Rest area (restaurant toilet at the end of the rest area)


Cruising spot gay in Gidy

proposed by profilsupprime  (07/07/2014)

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Type : Rest area gay
City :  Gidy
Area :  Centre-Val de Loire
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
After this rest area in direction (Paris-Orléans) is a restaurant / shop just above "Paul". There are large and fairly quiet toilet. The man next opportunity to exhibits / matting because the toilets are long (a first row of urinals and cabins and at the bottom again quiet urinals. Few people outside of meal times.
Address :
45520 Gidy

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E60, 45520 Gidy, France
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23/12/2024 in 08h07
I'll go there if there are people today

06/01/2024 in 18h21
Go back to Paris and look for a stop to empty my balls, preferably a lope...

09/12/2023 in 18h22
People to suck me and more

03/08/2023 in 10h34
Person ?

03/12/2022 in 11h11
Anyone there? I want to empty myself...

28/11/2022 in 23h05
I'm there until 1 p.m. tomorrow but I'm not gay

21/06/2022 in 08h31
I'm there for 15 minutes. If anyone wants to be dumped.

10/04/2022 in 13h38
who available?

09/02/2022 in 21h48
Hello, direction province/Paris, Thursday 10/02 of passage at the end of the day or the beginning of the night. I'm doing the Toulouse Paris trip, if available here or other places on the trip, message here or pm

13/10/2021 in 18h01
I'm there right now

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