Abandoned house for straight sex

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Type : In town straight
City :  Castelginest
Area :  Occitanie
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Abandoned house in the fields with mezzanine, hidden, quiet. Ideal for gang bang and plurality or several couples. (Open house unfinished, broken windows, but fields around)
Address :
40 Chemin de Belbosc
31780 Castelginest

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02/05/2021 in 22h07
If its interests a couple or woman I by from Wednesday to Sunday in the Aude near Quillant. I have room to accommodate and welcome you for the night at 3. And see if organized our thing If you want to come paced 1 or 2 night do not contact me

31/12/2019 in 15h06
Jesuisatoi00 If you're in this place I come

30/05/2019 in 14h20
Bi passive but not inactive receives discreet hotel Sesquuières Thursday, June 6 from 12 am until Friday 7 am. Mouth, ass shaved (size 38) welcoming. Light subject, I lick, suck and make me sodomize long and deep. My fantasy: the RFP. If you come to two it will try! The bedroom door will not be closed at the same address key night ... and room number communicated to interested.

15/04/2019 in 10h15
Laura is she coming?

14/04/2019 in 23h51
So is there a world?

14/04/2019 in 23h19
Lack the main interested

14/04/2019 in 23h18
Laura there?

14/04/2019 in 23h07
I'm with a scenic 3

14/04/2019 in 23h06
I'm currently

20/09/2018 in 15h42
Disguised in available in villa north Toulouse Monday, 24/09 from 10:30 to 14h for hard sms sex for appointment June 19 90 95 37

20/09/2018 in 15h07

20/09/2018 in 13h46
Places cans that houses Newly !!!! The 40're a new home

20/09/2018 in 12h34
Hi if you go to keep me juice

13/09/2018 in 16h47
Hi Who accompany me tonight Thursday, September 13?

08/03/2018 in 19h45
Without panties and down, needs to be heated

20/01/2018 in 13h26
couples or woman this weekend ??

13/11/2017 in 16h11
A couple or woman for Wednesday lunch? For a scenario to define together? Nice little break

07/11/2017 in 09h26
It's super quiet, no interested couples or women?

28/10/2017 in 15h04
Same for me

27/10/2017 in 15h12
I am willing to discover the place, someone to take me there and give me ...

24/10/2017 in 16h04
Couples or women for a visit to this place?

23/10/2017 in 16h02
jy went Saturday morning I have not found except a farm and abondonnée lot of housing

22/10/2017 in 23h29
A couple or woman interested in sex or exhibitionism speed this week?

22/10/2017 in 22h34
Good evening, I have also hard to think that it would be normal for people living nearby to see several cars parked near the house "abandoned" or on the road near the junction leading to it !!!

20/10/2017 in 17h38
if vousc like mature trav I can be there tomorrow morning

20/10/2017 in 15h47
J'll do a tour there tomorrow morning

19/10/2017 in 07h48
Why do you say ca lecheur82? Questcequi is bizare

18/10/2017 in 19h51
Cool. J go try.

18/10/2017 in 17h04
I had put the address update but apparently the plan has not been updated here. Yes quite

18/10/2017 in 12h17
the world today?

18/10/2017 in 12h12
yes finally found but more c path belbosc

18/10/2017 in 11h38
Yes the house is After the farm, it is seen from the farm is surrounded by fields

18/10/2017 in 11h12
The house is after the farm?

18/10/2017 in 11h11
yes way but we can leave the car beside the near an abandoned farm road where there is a tractor

18/10/2017 in 11h02
Take the dirt road?

18/10/2017 in 11h00
it's hard to think the uninhabited all the same, and there are necessarily neighboring ...

18/10/2017 in 10h51
No it is not closed and is open

18/10/2017 in 10h27
C is the farm?

18/10/2017 in 10h24
https://www.google.fr/maps/place/34+Rue+de+la+Carasse,+31780+Castelginest/@43.6975703,1.4244313,3a,75y,235h,89.74t/data=!3m6!1e1! !!! 3M4 1sfmo4UWq_ggWbLW25S5cZVQ 2E0 7i13312 8i6656 4M5 3M4 1s0x12aea4229def0f95!!!! 0xd9bbe4d89e2445e1 8m2 3d43.6973662 4d1.4240934!!!

18/10/2017 in 10h23
No, it is in the middle of the field, no house around ...

18/10/2017 in 10h13
isolated isolated ... are just several houses around

… close history