Yvetot pool Meeting

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Type : Swimming pool gay & straight
City :  Yvetot
Area :  Normandie
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Pool where there way to make joint meeting, sauna and steam room side that especially matt between guys! The steam bath is the more discreet. Moderator: like any public place, observe the place and do not eat there. It seems more that the place is heavily guarded, so be very discreet.

We remind you that exhibition and sexual practices are prohibited in public places.

Address :
1 Avenue Micheline Ostermeyer
76190 Yvetot

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Avenue Micheline Ostermeyer, 76190 Yvetot, France
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13 d. ago
Qui y va régulièrement ? Quand y serez vous la prochaine fois ? Contact en MP

18/07/2023 in 16h21
4:20 p.m., I'm there for my first visit, leave me a message

29/03/2022 in 18h14
Available on yvetot, let me know

27/08/2020 in 22h14
Hello, visiting Yvetot on Tuesday, cool spots ?? Thanks (mp)

05/11/2019 in 15h02
The world soon in this pool ??

02/07/2018 in 09h37
who wants to join this mid after noon?

17/07/2017 in 02h29
This week I'm thinking of taking a trip to the hamman

01/06/2017 in 09h58
Is there toujour the bottom of the world

30/01/2017 in 19h06
I avail jsui voiretrevu

27/02/2016 in 18h28
would hefty straight man for roguery, I subscribe

… history