The bridge located at the intersection of Street and D'alesia vercingetorix 75014


Cruising spot gay in Paris

proposed by jerome94  (21/06/2013)

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Type : Public garden gay
City :  Paris
Area :  Île-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
The place is at the intersection of Rue D'alesia and versingetorix Street, Paris 14 15 limit, above deck and the woods on the side. Night world often from 23:30 and 00:30

Want more security, discretion, comfort, and hygiene? Try Le Glory's (libertine bar with 14 gloryholes, X-rated cinema, labyrinth... in Créteil)

Address :
147 Rue Vercingétorix
75015 Paris

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198-200 Rue d'Al
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25/09/2023 in 21h16
Who's plan is juice?

09/10/2021 in 19h33
good evening poilubi I have never seen activity in this place

09/10/2021 in 17h37
Hello I live not far is this place real? Thank you

30/01/2021 in 19h53
I'm looking for a cam shot

24/08/2017 in 13h07
Seeking guy BM tail and very heavy balls shaved or waxed, to direct and regular plans. True passion addicted to the tail, I like the abundant ejaculations and swallow everything but sodomy, double soda, work nipples, I can receive in the 15th late evening or ext plane, car or other. sms 0644698872

16/06/2017 in 11h30
J live 2 minutes from this place and drags jy often late at night to suck it and give my ass ny not going to drag queen but I have long hair and string .... bipez me if you are there for emptying the balls. Kelly 06 23 05 80 14

17/08/2016 in 18h23
Looking for tonight around midnight 1h TBM guy, shaved cock and balls or shaved with large pendulous balls well full to empty, I like thick cumshot and swallow everything, I love puff balls, groove bottom. a little more would be shaved armpits or lambs or too fragrant or not enough that excites me greatly to lick Sms me 0756817341

18/07/2016 in 14h39
I receive now rue de Vouillé 15th TBM guy, tail and shaved or waxed balls with big hanging balls well full to empty, I like thick cumshot and swallow everything. a little more would be shaved armpits or lambs or too fragrant or not enough that excites me greatly to lick Sms me 0756817341

19/03/2016 in 14h26
I love the thick cock, shaved or waxed with good large well-filled balls dangling, I like the abundant ejaculations and acorns that wet a lot, I swallow everything. Contact me by sms to 0756817341 plane late in the evening

05/02/2016 in 13h03
I love the thick cock, shaved or waxed with good large well-filled balls dangling, I like the abundant ejaculations and acorns that wet a lot, I swallow everything. Contact me by sms to 0756817341 plane late in the evening

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