If you want a REAL massage NATURISTE and TANTRIC evolved

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Type : Private parties gay & straight
City :  Paris
Area :  Île-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
After Éclusé cruising areas, some rest! Chouchoute up ... I suggest you live a moment of discovery, fun, gentle. A moment of happiness. Give yourself the original gift (or offer it) to get yourself pampered during an exceptionally long: + 2 hours! Yes, + 2 + ACTUAL HOURS 3 HOURS or a quality massage. Far from worries. Enjoy a REALLY OUT OF ORDINARY provision, unique to Paris and visit my website below. You will learn more about what founds ORIGINALITY my approach and how my body's approach is unique. Place your trust in good hands! Yves Website SHOWN abundantly and decorated many LINKS chosen carefully:

Website : http://maessage.wordpress.com
Address :
42 Rue du Louvre
75001 Paris

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42 Rue du Louvre, 75001 Paris, France
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27/11/2024 in 11h38
Hello, we are looking for one or two active men for Thursday afternoon with a very hot and demanding job. Please reply to me in PM for address and conditions. Serious ad.

26/11/2024 in 12h01
Hello, we are looking for one or two active men for Thursday afternoon with a very hot and demanding job. Please reply to me in PM for address and conditions. Serious ad.

26/11/2024 in 08h44
Bonjour, je suis adepte de bons massages sensuelles , je connaissais pas votre lieux et je suis intrigué par votre annonce, c’est un salon de massages, un appartement,(autre) je serais curieux d’essayer et pourquoi pas devenir un fidèle client, pour l’instant j’ai juste fait des massages avec femme , mais je suis pas fermé aux hommes aussi. Si vous pouvez me dire un peut plus sur vôtre lieu ça serait oool. Merci d’avance.

25/11/2024 in 20h59
Hello, we are looking for one or two active men to go to a submissive shemale's house on Thursday afternoon around 3 p.m. The shemale receives in Paris 18th serious ad message in mp for address and explanations if necessary

03/12/2023 in 19h57
Hello, we are looking for a couple appreciated or hf for Wednesday late afternoon with submissive work and active h message in mp received in Paris 20th serious ad

16/11/2023 in 04h56
Hello, are you available this evening?

12/02/2018 in 20h21
Ch pair I can be two active if requested (optional, not required) want to cuddle and / or licking woman to make jouire

07/02/2018 in 06h19
hello pui I know the price

31/01/2018 in 19h13
Good evening couples seeking men tbm not too hairy and with impeccable hygiene profile picture please for evening of 03/02 biz