Beach Berthenay


Cruising spot gay in Berthenay

proposed by samdev54  (13/03/2021)

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Type : Beach gay
City :  Berthenay
Area :  Centre-Val de Loire
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Gay naturist beach at the confluence of the Cher and the Loire. Parking: Parking nearby the railway bridge on the D88, or coming from Cinq Mars la Pile, park along the railway bridge after leaving the D952 and cross the Loire walk on the bridge path iron.
Address :
37510 Berthenay

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D 88, Île du Passeur, Berthenay, Tours, Indre-et-Loire, Centre-Val de Loire, France métropolitaine, 37510, France
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30/12/2024 in 21h11
I can go there tomorrow around 4pm to jerk off and show off...

30/12/2024 in 17h39
A woman or couple available this week? No matter the location I travel, pm me

05/10/2024 in 14h12
Hello everyone this afternoon?

17/09/2024 in 08h06
Hello, a couple or a woman interested in going out to the beach on Thursday or Friday? and maybe GB plan or another place if you want. Looking forward to it

13/09/2024 in 19h01
It remains a public place, there is no appropriation to one community over another, everyone is free to frequent these places whatever their sexual orientation, just like public heterosexual swingers places, whoever wants can go...

13/09/2024 in 15h27
Bonjour, Pourquoi les gays s'appropries tout les endroits propices au rencontres, tel qu'une plage tranquille ou il fait bon vivre nu sans vis a vis ? Elles ne vous sont pas uniquement destinées !

17/08/2024 in 10h16
Very very eager for a woman, if someone is available in the area let me know, I can come at any time.

16/08/2024 in 11h17
Hello everyone today?

12/08/2024 in 06h50
Hello, I'll be there this morning for an exhibition for women or couples.

10/08/2024 in 10h49
Hello everyone, who is going today?

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