Boxxman and Boxx near the market


Cruising spot gay in Paris

proposed by bmexhib29ans  (08/06/2018)

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Type : Sexshop gay
City :  Paris
Area :  Île-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Boxxman, rue Cossonerie, RERA Chatelet Les Halles, exit door Lescot. The mega gay sex shop on two levels in the basement 12 cabins with video and gloryhole and a screening room / cruising. To the ground under you pay access and rest as much time as you like. Ability to walk to hair Jockstrap .. you are free. Any output is final. Coats and available gel. Drink machines, smoking area, toilets. The bags are not allowed in basement. We must therefore leave them to the body (the seller manages * cloakroom * giving a ticket. The population varies from 18 years, not less than 40 and as often more present to desktop output hours. The guys walking around, going in cabins, expose themselves or have sex in the video room. Easy to find something to empty his balls. Super nice after 20h.

Website :
Address :
1 Rue de la Cossonnerie
75001 Paris
Phone : 01 42 21 47 02

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1 Rue de la Cossonnerie, 75001 Paris, France
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yesterday at 09:47
Je serai au boxxman vers les 17h30 pour chopper de la queues, ma bouche et mon cul a dispo

11 d. ago
Hello to all who frequent this place I would like to know what time slot during the week there are the most people? I am rather sexually passive Thank you for your feedback, in private message if you wish

13 d. ago
I'm going early tomorrow between 11am-1pm approximately. If anyone wants to get pumped,

16 d. ago
Another good time spent at the boxxman today, good cocks in the mouth, and also in the ass hummmmm I'm still all dilated

16 d. ago
Hi! I'm going there this afternoon to suck and get sucked... preferably by bears! But stay open breast feeling... See you later

16 d. ago
bonjour, je serai de passage le jeudi 27/2 entre 14 et 17h30 poir une 1ere fois. je serai la pour vous et espere sucer et prendre plusieurs belles ne connais pas lieu , donc tous les conseils sont les bienvenus

18 d. ago
Hummm une petite heure, mais bien intense en plaisir. 2 bonne queue a la chaîne dans mon cul miammmmmmm

18 d. ago
Peut passage éclair de 14h30 a 15h45. Trop envie de queue A tout de suite les hommes

19 d. ago
Passage très rapide ce midi pour tester les horaires de 14h30 a 15h45. Vraiment trop court en temps, envie de rester plus Mais j'ai passé un bon moment, a sucer de bonnes grosses queues, et m'en prendre une dans le cul, c'est mieux que rien, et hummmm merci les gars

24 d. ago
Despite a late opening, and unfortunately having to leave early, I still had some pleasant encounters, a little nod to my right of passage, and to this delicious moment shared with many, grrrr that I had to leave, thanks guys

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