man between 18 and 70 years old for sex and I'm subscribed so motivated ! Registered since Subscribers only
Last visit Subscribers only
About me : Fat, Bear, Kind, Friendly, Player, HOT, Sex, With man, With couple, With trav, With transexual, Threesomes, To be sodomized, Suck, Swallow, Kiss, Travesty, Submit me, Uro, Nature
I'm looking for : medium-sized sex, large sex, Player, HOT, Sex, With man, With couple, With trav, With transexual, Threesomes, Sodomise, Get sucked, Lick me, Dominate, Uro, Nature

Grosse bonne lope affublée d’une nouille sans intérêt parfois en cage de chasteté, cul/chatte offert(e) à ta disposition où a partager? Je l’offre à mâle(s) fécondeur et supérieur pour plan direct (porte parfois de la lingerie, selon souhaits) aime from, fessées, open à beaucoup, peu de tab - suis séronégatif PrEP - vacciné Mpox - no cash/escorte - plan plus cool avec actif au jus évidemment bienvenu. Dispo soirs et week-ends.
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