Beach of Raitrie (near the Plaine sur Mer) instead of naturist dredge, mixed and gay.

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Type : Beach gay & straight
City :  La Plaine-sur-Mer
Area :  Pays de la Loire
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
For the D13, follow signs Préfailles, and the last large roundabout just before the Plain s / Mer, turn left completely, always towards Préfailles, D313. There at the next roundabout, Sharp left D751 towards St Mary s / Mer - Pornic by the coast. After a few hundred meters, turn right (towards La Raitrie). Go until the end. There is a car park and there at each end of the car park, a path down to the beach .. (Naturist beach allowed).
Address :
Lieu-dit La Raitrie
44770 La Plaine-sur-Mer

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08/09/2024 in 15h12
Hello, a woman or a couple here or another place moves or receives me very easily

02/09/2024 in 09h16
Salut j y serait dans une heure envie de sucer se faire sucer...??????

01/09/2024 in 23h23
Dans la région actuellement, qui me fait découvrir le lieu

01/09/2024 in 14h23
Une femme ou un couple hétéro ou bi cette après-midi ou soirée sur ce lieu ou un autre lieux. Je peux également recevoir. 06 63 68 13 36

27/08/2024 in 18h48
Je vais aller me promener la ba demain apres midi

25/08/2024 in 14h47
Bonjour une femme ou un couple en recherche de tendresse..très disponible sait prochaine semaine car en vacances 06 63 68 13 36. (Pas intéressé par les hommes seuls)couple bi pourquoi pas

22/08/2024 in 15h39
Salut Josval1, dommage j’étais sur place la semaine dernière, jnzurzis bien aimé te rencontrer….

22/08/2024 in 11h30
Bonne fin de vacances josval1 au plaisir sur Un autre endroit

22/08/2024 in 08h53
Vacances terminées nous n'irons plus

21/08/2024 in 12h33
@josval1 : Je peux sans doute y être demain, mais entre 12h et 16h. Vous y seriez ?

21/08/2024 in 12h24
Non josval1 si on ne descend pas c que l’on cherche des mecs et pas de nana

21/08/2024 in 09h28
Nous y sommes chaque fin d'après-midi avec notre chien boxer noir. Elle aimerait bien avoir un ou deux mâles bm qui lui propose de la baiser dans le sous bois, mais les hommes présents ne descendent même pas de leur voiture. Dommage car si il sont bm, il leur suffirait de lui dire qu'ils ont envie de la baiser

17/08/2024 in 10h09
Bonjour, Nous irons sur le parking de cette plage régulièrement le soir la semaine prochaine, avis aux hommes bm et vigoureux, mais aussi aux voyeurs

15/08/2024 in 10h18
Bonjour, Nous serons dans cette région a partir de lundi 19 soir, nous recherchons une plage naturiste sympa acceptant les chiens, avec un parking pas loin ou nous pourrions poser notre van pour les nuits. La femelle sera offerte à des hommes ,bien, voir très bien montés, le soir idéalement lors de dogging contact en mp

12/08/2024 in 16h29
Envie de mater sur se lieux me donner vos plan en privé

07/08/2024 in 17h39
Serais dans les criques vers le camping "les amis de la nature" ce jeudi pour profiter de la mer et de toutes les opportunités qui pourraient se présenter, parasol bleu vert

06/08/2024 in 05h31
Je suis en haut du parking si quelqun de matinal

06/08/2024 in 05h26
Pas grand monde à cette heure

05/08/2024 in 20h21
J'y suis en string

05/08/2024 in 18h52
des bites a sucer la bas ce soir?

05/08/2024 in 18h50
du monde ce soir?

03/08/2024 in 19h06
du mondela bas le matin

28/07/2024 in 14h22
Bonjour disponible pour rejoindre ou recevoir femme couple hétéro ou bi ici ou un autre lieux de votre choix. Je peux également recevoir sur la commune de chauvé ou me déplacer sur Nantes ou st nazaire tel 06 63 68 13 36

20/07/2024 in 20h01
Good evening available to receive or join a hetero or bi couple or a woman (we can dream) this evening or another day available until the end of August continued relationship possible 06 63 68 13 36

13/07/2024 in 16h43
An area or a cove to show off??? Recommended times? Mature or very mature man preferably

09/07/2024 in 16h26
Qui pour me sucer cette semaine couple de préférence ???

07/07/2024 in 12h20
Bonjour une femme ou un couple à rejoindre pour s amusé ici ou dans un autre lieux 06 63 68 13 36

04/07/2024 in 19h03
De passage la semaine prochaine en fin de journée pour un peu d'exhib sur la plage... Pour me reconnaître, j'aurais un petit truc en plus :)

28/06/2024 in 12h10
On confirme notre présence cet après-midi, on y sera même dès 16h30 ! Même endroit que d'habitude dans la forêt.

26/06/2024 in 17h40
On va profiter du beau temps ce vendredi 28 juin, aux alentours de 17h, pour décompresser de la semaine, avec des hommes bi actifs en priorité, histoire qu'on puisse en profiter tous les deux, Mathieu et moi !

16/06/2024 in 17h37
Peut être j aurais bien aimé me faire sucer

16/06/2024 in 15h09
Bon ba personne aujourd'hui non plus du coup j ai tout cracher sur un arbre?

16/06/2024 in 10h12
Superlot, merci de nous engueuler mais tu peux nous indiquer à quel moment on a indiqué notre présence ce samedi 15 juin? On a précisé à tous ceux qui nous ont écrit en privé qu'on ne serait pas dispo aujourd'hui, entre la météo et des occupations de prévues, on ne risquait pas d'aller à la Raitrie ...

13/06/2024 in 15h01
Personne dans le coin dommage j avais les couilles pleines

02/06/2024 in 20h11
Thank you to the men who came, to those who were there by chance, active or just voyeur, and thank you to the fantasists who were supposed to come, we did not miss you, next time we will indicate the nicknames of the fake plans

01/06/2024 in 20h21
We will try our experience again tomorrow, this Sunday, June 2, at 4 p.m., having enjoyed this afternoon, looking for dual active men, tender with Madame, rather dominant with Monsieur if possible, under Prep therefore available without a condom, always with a Traffic white, but given the weather it should be in the forest like this afternoon (follow the small path in the middle of the parking lot)

01/06/2024 in 17h09
Thanks to Mika and Pascal for coming, very good time of exhibitionism and sex

01/06/2024 in 12h57
At 4 p.m. we will be parked towards the back of the parking lot, White Traffic

29/05/2024 in 17h58
Hello, we will go for a walk in the parking lot with our converted van and in the woods (depending on the weather) this Saturday June 1st around 4 p.m., Madame likes tenderness, Monsieur is passive bi loving to be fucked, we will both be available to be naughty, being on Prep we both go bareback. We have a strong preference for bi-active men, so we can enjoy it together!

25/05/2024 in 22h37
Quelqu'un veut se faire sucer ?

21/04/2024 in 18h32
Week end de 4 et 5 mai nous y sera avec ma femme on veux que des personne de moin de 35 ans et vener pv

22/11/2023 in 12h37
Woman or straight couple this afternoon MP meeting

08/10/2023 in 12h53
Bonjour disponible pour couple hétéro ou bi ou femme seule ou couples de femmes sur se lieux ou ailleurs selon vos désirs sinon je peux recevoir ou vous rejoindre à l hôtel si vous préférez 06 63 68 13 36

02/10/2023 in 10h06
Du monde de prévu aujourd'hui ?

30/09/2023 in 21h11
Bonsoir disponible sur ce lieu pour femme couples hétéro ou bi je peux me déplacer ou recevoir chez moi à 15kms

30/07/2023 in 20h48
Hello Franck available from July 31 to August 15 for women or couples receive or move me discreetly 06 63 68 13 36

12/06/2023 in 00h12
Je cherche un jeune bogoss bien monté à pomper avec faciale un soir cette semaine. Sur la plage ou dans les bois

09/06/2023 in 10h21
Bonjour du monde se week-end demain matin tôt ? Biz

09/06/2023 in 09h11
Une femme ou un couple pour s amusé suis très disponible. Me déplace ou reçoit facilement

03/06/2023 in 16h53
J'y vais demain (dim. 4 juin) de 15h à 19h environ. Pour couple ou femme voulant m'accompagner à la plage

03/06/2023 in 13h30
Une femme disponible?

27/05/2023 in 20h04
Bonjour une femme ou un couple à rejoindre ce week-end ici ou peut recevoir en toute discrétion

22/05/2023 in 16h51
Qui a envie de se faire sucer et de me prendre ?

28/04/2023 in 05h30
Hello, we are a couple and we are looking for a woman or a worker available tomorrow Saturday. Send us a kiss message

06/02/2023 in 12h16
hello available all week for a woman or a couple who wants to have fun 06 63 68 13 36

05/02/2023 in 17h54
I am a woman or a passing couple?

05/02/2023 in 09h58
hello a woman or a couple this Sunday, February 5, 2023 moves me or I can receive in all discretion

29/01/2023 in 17h26
Good evening a woman or a couple

16/01/2023 in 22h44
Potentially someone in the evening or tomorrow evening?

13/01/2023 in 12h34
Hello everyone, is the access to this place practicable? With the rains, often very muddy…. Thanks …

12/11/2022 in 07h18
Tonight I exhibit my Female for Voyeur of all ages!

07/11/2022 in 14h56
A woman available today?

23/08/2022 in 12h14
Bjr I will be there this afternoon

12/08/2022 in 12h16
I'm going to take my wife there this evening for pleasant moments in respect where she will take great pleasure like last Tuesday's in the same parking lot!

10/08/2022 in 07h09
I'm going to go there this morning to exhib and get sucked off in mini black shorts with the tail in flower or a thong under my towel…. Please contact me for an appointment…

10/08/2022 in 00h35
My wife fingered tonight she came like a slut Thanks to the only Voyeur present

09/08/2022 in 21h47
I was there this afternoon. If the one who came to take his lunch break naked recognizes me, he should contact me.

24/07/2022 in 04h37
I'm going there Monday morning

17/07/2022 in 17h33
I'm going there, I'm going to spend 1 hour there ready

17/07/2022 in 11h49
Si tu es un mec bi sympa et mignon, passe nous aborder. Ou MP avec photo

16/07/2022 in 18h39
We are going to the beach tonight, hoping to meet a bi man there, clean, pleasant and friendly. If interested PM with photo Open to suggestions if another place nearby

04/07/2022 in 01h34
Anyone on Monday 4/07? PM quickly

29/06/2022 in 16h30
Couples or trans tonight? Or men for side coast

23/06/2022 in 12h57
A woman or couple to meet in the morning..

22/06/2022 in 05h59
Someone to take my ass today?

14/06/2022 in 23h41
I'll be at the beach at noon this Wednesday

05/06/2022 in 13h45
Hello, was this someone from the site this morning in the woods? While a man in blue was watching us, without daring to join us...?? Pm if yes please

29/05/2022 in 19h22
Hello I will go there at the end of the day after work.

16/05/2022 in 07h34
hello, I will be this Monday, May 16 at the beach of La Raitrie on the gay side, in the rocks. I pump, jerk off, and blow myself up with enduring assets. Orgy possible, pics and photos ok. Between 12 and 4 p.m., it is also possible to find me in the woods, if interested, contact me in pm.

22/03/2022 in 15h39
I would like to sunbathe there on Friday

15/03/2022 in 10h39
I'll be there in 30 mins

12/01/2022 in 10h22
I'll spend some time on the beach this AM for whoever wants to put me on

19/12/2021 in 10h44
I will be there this AM from 2 to 5 p.m. black jacket and fluorescent yellow notice to good bandeurs

18/12/2021 in 12h16
I will be there this AM black and fluorescent yellow jacket notice to good bandeurs

13/12/2021 in 13h11
Someone from here this morning in the parking lot… The one who sucked me off before being disturbed…. Let me know I have a proposal

06/11/2021 in 15h23
Je suis pres des casemates now ..les bons bandeurs....

19/08/2021 in 20h19
Modification 1 to 4 p.m.

18/08/2021 in 22h01
pity no one tonight

16/08/2021 in 05h09
someone this morning before sunrise I go to the beach in thong

14/08/2021 in 19h29
people over there tonight

15/07/2021 in 17h24
Bonjour , si quelqu’un est intéressé, Tte neuve, juste essayée...une belle fucking machine portable. En sac à main pour vous suivre partout D'autres photos sur demande Télécommande / adaptateur pour gode perso plusieurs vitesses et positons. discutable … MP pour photo et plus … Cordialement

03/07/2021 in 11h11
Plan carresses, Ms. see more

19/06/2021 in 18h15
J.y serai demain dimanche le 20 juin de 15hrs à 17h30 au fond du parking vêtu d'un shirt fuchsia Recherche actif

19/06/2021 in 10h28
I passed last night and access impossible, barrier at the level of the farmer and his dog in freedom (German shepherd)

13/06/2021 in 23h55
Tomorrow I would be there a good part of the day (see my profile), come and see me if interested.

09/06/2021 in 07h38
Hello everyone, I am looking for accommodation for Monday evening June 14th, if anyone has a plan !? :) to the pleasure

06/06/2021 in 13h27
I think I will go there at the end of the day around 6 p.m.

03/06/2021 in 10h49
At the end of the week depending on the weather ... Near the Biochon car park ....

31/05/2021 in 08h47
Tomorrow, Tuesday June 1, will be in tanning mode around 12:00 am offered to all male

26/05/2021 in 18h44
People to go there on Saturday? contact me

07/05/2021 in 10h15
I want to go for a walk to discover this weekend, the site is accessible? send me mp

21/03/2021 in 13h05
Hello, anyone here yesterday morning Saturday around 8:30 am in the woods? MP please

19/03/2021 in 08h16
Hello, somebody there this morning?

17/03/2021 in 22h48
Hello, from the world possibly tomorrow morning 10h10h30?

03/03/2021 in 14h09
A woman to join me there?

22/01/2021 in 08h56
Hello, has access become practicable again? Is it accessible without ruining your fund or getting bogged down? Thank you

10/11/2020 in 18h41
I'm here again ...

09/11/2020 in 23h36
Back tomorrow morning around 9:00 a.m.

09/11/2020 in 17h04
Would also be there this evening around 6:45 p.m.

08/11/2020 in 23h33
Tomorrow Monday 9/11 in the beach parking lot .... between 9:00 am and 9:45 am ....

02/11/2020 in 19h03
Even if confinement I'll be around tomorrow for work. Contact me by mp if interested ...

21/10/2020 in 13h59
A woman available this afternoon?

19/10/2020 in 14h23
A woman available today?

21/09/2020 in 18h09
Plan jerk off and make me suck

19/09/2020 in 08h16
I am going to take advantage of it this high tide weekend for in addition to a walk, to go fishing on the beach,

18/09/2020 in 10h36
I'll be there around 11:30 am to suck one or more big manly dicks ... too much desire to swallow juice.

15/08/2020 in 08h03
Hello, from the world tomorrow morning? 8h?

13/08/2020 in 14h50
Hello who's going tonight at 6 p.m.

09/08/2020 in 23h11
Visiting tomorrow morning from 7:30 am. Mp for appointment.

09/08/2020 in 13h31
I'm for the holidays if someone says it, let me know

09/08/2020 in 10h35
I move. If you want to be sucked and more, message in PM. Am in the Pornic and La Plaine sur mer sectors for a few days. Hmmmm! Want some juice ...

09/08/2020 in 01h58
I pump thoroughly at the block haus, in the forest this Sunday. I take my hole very flexible without problem. Green garden mountain bike.Don't be shy.

26/07/2020 in 15h15
Suck all the tails at the blockhouse, this Sunday, green mountain bike. 3 p.m. at ... Next taf. Nice open hole to take on demand. Don't be shy.

26/07/2020 in 11h51
Someone from the site this morning in the parking lot, in a white car dressed as a chick? MP please ....

25/07/2020 in 11h22
Ch.plan Q with mature gay H for sucking, anal, etc. In nature, towards Blockhaus forest or travel to the La Plaine sur Mer sector. Urgent and serious. Hygiene and discretion. 06 11 19 28 48

24/07/2020 in 13h07
In the big wood near block haus mountain bike green garden for sucking and anal indoors, this afternoon, don't be shy. See below.

23/07/2020 in 19h08
Otherwise, I'll be in the big wood near the blockhouse to suck and have me put in it. ATV green garden, this weekend of 25 July 26. I suck cocks of all ages so juicy. Can move to the local inhabitant for the shy... Will be in La Plaine sur mer in CC on Parking CC, to fuck also in my CC but not too discreet. Move me a few km. Don't be shy, I'm very naughty with vicious daddys.

23/07/2020 in 18h18
Hello, Ch cocks to be sucked early so juicy, from my CC on La Bernerie P rue Jeanne d'Arc or outside. nearby meets on the beach mountain bike. I also have myself put indoors with "the inhabitant" in the Bernerie sector. Serious and urgent plan. 06 11 19 28 48

21/07/2020 in 12h41
Someone from the site this morning in a gray Mercedes in the parking lot? MP please

12/07/2020 in 13h53
I am thinking of taking a walk there tomorrow afternoon

12/07/2020 in 08h17
Y vais aujourd'hui pour une journée de plage et plus avec mecs Dernière crique en remontant la pointe St Gildas

04/07/2020 in 15h10
People this weekend?

01/07/2020 in 08h49
I spend the evening around 9 p.m.

23/06/2020 in 07h53
I'm going there Friday noon. I hope I can meet ...

29/05/2020 in 19h19
In terms of barrier gesture, is the bukkake okay, is it safe? ^^

02/10/2019 in 00h59
I would Pornic has lhotel Saturday 5 midnight hour, if an asset wants to come in the night to have fun it'll be delighted. Details give in MP

17/08/2019 in 15h42
Hi, I spend tomorrow

16/08/2019 in 19h48
Good evening is t he world tonight? Woman or couple?

04/08/2019 in 23h45
I'll be there Monday, August 5th at 11am, feel free to contact me by mp :)

03/08/2019 in 10h17
World ajd?

21/07/2019 in 21h46
I will spend tomorrow afternnon

02/07/2019 in 22h49
I passed this afternoon. It was very nice !

21/06/2019 in 20h32
The world tonight?

25/05/2019 in 19h24
tomorrow the world

17/05/2019 in 17h06
Hello world tonight I'll go around 19:30 in sexy outfit

20/04/2019 in 18h00
Tomorrow between 11h00 and 13h00 to map sucks

03/10/2018 in 22h05
Bsr interested to APRM morning or hot end of October I am passive to active of all ages

24/09/2018 in 18h46
Who for a beach day tomorrow kiss

23/09/2018 in 16h07
tomorrow day range from 10 to 16h

15/08/2018 in 10h27
J'y serais cet après midi

12/08/2018 in 19h27
Bsr I rechch welcoming mouth pr tonight on pornic.merci not contact me by mp

04/08/2018 in 00h20
I'm vac 15 jrs on a lover of stiff tail ds a corner mp are the bvn ...

20/07/2018 in 19h02
I'm still ... 30 / 45min

18/07/2018 in 15h23
Make a sign when qqun there. I often pass by bike, either in the morning between 8 and 10 am or in the evening after 19:30. Ok to matter, whether oral sex hairless. Am voyeur, ok for couples, can take care of Madame and Monsieur ...

18/07/2018 in 11h43
Qqun right now to exhib / map sucks?

16/07/2018 in 19h52
We have visited this past weekend have 2 good day welcoming family Plage discover

20/06/2018 in 22h06
World tonight to suck do this or more ?? ;-)

20/06/2018 in 11h14
Bjr I think it out in the evening! If there are people c with pleasure! Hugs

19/06/2018 in 06h54
I plan to go this Wednesday, June 30 from 10:30 am to 12 pm Would like to meet couples with human not bi or bi or bi guy Feel free to express your interest in my proposal if necessary ... soon

21/05/2018 in 10h27
I'd be all aprem somebody?

19/05/2018 in 12h32
J'm there ... it is very quiet .... what a shame with this sun

19/05/2018 in 09h20
J are going this aprem, woman or couple?

18/05/2018 in 11h09
Qqun available this afternoon for soft and friendly meeting?

15/04/2018 in 15h22
Next Wednesday to enjoy the retuurn of warm weather in the afternoon

18/09/2016 in 16h19
Superb afternoon dmg as the sun was not at the rendezvous I will come back for sure

16/09/2016 in 23h40
Ccou I'll be there tomorrow APRM kisses

13/09/2016 in 05h38
bjr beautiful Sunday, I'll be there

14/08/2016 in 12h12
Passing this afternoon at 3 p.m.

11/08/2016 in 16h59
I'll be there tomorrow on the beach all day for reciprocal garbage (to the blocos at the stroke of 17h). enjoyed orgy plan.

13/07/2016 in 06h28
passive Cesoir around 23h toutr tail drain any possible plan

04/07/2016 in 14h32
The world this week?

30/03/2016 in 09h16
Thursday I'll be ready on the bare ass beach to make me jump

21/03/2016 in 18h30
hello or flirt are right now I went this apm I have not seen or does it go?

11/09/2015 in 10h36
search for girlfriend t beautiful brunette man or exhibitionist couples, and more, easy approach prop serious, blacks and appreciate mature men

11/09/2015 in 10h30
my friend goes there frequently beautiful brunette alone ... it alternates with that of mr hulot, contact me, exhib ...

16/07/2015 in 17h26
J will be there on vacation last week dE July 1 to August was gay beach on the right, left á naturist ..... Small cove and rock, there á What have fun .... J fondly Remember the last year ..... even in the parking lot you can do QQE thing .....

23/05/2015 in 17h57
The world tomorrow afternoon?

05/01/2015 in 22h20
Who would find me?

21/07/2014 in 00h03
I would be tomorrow around 15h or Tuesday 10:30 dice ...

15/07/2014 in 05h08
J will be last week of July every tanning session after lunch ..... and relaxation interspersed with exhibitionism, fondling, sucking and fucking .... hom, short wife C'est les vacances ....

11/03/2014 in 19h13
The world with the retuurn of the sun?

06/03/2014 in 18h47
Tomorrow apm 24:30 / 4:30 p.m. on beach

20/10/2013 in 10h17
who wants to go there this after noon? Contact by email

28/08/2013 in 15h24
1st day, great, full coves and ........ No less than 3 knowledge of the AM, different heads for ers, is also the place, proof is the last story is complete s 4 and in the parking lot, I've changed my dress, I made a happy face in the car, he can recognize .....

23/08/2013 in 07h15
Bjr everyone, will be in the plain on 27 and 28 August, c h bi, gay for times am pm matt wall 1.75 68 kgs, WB, loved games and caressed exhib ++++++

16/08/2013 in 12h52
Around 16 pm on 20 car or Fourets

13/08/2013 in 12h41
On the parking to 22h ....

08/08/2013 in 18h30
J will be ap Monday lunch with my wife!

25/06/2013 in 12h49
I will pass on the parking lot this evening about 9:30 p.m. ..... :))

20/06/2013 in 18h55
I search join Cpl same is brown like to review

10/05/2013 in 22h28
Super p'ti this corner, I'm passing in the area and this morning pt'i turn down. Chance I could suck a nice cock and I had my dose of good juice. I'm going back tomorrow morning at 11:30 for the fans.

30/03/2013 in 12h45
if the sun is among us surely I will pass through the WE leave me message for appointment to +

20/02/2013 in 11h00
J y surely paserai this w-end (22-23 February) Leave message for Rdv

27/10/2012 in 13h04
who will be there the weekend of November 1?

29/08/2012 in 23h33
rather on the sides in the rocks!

27/08/2012 in 23h43
if the morning if there are possible plans, I tested it works!

25/08/2012 in 02h09
I'll probably Thursday or Friday if a woman or couple confirmed their presence to me on those days.

09/08/2012 in 11h44
Cc ki appointment for a naughty let me post

07/05/2012 in 09h19
Y would this ap Monday 07 May, around 15h / 15h30 until 17h + / -... Am washer eater and receiver piss and juice, quick plan, direct, free waffle and one way ... with pictures ...

… close history