I went there today, the area is in full rehabilitation with the work for the marshalling yard, no more little corners, except for a late night plan this place is becoming to be avoided
Hello, I am looking for a woman and I mean a WOMAN who would like to spend a warm moment with me.
No one on the club side cheers
Invader uh sorry the roadside restaurant the Ailes bar
And there are at least three restaurants nearby...
Besides the place being called "Le Club de l'Acclameur" and not "Le club", it is in perpetuity from the place where you posted... Oh well there we were all going to guess for sure...!
Invader if if the club the cheerer
pourtrav8969, there is no establishment - restaurant or other - called LE CLUB in Niort...
Hello, passing by for the evening and the night. However, I won't be parked there for the night. I'll be parked in a restaurant. Not far from THE CLUB. I'm looking for a discreet plan with a transvestite. Guy in dirty lingerie or woman.
Squibby. Yes there is that. You just have to go to a libertine club and get to know each other, if you like it when one of the couples has a private party they invite you, it's as simple as that.