Toilets Center Beaubourg -1


Cruising spot gay in Paris

proposed by jerome94  (01/06/2018)

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Type : Public toilets gay
City :  Paris
Area :  Île-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Wc quiet at -1: 2 urinals and partition 2 cabins.

Want more security, discretion, comfort, and hygiene? Try Le Glory's (libertine bar with 14 gloryholes, X-rated cinema, labyrinth... in Créteil)

Address :
120-142 Rue Saint-Martin
75004 Paris

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120-142 Rue Saint-Martin, 75004 Paris, France
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31/01/2024 in 15h38
Are people going there?

28/03/2023 in 10h49
Plan cam now who wants?

12/01/2023 in 10h33
going to see Alice Neel expo at 3 p.m. will go to the toilet before and after....

30/08/2022 in 11h46
j'y suis allé la semaine dernière. Personne. 2 urinoirs séparés par une cloison pas trop haute et surtout un urinoir pour adulte et un pour les plus jeunes...par pratique pour un adulte. 3 cabines. je vais aller régulièrement à la BPI de Pompidou dans les semaines qui viennent.. je verrais bien. J'essaierai les autres toilettes, je verrais bien.

10/08/2022 in 12h02
thank you @thom1 for your feedback :)

05/08/2022 in 19h01
Yes the lower plateau where the photo gallery, the auditoriums and the projection rooms are located, we can circulate there without any tickets yes yes :) we are still not going to take tickets to go pee ^^'

05/08/2022 in 19h00
Yes the lower plateau where is the photo gallery, the auditoriums and the projection rooms we can circulate there without any ticket yes yes :) we still did not take tickets to go pee ^^'

05/08/2022 in 17h41
Hello, can we access it without visiting the museum? Ie is this a free access? Thank you for your answers

06/05/2022 in 09h22
Hello, is this place still active? I frequented it quite a few years ago but during my more recent visits (3 years ago all the same), nothing was happening there...

02/01/2022 in 21h32
Hello, I would like to combine the useful with the pleasant in this place... I await your proposals. THANKS

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