Small concealing Parking

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Type : Rest area gay & straight
City :  Niort
Area :  Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Small discreet parking lot to meet, but not to consume. It is better to go in the surrounding bushes.
Address :
Chemin du Lac
79000 Niort

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9 d. ago
I went there today, the area is in full rehabilitation with the work for the marshalling yard, no more little corners, except for a late night plan this place is becoming to be avoided

13/01/2025 in 00h27
Hello, I am looking for a woman and I mean a WOMAN who would like to spend a warm moment with me.

06/01/2025 in 21h35
No one on the club side cheers

06/01/2025 in 14h53
Invader uh sorry the roadside restaurant the Ailes bar

06/01/2025 in 14h44
And there are at least three restaurants nearby...

06/01/2025 in 14h40
Besides the place being called "Le Club de l'Acclameur" and not "Le club", it is in perpetuity from the place where you posted... Oh well there we were all going to guess for sure...!

06/01/2025 in 14h31
Invader if if the club the cheerer

06/01/2025 in 14h25
pourtrav8969, there is no establishment - restaurant or other - called LE CLUB in Niort...

06/01/2025 in 13h48
Hello, passing by for the evening and the night. However, I won't be parked there for the night. I'll be parked in a restaurant. Not far from THE CLUB. I'm looking for a discreet plan with a transvestite. Guy in dirty lingerie or woman.

31/12/2024 in 17h17
Squibby. Yes there is that. You just have to go to a libertine club and get to know each other, if you like it when one of the couples has a private party they invite you, it's as simple as that.

31/12/2024 in 16h08
go through libertine sites or go to a club

31/12/2024 in 15h55
@vinnie yes I am optimistic but I know that there are already groups like that in Niort and the surrounding area, but not having the balls to be able to join (although I know people), I'll try just in case

31/12/2024 in 15h15
@squibby: I don't want to depoeticize your optimism, but it's impossible. I know that well...

31/12/2024 in 13h52
I would like to create a libertine group composed of couples, singles, mainly heterosexual or bi-curious, hand-picked. The idea would be to have a private communication channel and to organize fun parties from time to time. If members are interested in moving the project forward.

18/12/2024 in 22h19
At the bottom of Massujat Street towards the railway line there were 2-3 vehicles parked last night. Does this area ring a bell?

09/09/2024 in 12h01
Bonjour si il y a des femmes ou couple je suis disponible ici ou ailleurs. Au plaisir.

18/07/2024 in 19h58
Hello if there are women or couples candauliste tonight I am there

06/05/2024 in 22h42
A little thank you to the guy in his thirties who kindly picked me up Saturday morning in the area, if you recognize yourself pm

20/02/2024 in 17h48
Some tonight?

04/01/2024 in 01h18
Libre ce jeudi à partir de 19h, alors si tu as envie de ma bouche autour de ta queue, voir plus si feeling, fais moi signe. Pas forcément sur ce site, mais dans les alentours, maxi 10kms de Niort

28/12/2023 in 12h01
Anyone around Bessines this afternoon? Who would like to suck me and get caught maybe?

21/05/2023 in 12h43
Passing through Niort today I am looking for a first anal experience for me

03/05/2023 in 10h00
People today?

02/05/2023 in 20h30
@yoyo79 c'est tout au bout du chemin du lac,il faut rouler sur presque 1 km,a éviter en journée où alors en plan sexfriend . Maintenant c'est moyen car ça à été clôturé sur certains passages empêchant l'accès aux bosquets.

24/04/2023 in 04h41
Hello, where exactly is this place located?

23/04/2023 in 23h28
Really a pity that I am far from this place I would have liked to participate and fulfill the wishes of Madame.

23/04/2023 in 22h47
Finding the sexcoquins79 was a treasure hunt but... the friend and I who managed to do it both got a worthy reward. ;) With a moved thought for those who waited in vain in the rain all afternoon in the golf course's small car park...

23/04/2023 in 16h40
Hello who wants to go there with woman or man

23/04/2023 in 16h39
Sexcoquins79 it would be with joy. ;)

23/04/2023 in 15h41
Hello there are a lot of people at the moment

23/04/2023 in 15h31
I want to go there to get my hard cock out

23/04/2023 in 15h12
I too am looking for a walk

23/04/2023 in 14h23
Hello @sexcoquins79 I can come for a walk with you if you want

23/04/2023 in 14h19
bjr want to go for a walk and meet beautiful tails to satisfy even your feathers

22/04/2023 in 22h07
Good evening world tonight

22/04/2023 in 21h50
Good evening @sexcoquins79 I can come if you want

22/04/2023 in 21h28
We are there even wanting cocks

15/03/2023 in 16h43
hello for evening looking for company a trans for a good time if she and activ even better in pm thank you

22/08/2022 in 22h06
@Squibby: cepafo, alas...

22/08/2022 in 20h49
@vinnie personally I do not recommend the golf course car park because even if there is a way to do something, the fact of grouping cars, of people who are going to turn, leave the condoms and kleenex on the ground, it won't last long, in general, the hunt for open places began a long time ago with the disappearance of groves, the establishment of fences, etc.

20/08/2022 in 09h21
personally I made a very tame evening plan

20/08/2022 in 08h55
@Squibby @cc79000: anyway enough said, this corner is not discreet at all. Bcp too many hikers and there are allotments nearby. On the other hand, not far away there is the golf car park, does anyone know if this is possible in the evening?

20/08/2022 in 08h40
Cc79000 for the moment it is under construction and the ongoing redevelopment will no longer allow anything during the day

07/05/2022 in 16h53
@bi1779: it's not much more isolated. There are quite a lot of passage of walkers. It's really not a daytime spot.

27/08/2021 in 21h55
A quote says that 'Cunning Fox hunts far from its territory', good more than to find another place that I will share (if I can find it)

24/08/2021 in 08h01
Hello from the world today?

22/07/2021 in 21h40
I'm there. I do not bother anyone I am alone. Lol

20/07/2021 in 20h02
This place is more a meeting place than a meeting place, for my part I sometimes go there with a friend. On the other hand, it would be good to respect the privacy of consumers because this week we were followed on the little way by a guy who wanted to watch and it's a bit cut off. If you want to watch, stay at a distance and discreet. And it's not just my opinion.

14/11/2020 in 22h37
Definitely too many walkers despite the confinement, well the two girls who saw me cock in the air in the car hesitated for a long time before leaving :)

14/11/2020 in 16h17
Anyone tempted to get pumped full? Here or elsewhere around niort, quick plan no blah blah

26/10/2020 in 13h51
Hello at the hotel next week in niort I am looking for a woman coupled with candau or trav to come join me and have a good time in pleasure

10/09/2020 in 12h58
@squibby absolutely that's why I don't indicate other places where I meet to avoid that and the starving people who stay for hours

08/09/2020 in 18h27
Be careful in some places like muron rest area and here there are police and gendarmerie patrols during the day, this morning a quick passage of a patrol especially not to consume on too exposed places

14/08/2020 in 19h00
Good evening everyone, I need urgent information for a next meeting with a married woman, could someone give me the address of a fucking hotel in Niort that does rentals? room during the day? because I searched on the internet and no results. Thank you for your answers in mp (and to avoid the messages for a threesome is not its style). thank you for your answers

15/06/2020 in 20h55
Niort is shy tonight?

15/06/2020 in 16h53
On site and for the night at the toll booth, fun time to share ...

20/04/2020 in 22h17
A woman available after confinement?

28/01/2020 in 19h56
Hello I am looking woman domineering or overbearing torque

30/11/2019 in 14h39
I want to suck the juice own ass, if TBM even better anywhere around Niort 16h beckon

10/10/2019 in 10h59
Hi jy pass late in the afternoon there will be t he a woman?

19/08/2019 in 20h13
No its not the calmer now and c is not so bad I think it out tonight if it does tell you to join to discuss

11/08/2019 in 23h48
I regularly pass midday scooter

09/08/2019 in 09h51
For jib79000. if you're not happy, use your hand like that you will do shit person.

09/08/2019 in 09h29
It's a shame to see how the presence of women can lead men to their animal instincts and make some detestable beings .. You do not have the same tastes nor the same expectations or what I nsais, cultivate your differences and especially respect yourself each other .. At worst, you know, but it is simply ridiculous to sinsulter by interposed screen

08/08/2019 in 14h26

08/08/2019 in 14h22

06/08/2019 in 17h58
Hello jy happening in 15 minutes a woman to meet sy?

05/08/2019 in 16h38
Hello One (or more ;-)) single woman or couple tomorrow around 16h in the area? (Mp in response bushes are not big enough to accommodate everyone in the corner apparently ;-D)

04/08/2019 in 11h21
So ... yesterday it was not a cat desert .. .. Ideal for strolling leisurely ^^

03/08/2019 in 07h14
I lot of fun to read reviews on this place. In my humble opinion, you find another place like this it's settled.

02/08/2019 in 20h27
I think there was an awkwardness Sandrine and Melanie, anyway it seems they will make more. I for one think it is better (for those who do not have a dick instead of the brain) to leave this place. I passed quickly at midday by making U-turn without stopping, at 17 pm and also guys still waiting frenetically in their cars. There is a year that I join the Secretary of the box lunch to flirt and very coquiner away from everything. She recontacts me last week to see like that, I think the car park and I realize it's a slaughter. This car park was quiet for illegitimate couple and now it is unthinkable to dare stop by for a woman. I just find another quiet place.

02/08/2019 in 19h43
No way You're going into an area of ​​the radius DIY lamps, you got a 50% chance of hitting a single woman who is lost between the powers, pellets and everything a big smile, I can help you and hop then it's more fun than sitting for hours in his car in a parking lot waiting for a miracle LOL

02/08/2019 in 12h03
I mean Arrase hedges ... very low

02/08/2019 in 12h01
Finally Why do you think many rest areas are closing on our roads and on why those are not closed DDE watered hedges and groves? For all these reasons the !!!

02/08/2019 in 11h59
To bounce a bit on everything it said on the site .... I ve and I continue to browse the site said dredge I make a statement after several years c is some lose some thread and thinking that beings on said a meeting place rather quickly forget that all this time al population or they are is not necessarily aware of the possible practices in this same place ... I beg you keep a cool head and took everything keep this reserve that preserves part of children and walkers without ulterior motives ... for my part I seek in these places that couples or women (rare) but jy have often seen guys get ahead my car, so I had to stop in the dark m and n that he had no idea who could be on board, so get the tail in hand .... No seriously ... at all D also one day there is one in which I asked if he wanted that I call the cops ... I'm sorry to say this but in the population of many homosexuals have n too few reserves .... again it is a statement on qq years on various places in the four corners of France ...

02/08/2019 in 11h47
Hello everyone, like every society there are educated people and others that they are not. I will retuurn to this place and add information on this site. You should know that most cruising sites referenced are places where it consumes 90% on site that we like it or not that's the way it goes and I travel France is everywhere. Emi J had a downside for this place and I even received messages like what I tried to turn this place. J warned that n was not a cruising spot but a place to stroll or so after 22h. No I have nothing against Melanie or Sandrine but we can not say that we can s away in thickets or consumed on the spot if there is the passage. The cruising grounds must remain places where there is no pass or family this is obvious. The naturist beaches for example, activity is never in the dunes and on the beach except at Cap d'Agde. It is important that everyone respects this so that everything goes well.

02/08/2019 in 11h44
Pffff When you do not want to attract flies, it does not shout from the rooftops where the cookie jar! We are contacted only by the profiles MP is selected and no problem

02/08/2019 in 11h23
The problem is other people

01/08/2019 in 11h51
Hello I spend yesterday afternoon bike wandering discover more about this place and I not seen anything that is said. I ask the little table to 1 km of the road so after golf a couple of 75 and 80 years is arriving sat we spend more than an hours discussing holidays and other very pleasant and friendly moment. You spend all this time some couples walkers with dogs, only women with a dog, parents with children with, sports and nothing more seen no adverse or other as written by some.

01/08/2019 in 09h06
It's the same everywhere it's sad that there are many sick everywhere like that. Good luck Sandrine Melanie and good people.

01/08/2019 in 08h43
Hello This site is very very hot, I like the hard games occasionally, gang bang, bukkake, ect. I had fun with cougarablac85, coupleexib, LA_ duchesse_25 for softer and also make beautiful meetings going on libertic rather, it is a really great site

31/07/2019 in 20h38
BSR me jy would tomorrow 01.08.19 little hope for every time 2/3 rascal and nothing else! apart just be that if SANDRINE wanders Sunday morning

31/07/2019 in 11h09
Hello, how are you ? I'm now much love niort coquiner man woman couple etc without cares I'm bi come tell me in private

30/07/2019 in 23h23
bj! would be on the car park from 11am to 11am 10 45 tomorrow 31/7 to suck beautiful tails (white Kangoo come tackle me)

30/07/2019 in 20h44
cc, I want a small plane tonight. That available? MP

30/07/2019 in 19h35
I am interested in Niort tomorrow homm or woman

29/07/2019 in 05h53
Who for this afternoon tell me in pm thank you

28/07/2019 in 12h01
Everything is possible but nothing is obligatory.. expect nothing except the unexpected.. according to the desires of others

28/07/2019 in 10h50
what are you looking for

25/07/2019 in 07h35
I would be Friday afternoon if there is a slut. thank you to leave me a message in private.

24/07/2019 in 11h17
Hello For your stick there's a blonde cougar tomorrow paul media who request queue that I have attended and it's great!

23/07/2019 in 22h38
Skibby I am not to denigrate this place and instead I wish that there was more pleasant place in Niort. I just warned this place there is a lot of passing and people are not necessarily libertines so be careful there are families.

23/07/2019 in 22h24
Sure I happened to see the police during my lunch break. He was just passing. Again this car is not a place to kiss in the day, it serves to park and see if feeling for plus.Pour must kiss away the groves. I practiced several times there and no worries. It's infuriating to see critics comments on this place which is convenient because it is the only hotel on the southern sector of Niort. I did not go since it became so popular but hopefully there are not pigs who masturbate in their day by car and draws attention to them. The cops also spend on other areas such as Muron. If there are members who don '

23/07/2019 in 21h48
Hi I am 31 laprem on niort if interested people tell me in private

23/07/2019 in 21h28
This does not surprise me that the police turn to this place since many family walks during the day, children are the bike for me the day it is a place to risk.

23/07/2019 in 21h10
I will go and I will be in 1 / 2heure

23/07/2019 in 20h51
Good evening everyone, jy pass around 13:30 am until 14h30et was when I left the police car so happened !! mistrust are also interested

23/07/2019 in 03h31
Indeed that subtlety and if places do not meet you in search of others do not bother to criticize or try to divert those who go there for your personal simple comfort Places of dredges and practiced since recencés all time by the libertines are not places or you'll necessarily find whores has provided research pending the hope attempts recognitions between libertines are also part of these plaisirx If you pay between a club or stay in the jonquera shiver and let us in peace

22/07/2019 in 22h42
I think to discover this place soon ...

22/07/2019 in 22h00
I probably spend tomorrow late morning or after noon.

21/07/2019 in 14h44
I'm all the way back

21/07/2019 in 11h26
You go couplexhib what time? To see if I can free myself thank you

21/07/2019 in 09h54
I will try to go to 14h30-15h after it might be practical to find a corner of sight not very far since it's still a car park

21/07/2019 in 09h45
Hello, I would be this afternoon

21/07/2019 in 09h28
Hello everyone, in gratitude to a white paper handkerchief unfolded on the table the driver's side, it will be easier to know who is there to licentiousness, the other day I did not dare get out of my car there were people, but people were there for their lunch break. Me, I spend Monday morning at 11:00.

21/07/2019 in 08h55
He should have world early afternoon

20/07/2019 in 23h18
Hello, I would spend a few laps Monday if the world interested in a plan left a lil message or pm me;)

20/07/2019 in 15h09
Seen anything I stayed 1/4 hour ...

20/07/2019 in 14h16
He got the worlds for both bi couple and subjected to complete pussy Mrs Mr loves licking

19/07/2019 in 18h17
So chavagne side, it's a hunter parking, there ps wrong place and Days It's in the shade, very isolated but very easy aces

19/07/2019 in 17h45
The ajax Chavagne side or side Chauray?

19/07/2019 in 16h43
The wood of the cut is not far from this one and there's the world permanently

19/07/2019 in 15h49
Yes kindling has vouille is much olus discreet during the day, it is really nice and very quiet place as

19/07/2019 in 15h26
It never has there person enormously passage is not discreet during the day. Pond of aiffres or small wooden vouille and much more conducive to roguery.

19/07/2019 in 15h23
Too bad, there were people?

19/07/2019 in 14h59
I was 14h to 14h30

19/07/2019 in 14h37
Someone around 17h?

17/07/2019 in 07h11
Hello Melanie 79. Yes no fool both by sunlight but is summer there is the risk of tourists with sun pares down the gaffe lol. can we still add a distinctive sign such decked sun set driver's side window and not on the windshield bad I would have liked to test this device with you but I will rarely Niort good day to all the naughty and rogues

16/07/2019 in 21h24
J am going there several times and I have never seen anyone and I do not see where this can cuddle knowing that there is switching to day.

16/07/2019 in 14h20
I want to go there but with a prior appointment

16/07/2019 in 10h03
This is true not easy to know who is there to make rascality, why not put the hazard lights just? I often pass but not always Trav myself in gratitude will put my hazard lights.

16/07/2019 in 06h15
Sandrine is nerd I passed around 16:30 yesterday

16/07/2019 in 00h47
Sandrine tell me when you want to go you recognize me

14/07/2019 in 14h54
If there is the passage but in the afternoon the other day around 15h there was a couple of about 25 years who was the dogging

13/07/2019 in 18h28
Nice people but never ....

09/07/2019 in 20h01
depui that I have found this corner jy'm alle a dozen times and never .... person when should it go ???

07/07/2019 in 13h10
jy happening this afternoon who wants to get sucked

05/07/2019 in 18h34
I'm to suck jy

04/07/2019 in 14h00
I'm going

04/07/2019 in 12h02
You will be dressed in trav 79 Julie?

04/07/2019 in 11h02
Yes, Duralex79 that's right, you come?

04/07/2019 in 10h06
This car park is the one at the foot of the Roy company after the impasse?

04/07/2019 in 09h20
I'll now 13h to 14h30

03/07/2019 in 14h51
There is someone?

02/07/2019 in 16h35
someone tonight?

01/07/2019 in 12h33
Hi, I'm in the parking lot there who just get sucked?

29/06/2019 in 18h53
I spend the next 30 minutes

29/06/2019 in 12h48
Hi, I'm anyone yet

29/06/2019 in 09h01
Mélanie 79 damage by the time I put it will make longer there it bad for me

19/06/2019 in 21h30
Hotel Grange June 19 Naked. The cock in hand. Rech partner cho. get now

19/06/2019 in 18h44
It's quiet in Niort. I who was hot to dump me. Get hotel for 1 night

19/06/2019 in 17h13
Hi I am at the La Grange Niort tonight 19/06 Rech sanstabout meks warm for the night. Gender galore. Empty the balls leave messages

18/06/2019 in 17h01
'M moving but not too far from Niort

18/06/2019 in 16h59
Hi everybody. Tomorrow Wednesday 19th I stay in hotels in Niort. Very envi kiss. Rech meks clean ..mince sanstabout. Leave Message

20/04/2019 in 09h24
What are the coolest places in the area ??

18/04/2019 in 12h11
Women or couples in day or evening? I will surely go check it out.

17/04/2019 in 08h10
Hello, I love to share naughty cuddling with men rather mature. Or near Niort ... kisses

06/04/2019 in 14h42
around 16:30 rather

06/04/2019 in 13h44
navigate possible late afternoon around 17:00

06/04/2019 in 13h38
Excellent corner I made beautiful face and full of possibility in the groves on the old railway line, it just their way. In the evening possibility of sex drive, other voyeurs or people who do the same thing no risk of getting caught

… close history