Cruising spots 45 - Loiret (Beach)

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Plage de Sandillon


Cruising spot gay in Sandillon

proposed by profilsupprime  (10/12/2024)

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Type : Beach gay
Cruising spots Loiret (45)
City :  Sandillon
Area :  Centre-Val de Loire
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
En face du super U en direction de Darvoy, prendre le chemin sur la gauche qui vous emmènera sur la levée, continuez 200 mètres sur la levée puis prenez sur votre gauche un chemin qui descend. Prenez le chemin jusqu'à la barrière. Garez vous avant la barrière, marchez 300 mètres puis descendez dans une petite pente qui accèdera sur la plage. Il y a rarement des couples hétéros, c'est plus souvent des hommes à la recherche d'une bonne bite !!!

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Dredges and integral tanning

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Type : Beach gay
Cruising spots Loiret (45)
City :  Beaulieu-sur-Loire
Area :  Centre-Val de Loire
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
From the Bonny Beaulieu bridge turn left (opposite to the base ULM). Arrived at the plate in buildings, park and go down to the Loire. The island is on the wooded area on the right. Many discrete locations.

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Beach in the Loire Becquinerie

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Type : Beach gay
Cruising spots Loiret (45)
City :  Lion-en-Sullias
Area :  Centre-Val de Loire
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Sully to Gien after Saint-Aignan-le-Jaillard, 1 Km turn left at a wooden cross, direction The lift and turn left for 100m and park in against low on the beach.

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The Bramble, St Gondon, beach after the dam of the central

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Type : Beach gay & straight
Cruising spots Loiret (45)
City :  Dampierre-en-Burly
Area :  Centre-Val de Loire
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
At St Gondon taking road lifting to the dam on the Loire Many naked guys, summer, cool opportunity meetings in front of the Central Electricity Company along the Loire on the up and the way in continuity

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Beach Sigloy to Leve towards chateauneuf


Cruising spot gay & straight in Sigloy

proposed by carthy  (09/08/2016)

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Type : Beach gay & straight
Cruising spots Loiret (45)
City :  Sigloy
Area :  Centre-Val de Loire
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
mixed and very quiet naturist place, Châteauneuf, take Sigloy in Sigloy turn right Ouvrouer Champs, do 400m turn right Jargeau, then take the 4th road on the right (green sign) * lifting of the Loire, on lifting take right, 600m to take the first road to left, 50m to park and walk down the beach.

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naturist beach Orléans / Saint-Denis-en-Val / Sandillon

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Type : Beach gay & straight
Cruising spots Loiret (45)
City :  Saint-Denis-en-Val
Area :  Centre-Val de Loire
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
From sandillon by the D951, at the 1st roundabout, take the first right and immediately the first left (rue clot). Continue straight to the end of this street. Take facing new home path (domain Melleray), follow this road until the street baili groslot turn left in that street, go straight and take after the slightly angled street that leads to the street the exercise. Turn right Street lifting, can do almost 1km on lifting up a white fence on the left of the road (at this point there are also traces of right parking or parked cars). Parking, take the small path next to the white fence, then the different paths left leading towards the Loire. Go straight to the groves of trees.

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