Vichy drive carpool parking

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Type : Parking gay & straight
City :  Espinasse-Vozelle
Area :  Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Small parking near the Vichy road near the A71 access with woods around. Quiet place.
Address :
Route Nationale
03110 Espinasse-Vozelle

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06/10/2024 in 18h53
J’y passe vers 20h pour soulager qui en a besoin

21/08/2024 in 22h28
Quelqu’un est chaud ce soir pour un plan ?

19/07/2024 in 23h47
J'y suis, personne ?

12/06/2024 in 16h10
That's almost it, I would have preferred another tub in the other hand

12/06/2024 in 16h08
Un p'tit bouquet d'églantines dans l'autre ?

12/06/2024 in 16h05
J’y suis j’attend ma grosse bite à la main

24/08/2023 in 20h04
Bonjour je suis garé sur le parking après le rond-point direction vichy qui veut s'occuper de ma bite

28/06/2023 in 18h42
A very happy woman or couple in the morning before going to work?

14/06/2023 in 19h45
J'y suis, très ouvert

31/05/2022 in 00h05
Me too, I don't know why?

29/05/2022 in 22h21
Moi aussi 18x4actif vient de me blacklister, je ne sais pas pourquoi puisqu’on ne s’est JAMAIS parlé mais bon, c’est pas grave car de toute façon, c’est pas du tout le genre de mec qui m’intéresse

29/05/2022 in 19h45
18x4actif, before blacklisting people learn to read the files when you contact, and if you just suck, I don't see where you are active....

10/05/2022 in 10h37
hello, on Vichy tomorrow Tuesday, want to get sucked, or mutual sucks! In pm, for an appointment, thank you

14/09/2021 in 15h59
This place sucks

14/09/2021 in 15h26
I'm going to Vichy tonight. Someone to take care of me??

23/06/2021 in 08h31
Someone wants to be jerked off and stroked by a slut in uniform and exib send message between 2 and 3 a.m.

23/04/2021 in 17h49
Who in less than an hour?

31/03/2021 in 14h13
If anyone wanna get sucked this afternoon send me a pti message!

09/02/2021 in 06h22
Who this morning 7:30 am ?? A little sucks in the fresh

04/02/2021 in 14h29
Who around 4 p.m.?

20/01/2021 in 12h52
Couple or woman this afternoon around Vichy?

05/06/2019 in 11h29
We must remain objective and realistic guys! I had no site ensures you meet people! It is only a way to bring people searching for the same things! It must also provide the means to meet! To go to the other! And do not patronize unlikely places! As carpool parking !!! Or highlight the place where there is never uninteresting person !!! Just be consistent! It is only common sense!

14/04/2019 in 21h10
It is a carpool parking, right on gingham axis gannat nothing understated in any case I think not dwell one day

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