Neoness defense


Cruising spot gay & straight in Puteaux

proposed by bcj971  (09/08/2018)

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Type : Sports Hall gay & straight
City :  Puteaux
Area :  Île-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Gym defense. Changing rooms for men or in the showers like cabins.
Address :
2 Passage de l'Arche
92800 Puteaux

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Cours Valmy, 92800 Puteaux, France
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21/10/2024 in 11h48
Anyone have the room??

07/09/2024 in 01h55
is there still something happening or not?

31/07/2023 in 17h45
Who has the room I am passive

12/04/2022 in 16h09
Salut les mecs, il se passe vraiment des trucs dans cette salle ?? Merci

02/01/2021 in 16h01
So in lack of exhib. Who in the industry wants to see me naked today? Possible to pick me up at a specific point on La Défense and take me to your place or to a quiet corner around 7 p.m. before curfew. Am very docile so ask if you have any particular wishes.

28/01/2020 in 19h32
The passage tonight?

18/11/2019 in 19h11
People tonight in the shower around 20h in open booths?

11/11/2019 in 14h41
No I do not go today

27/05/2019 in 08h08
The passage morning?