Sauna Club libertin Avignon - Le darjeeling


Cruising spot gay & straight in Avignon

proposed by jh1983  (07/04/2024)

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Type : Sauna gay & straight
City :  Avignon
Area :  Provence-Alpes-Cô.
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Visité pour un reportage, nous avons été tres tres etonné par le lieu que nous n'aurions jamais pensé aussi sympathique et bien tenu ( c 'est rare donc précisons le !) Un tres bel établissement, qui a reouvert dernierement et qui est en parfait état ! Un immense jacuzzy, 2 sauna dont un XXL , un espace Donjon amenagé , des coins calins ! Situé en bordure immédiate du rhone, il est facilement accessible en voiture, transport ou meme à pied Un lieu qu'il faut imperativement redecouvrir, idealement pour les couples libertins, mais egalement un lieu libertin mixte toute tendance La direction est connue pour faire le tri à l'entree afin de ne pas avoir de * perturbateurs * qui ne sont pas dans l'esprit libertin (ca aussi ca fait plaisir ) Vous pouvez lire notre avis sur TARIFS / HORAIRES / EVENEMENTS en cours de refonte sur leur site

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Phone : 06 01 89 50 16

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24 b, Chemin de l'Île de Piot, Piot, Avignon, Vaucluse, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France métropolitaine, 84000, France
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22 d. ago
Maybe Monday or sauna station. To see...

23 d. ago
OUVERTURE EXCEPTIONNELLE : LUNDI 30 DECEMBRE (14/19h EN MIXTE) d 'habitude c 'est fermé le lundi mais la pour les fetes venez vous detendre , et comme d 'habitude MARDI 31 ET MERCREDI 1ER nous serons ouvert 14/19h!

27 d. ago
Thanks for the info :-)

27 d. ago
HOLIDAY PROGRAM: WEDNESDAY 25th December: HOLIDAY ------ THURSDAY 26th: QUEENS/KINGS SPECIAL (the cake) HOST BY JEREMY 10/19H ------ FRIDAY 27th: MIXED with P. ------- SATURDAY 28th: ​​BEGINNER SPECIAL host by Jeremy ------- SUNDAY 29th: COUPLE SPECIAL (mixed couple (M/F) entries offered from 2 to 2.30 p.m. (limited to the first 6) with P. ----------- MONDAY 30th DECEMBER: EXCEPTIONAL OPENING: mixed from 2 to 7 p.m. >>> HOST BY JEREMY -------------------- TUESDAY 31st DECEMBER: 10/19h inclusive day (with maybe some surprises ^^ for our customers) host by jeremy --------------------------- WEDNESDAY 1st JANUARY: HAPPY NEW YEAR !! Kings & queen with free king cake 10/19h Host by jeremy -------------------------------

16/12/2024 in 08h33
INFORMATION the sauna will be OPEN on December 24 / CLOSED on December 25 >>> OPEN ON DECEMBER 31 and OPEN JANUARY 01 ----- Hello everyone, this week at the DARJEELING SAUNA - That's it we put a little reindeer who does pole dancing (you can take pictures near him) ^^ HOST BY JEREMY days: GOOD DEAL: by giving THE password (at the entrance only!) DARJEELINGTEA-lieuxdedrague >>> we offer you a special sweet darjeeling tea (VALID ONLY ON HOST BY JEREMY DAYS) Tuesday: special BI & INCLUSIVE (Friends transvestites "elegant" and transgender your entry is 20€) Wednesday MIXED sex and balneo Saturday: Special beginner --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE REST OF THE WEEK: Thursday/Friday: mixed and Sunday COUPLE BONUS advantage from 2 to 2:30 p.m. with the rest of the team: Information and prices on the Darjeeling website

16/12/2024 in 08h32
? Charter and Rules: ? Respect is essential at Darjeeling Sauna Club: You are entering a mixed establishment, open to all genders and sexualities. Any disrespect or non-consensual contact will lead to immediate expulsion and/or legal action. The premises are under video surveillance. ENGLISH: You are entering a mixed establishment, open to all genders and sexualities. Any disrespect or non-consensual contact will lead to expulsion and/or legal action. The premises are under video surveillance. ESPANOL: Estás entrando en un establecimiento mixto, open to all genders and sexualities. Any lack of respect or non-consensual contact will be punished with expulsion and/or complaint. The premises are under video surveillance. العربية: أنت تدخل منشأة مختلطة مفتوحة لجميع الأجناس والميول الجنسية. أي تصرف غير محترم أو تواصل بدون موافقة سيتم التعامل معه بالطرد و/أو تقديم شكوى. المكان تحت المراقبة بالكاميرات. TÜRKÇE: Tüm cinsiyetlere ve cinsel yönelimlere açık karma bir mekâna giriyorsunuz. Saygısızlık veya rızasız temas yaptırımlara ve/veya mekândan çıkarılmaya yol açacaktır. This camera will be used at the same time

16/12/2024 in 08h30
INFORMATION the sauna will be OPEN on December 24 / CLOSED on December 25 >>> OPEN ON DECEMBER 31 and OPEN JANUARY 01 ----- Hello everyone, this week at the DARJEELING SAUNA - That's it we put a little reindeer who does pole dancing (you can take pictures near him) ^^ HOST BY JEREMY days: GOOD DEAL: by giving THE password (at the entrance only!) DARJEELINGTEA-lieuxdedrague >>> we offer you a special sweet darjeeling tea (VALID ONLY ON HOST BY JEREMY DAYS) Tuesday: special BI & INCLUSIVE (Friends transvestites "elegant" and transgender your entry is 20€) Wednesday MIXED sex and balneo Saturday: Special beginner --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE REST OF THE WEEK: Thursday/Friday: mixed and Sunday COUPLE BONUS advantage from 2 to 2:30 p.m. with the rest of the team: Information and prices on the Darjeeling website

10/12/2024 in 11h25
Bonjour, du monde mardi après midi ?

03/12/2024 in 09h43
Bonjour, du monde mardi après midi ?

25/11/2024 in 09h11
Bonjour à tous, une nouvelle semaine au DARJEELING SAUNA - Avec une petite decoration de Noel qui commence à pointer son nez ... histoire de changer ^^ Journées HOST BY JEREMY : BONPLAN : en donnant LE mot de passe (a l'entree uniquement ! ) DARJEELINGTEA-lieuxdedrague >>> on vous offre un the soecial darjeeling sucré ( VALABLE UNIQUEMENT SUR LES JOURNEES HOST BY JEREMY ) Mardi : special BI & INCLUSIF ( pas uniquement , c 'est du libertinage ... mais c 'est plus une mise en avant ) Mercredi MIXTE sex and balneo Samedi : Special debutant PETIT BONUS : JEUDI 28 , visite de ENIPSE pour vos questions sur la prévention et le plaisir (ce n'est pas une journée HOST BY JEREMY) LE RESTE DE LA SEMAINE : jeudi/vendredi : mixte et le dimanche BONUS COUPLE avantage de 14 à 14:30 avec le reste de l'équipe : Infos et tarifs sur le site du darjeeling

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