Old Blockhouse on the cliffs - Fécamp


Cruising spot gay in Fécamp

proposed by mod_fr20e_paris  (20/07/2013)

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Fécamp
Area :  Normandie
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Quiet great site for fun. There is a garage next door to wait for potential lovers. I've done some pretty hot encounters. Fécamp, take the direction of the Notre-Dame-du-Hi (Lighthouse Road - D79). Moderator: like any public place, observe the place and do not eat there.
Address :
Sentier des Douaniers
76400 Fécamp

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D79, 76400 F
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15/07/2024 in 10h03
No one... do you all have empty balls? I can't believe you

15/07/2024 in 09h31
Well seeing the crowd but no one in the WC I'm going to take a look at the blockhouse near the parking lot left of the chapel

16/04/2024 in 07h08
I am at the blockhouse on the chapel side ;)

25/03/2024 in 09h18
Joli couple bi cherchons mecs à sucer dans le secteur Valmont/Fécamp/Cany A domicile ou ext ou voiture nous prendrons beaucoup de plaisir à vous en donner à 2.

18/07/2023 in 09h18
Meeting on the side of the telephone relay, or the blockhouse right next to the toilets

17/07/2023 in 12h31
Site closed landslide!

26/04/2023 in 14h47
I am there a lot of tourism

03/04/2023 in 07h44
Since the landslide, closed car park and blocked hiking path, suddenly direction Colleville

03/04/2023 in 07h08
I'm going to check it out, if anyone wants to get sucked

03/04/2023 in 05h28
Anyone today?

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