Fronholz Dir Mulhouse rest area

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Type : Rest area gay & straight
City :  Sainte-Croix-en-Plaine
Area :  Grand Est
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Fronholz rest area on the highway Colmar in Mulhouse, at all hours but especially in the evening and early morning, get to the bottom of the car after the truck, right, move the fence (open) a small road to cross, enter the wood facing is very unobtrusive and wood is huge. There are wooden and toilet (parking), but the wood is 100 times better.
Address :
68127 Sainte-Croix-en-Plaine

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Aire du Fronholz, Sainte-Croix-en-Plaine, Colmar-Ribeauvillé, Haut-Rhin, Grand Est, France métropolitaine, 68127, France
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6 d. ago
Bonjour, j'y serai vers 21h pour qui veut se br****** sur mon leggings simili cuir

13 d. ago
Du monde demain après midi vers 16h?

18 d. ago
J'y serai Mardi 11 vers 7h20

26/02/2025 in 10h13
Salut, cherche des actifs pour ce soir

25/02/2025 in 11h16
Qui y va vendredi 28/02/2025 la nuit

24/02/2025 in 17h57
I'm fronholz until 10pm waiting for some defoncers for my ass

18/02/2025 in 15h30
I'm here for old pervert who wants to jerk off and get sucked

17/02/2025 in 13h37
Quelqu'un a envie de sucer ou de se faire prendre?

15/02/2025 in 12h24
Who's late tonight?

13/02/2025 in 17h38
I stopped this afternoon around 3:30pm in a grey Ford, anyone from here?

… history