New Sex shop 69lovestore Blois

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Type : Sexshop gay & straight
City :  Blois
Area :  Centre-Val de Loire
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
New location (69 blind love) to Blois. This sign is already present in Tours since 1986. It is a place with an industrial and baroque decoration. There booth, projection room, backroom, holes box. Open: Monday to Saturday. (12h / 19h from Monday to Friday MIXED) Friday night (19:30 / 0:00 gay party or special couples) Saturday (14h / 19h Straight) free and discreet private parking

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Address :
11 Rue Jacques Gabriel
41000 Blois
Phone : 0953481480

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9 Rue Jacques Gabriel, 41000 Blois, France
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13 d. ago
Present de 14h30 a 15h30

13 d. ago
Je poste sur ce lieu mais vais me ballader sur secteur Blois. Femmes ou couples qui veut jouer

16 d. ago
Je vais cet après midi, vers 15h00, au lovestore, en belle tenue. J'espère rencontrer des coquins et des coquines (mesdames aussi pour vous être soumis(e)) Tout acte sexuel protégé bien sûr.

25 d. ago
Il y aura du monde demain dimanche 2 mars pour me retrouver c ine première fois que je mis rendre suis bi

21/02/2025 in 07h33
Du monde aujourd’hui ?

06/02/2025 in 18h24
People tomorrow on this place

31/01/2025 in 19h06
Good evening, unfortunately we will not be able to go to this establishment tomorrow, due to the damn flu.

31/01/2025 in 07h42
I will be there on Saturday

31/01/2025 in 07h04
Morpheus offers his submissive Calliope at Love Shop 69 Saturday February 1st from 3pm to 5pm for young men (45 years max) submissive and greedy woman will be offered with the greatest respect and impeccable hygiene. Protected sex and it's up to you to bring your condoms and wipes. Good humor and games will be part of it. Come chat before registering for the EVENT. We reserve the right to refuse rascals.

30/01/2025 in 16h35
Hello, I will go for a ride on Saturday if you are interested let me know.

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