Along the right side channel


Cruising spot gay & straight in Colmar

proposed by fredou  (02/04/2016)

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Type : Nature gay & straight
City :  Colmar
Area :  Grand Est
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
On leaving Colmar Horbourg management channel port after the bridge. Take the left path, going to make the first bridge. There have a forest, take the trail. Turn made for women and couples lack. Caution remain discreet.
Address :
Rue de la Digue
68000 Colmar

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A35, 68000 Colmar, France
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25/02/2025 in 11h18
Qui vendredi 28/02/2025 la nuit

31/10/2024 in 06h31
Cc à tous nous sommes un couple bi tous les deux et nous serons sur Colmar le week end du 9/10/11 novembre pour des rencontres sympa avec de préférence des hommes bi ou des couples, nous pourrons recevoir à l’hôtel les nuits de 9 au 10 et du 10 au 11 , donc si vous êtes intéressé n’hésitez pas à nous contacter ici ou par sms au 0638330105. Bisous à tous et toutes !!!

21/08/2023 in 16h59
Gone quickly today. Clearly traces of more or less recent activity but deserted. On the other hand, there are plenty of nettles for the submissive not wise;)

24/08/2022 in 16h51
J’y serais d’ici 30mn, qui m’y rejoins ?? Aujourd’hui Mercredi 24/08 vers 17H15-30

18/04/2022 in 21h13
Yes there are people regularly

18/04/2022 in 20h46
Yes there are people regularly

18/04/2022 in 18h13
Is this place still moving? It seemed dead to us this afternoon.

05/03/2022 in 14h39
Willing to empty me? Write to me if ever

21/12/2021 in 07h50
There are people there

26/07/2020 in 16h35
Seeking for Thursday evening July 30 submitted to take care of me at lnhotel B and B logelbach

… history