The forest estate Castillon

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Type : Nature gay & straight
City :  Port-de-Bouc
Area :  Provence-Alpes-Cô.
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
When you enter the forest estate Castillon, stopping first parking lot on the left nearby power line, stay in the car or walk in the pine forest: couples encounter two men. Moderator: like any public place, observe the place and do not eat there.
Address :
Cours Landrivon
13110 Port-de-Bouc

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Hôtel de Ville, Rue Gambetta, Port-de-Bouc, Istres, Bouches-du-Rhône, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France métropolitaine,
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before yesterday at 15:13
les matins9h 11h

20/01/2025 in 08h27
Who this morning for an exhibition?

04/01/2025 in 12h08
Hello, woman or couple this afternoon?

03/01/2025 in 23h13
Bonsoir Je viens d'y passé le vendredi 03 janvier 2024 à 23h15 ...suis resté un bon moment et j'y ai croisé personne...suis donc reparti...dommage

07/12/2024 in 14h21
Hi, I'm here for 30 min if anyone wants to have fun

28/11/2024 in 20h23
pourcpl tu joues les rageux toi et moi savons pourquoi alors déblatère sur mon dos et continues a parler sur moi sans savoir mais je ne suis pas certaine que cela t'instruiras si tu n 'as pas la capacité de comprendre que j ai d'autres valeur dans la vie que d afficher publiquement un pseudo tableau de chasse j'y peux rien monsieur 0 admirateur bien le bonsoir a vous

28/11/2024 in 20h19
And you have private messengers to serve your disagreements and not flood with messages on the pages of the places thank you in advance greetings

28/11/2024 in 19h24
Moilibertine it seems that you avoid your two-bit comments because on your profile we see none for someone who has a lot of experience you have few admirers

28/11/2024 in 18h48
Thank you, now I understand and of course as I wrote earlier some people like to read and/or hear this kind of proposition and those who don't like it don't have to leave comments to each his own tastes

28/11/2024 in 18h44
reds13 it's crystal clear though, she says that things are said in private but that respect is not to say them publicly. She ends by saying that everyone will form their own opinion. I think she just watered down the message so as not to add another layer after asking her in PM if you don't understand

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