Wood of the Bretèque: cruising spot in Bois Guillaume

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Type : Nature gay & straight
Area :  Normandie
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Leave Bois Guillaume through the village of La Bretèque. (Path Bretèque). Just after the last houses, turn left into the forest by the road in front of the bar "Cottage". The dredge is on the large car park or in the forest between the large parking lot and a smaller one at the other end of the forest road bel vent. Moderator: like any public place, observe the place and do not eat on site (and exit covered!).
Address :
2487 Chemin de la Forêt Verte
Bois de la Bretèque

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16/08/2024 in 21h29
Is it better than the bel event side? I've never been here but several times to the bel event...tomorrow morning I'm available?

19/06/2024 in 00h14
Salut, de passage sur Rouen pendant 2 jours, cherche à me vider les couilles sans prise de tête, si vous avez des bons spots à me conseiller n'hésitez pas. De préférence femmes ou trav/trans.

01/05/2024 in 18h55
good evening to you nice what time do you think you are going please and how can I recognize you thank you good evening

01/05/2024 in 11h41
I would like to show off my wife tomorrow night in her car in the parking lot.

27/03/2024 in 07h00
Hello, I will be there this afternoon, Wednesday March 27 around 12 p.m.

21/03/2024 in 10h10
Hello, anyone this afternoon Thursday 21/3 between 12:00 and 12:30? I'm waiting for a response, otherwise, I won't come. Have a nice day

07/03/2024 in 12h20
Hello, is anyone coming tomorrow morning March 8th at 9am to show off and suck each other off?

21/10/2023 in 11h21
Hello. A woman available in the early afternoon for an exhibition?

19/07/2023 in 13h43
Are there people late at night?

19/06/2023 in 20h12
I will be with a friend for voyeur she arrives around 11:30 p.m.

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