Attention il y a us une agression , des mecs avec des capuches qui ont agréssés 2 gays , la Police est sur place , je suis partis sur la Porte Champerret .
@christine7592 Merci pour ce rappel judicieux. J'espère que tu te remets rapidement de ta mauvaise soirée et que cela sera plus qu'un mauvais souvenir.
Je viens de rentrer chez moi et je tremble encore . Ce soir en rentrant du travail je suis passer au parc à Maillot , sans me faire d' illusion vus la pluie. je traversais le parc j' ai tourner 2 fois parce que j' avais croiser un grand black tres mince , la 3éme fois j' ai fais demi-tour et j' ai tracer ma route, par chance un lampadaire ma sauver la vie, alors que je revenais ver lui le lampadaire a fait briller la lame du couteau qu' il avais dans la main droite j'ai compris de suite. Le parc de la porte Maillot est un endroit calme et tranquille , et pourtant ?? Soyez prudents la nuit sur les lieux de dragues restez à la lumières et regardez les mains des gens qui viennent face à vous , sans ma vigilance je ne serais peut etre plus là a écrire ce méssage. Bonne soirée à toutes et à tous.
@ marena , je ne te connais pas je ne t' ai jamais rencontrer à Maillot ou ailleurs et tu te permet de porter un jugement sur moi , pour ton info ma bouche n' est pas une poubelle , maintenant si tu a du courage commence par mettre une photo de toi sur ton profil plutot que de jouer Fantomas.
Quelle princesse !!!! Elle va nous faire toutes les bites de Porte Maillot maintenant
Quelle difficile cette Christine
P.S / j' ai oublier de préciser , la queu propre SVP sinon je suce pas et j' avale pas .
J' y passe à minuit en rentrant du travail en espérant sucer une belle !!!
Bon , c'est pas la pleine lune , mais les H sont en chaleur , ce soir en rentrant du travail habiller en mode mec, 3 H qui chercher a se faire sucer. 1 black de 30 ans grosse queu et couilles pleines , 1 rebeu de 25 ans et 1 asiat soit disant Canadien à Paris pour les JO. 3 bites dans ma bouche , il y a longtemps que j' ai pas vu ça au parc. Je viens de rentrer maintenant dodo demain je bosse à l' hosto mais peut etre que demain soir en rentrant du travail ????????
I'm stopping by this evening around 11:30 p.m. on my way home from work, I hope to find something to suck there.
Hello passing through this evening around 10 p.m. 11 p.m. I think
Salut ce soir des trav de présent ? Si oui Mp
Last night there were 3 gay men looking for people who were wandering in the park then 2 others arrived, I left Pte Dauphine, and 2 hours later I came back, these gentlemen had done their business in the grove where we can do things and they left their handkerchiefs and condoms on the ground, I picked up everything and put it in the trash, LEAVE the place clean, it's not a public dump, if the gardeners discover this it's a blow to be cleared by the police . The park is clean, respect the place.
I notice that there are a lot of curious people who want to know where my Pte Clichy corner is. I flirt with Bld Berthier in front of the theater and then head to my quiet corner 3 minutes away, super quiet, no police crossing, a super quiet corner, if you're curious, look carefully, you'll end up finding it, it's not difficult, you just have to look up the eyes
I will be Pte Clichy this evening, I will be in a super quiet place, I will be in front of the Théâtre de l'Europe on boulevard BERTHIER between 11 p.m. and 2 a.m., priority for young people (whites, blacks, rebeus), but all ages are accepted so clean. This is where I have my best encounters on weekends with gay bi straight people.
Aprés le square Anselin je suis passer au Parc de la Pte Maillot , toujours sous la pluie, j' ai attendus environ 10 mn un H de 30 ans est arriver pareil il chercher a se faire sucer, je m' en suis occuper . Je constate que les soirs de pluie ne décourage pas certains de ces messieurs. Je repasserai ce soir à Maillot à 22 H peut etre que le hasard feras que .....
J'y passe ce soir à 22h30 , je reste 30 minutes , si personne je part .
Merci pour la réponse la dernière fois je suis tomber sur un jeune qui m’a complètement vider je retenté ma chance de soir si quelqu’un est là
#christine7592, je suis bien d'accord avec toi, ne sommes nous pas des princesses après.... Avant tout !!!
Sympas les mecs qui m'écrivent en MP " Salut salope , dispo pour te baiser comme une chienne , ou me défoncer ", Sachez une chose bande de Tartuffes je ne rencontre pas les poubelles qui squatte sur les lieux de dragues , commencez par laver votre langage avant de venir jouer les castors sur un site de rencontres. Les," salut sa vas , ta un bo cu , j'ai envie de te bésé ", ça donne une idée de votre éducation.Passez votre chemin et vous ferez des vacances a beaucoup de monde .
J'y suis passer hier soir en rentrant du travail vers 01 H du mat, juste par hasard, j' au us raison je suis d' abord tomber sur un JH de 23 ans qui chercher a se faire sucer, ensuite j' allais partir un black environ 30 ans est arriver et je l' ai sucer, aprés je suis rentrer. J'étais persuader y trouver personnes , et le hasard a fait que ..., meme le temps les a pas décourager. J' y repasserai ce soir aprés mon travail, peut etre que la chance sera a nouveau là .
Réponse a soms , oui c'est mort, sauf certains soirs ou on peut tomber sur un coup mais il faut souvent attendre 45 mn voire 1 heure , y trouver son bonheur c' est aprés minuit le vendredi ou samedi, le chantier casse tout il faut attendre la fin des travaux du tram , par contre ils agrandissent le parc et ils vont dégager le chapiteau du cirque , ce sera plus cool comme avant , en attendant faut se contenter du square Anselin Pte Dauphine. Pas facile pour les habitués de Maillot mais faut faire avec .....
Ici aussi c’est mort ? Ww
Du monde dans le coin ?? Je suis là
Bonjour, une petite info pour les utilisateurs de "facebook", j' ai étais informer de l' arnaque par 3 de mes chouchous. Certaines de vos publications peuvent etres liker avec un coeur par " Travesti coquine", en fait il s' agit pas d' un travesti mais d' un site FB , derriere lequel se cache des hackers , bannissez ce site immédiatement , ne cliquez meme pas un "j'aime" , ils rentrerons dans vos donnés perso et ils arriverons jusqu'a votre compte bancaire, un de mes habitués c' est fait dévaliser son compte de 17 000, 00 euros , prudence et méfiance. Bonne soirée à toutes et tous.
Lines to empty this evening??? Leave pm
Lines to empty this evening??? Leave pm
Christine 7592 I share with you in the parking lot of the Malpasset dam. All trends To frequent at night Thank you for this message
Bah voila les vacances dans le Var c' est fini je suis rentrer aujourd'hui à Neuilly, vendredi retour au travail à l' hosto. J' ai découvert 2 lieux de dragues là bas , 1 le parking du barrage de Malpasset , 2 le parking du champ de tir du 2eme RIMA, vraiment top , des gays des bi , des couples ( les femmes en couple sont venus me parler), des gens vraiment gentils, toutes les tendances mélangés et tout le monde se parle, autre chose que les lieux de dragues de la région parisienne ,quand aux travs que j' ai rencontrer et avec qui j' ai parler et copiner vraiment bien . Si vous alllez dans le Var je vous conseille ces 2 lieux , la nuit pas le jour , vous verrez c' est vraiment bien et sans agréssions.
Des queues à vider ce soir ??? Laissez mp
Pour ceux qui m'envoie des méssages je suis pas à Paris je suis en vacances à Fréjus, j' ai trouver un super lieux de dragues référencer sur le site , "Parking du barrage de Malpasset", j' ai copiner avec une jolie trav de 48 ans "JULIA " , et vendredi on s' est fait cartoucher Hot par 3 JH super sympas, la bouche les fesses, éjac facial et buccal , une vraie partouze, si vous allez du coté de Fréjus et que vous cherchez un coin baise la nuit allez y c'est super sympas .Pas a frequenter la journée trop de promeneurs. Par contre il y a des jeunots bien chaud et sympas qui y vont la nuit.
I have just arrived in Fréjus for a few days, can someone tell me about night cruising places, accessible by car?? Thank you for your information
I'll be there tonight around 11:30 p.m. to suck, hoping to find a big squirter there.
Pas Top avec cette histoire du jeune de Nanterre , Pte Dauphine , Maillot et le bois de Boulogne craignos avec les racailles qui tournent, pte Clichy idem , je me suis rabattus sur la Pte Champerret c'est calme, je vais y rester asser tard pour sucer mais ailleurs c'est non trop dangereux
Queues to clear tonight??? let pm
J' y passerai aux alentours de minuit pour voir si il y a de la queue a sucer
Queues to clear tonight??? let pm
Il est 1 H je vais quitter mon travail a l'hosto a 1h 30 , je passe au parc vers 02H 30 si personne pour se faire sucer je me casse rentrer dormir.
J'y passe a 01 heure du mat en sortant de mon travail pour voir si il y a de la bite a sucer , si il y a rien 01H30 je suis partis
A nice surprise this evening on retuurning from work, 2 straight guys aged 29 and 32, who wanted to try getting sucked off by a guy, 2 nice guys who liked it and who told me very soon. I did not expect such a nice surprise on this place tonight
Little info: last night after a busy day at work, I walked around my house around 11 p.m. / midnight to take a breather and clear my head, living not far away, I went for a walk towards the Pont de Puteaux , place where I never go, and there .... surprise there were 3 cars parked and 5/6 H who turned on foot. It is on the left side of the Pont de Puteaux coming from Neuilly on the other side of the Ile gymnasium, does anyone know this place and can give me some info???? I have the impression that it's a little known cruising spot, I'm saying that but I don't know either, I'm just asking the question because it doesn't look bad to do things there so, if there Anyone who knows and can tell me a little more about this place, ......
Queues to empty now or later in the evening?? let pm
Queues to clear around 10 p.m. or later in the evening?? let pm
Queues to empty now or later in the evening?? let pm
Queues to empty now or later in the evening?? let pm
Passing by tonight around 11 p.m. if a naughty girl is available for a guy tbm mp
Queues to clear now?? let pm
Queues to clear now?? let pm
Bon bah, it's really the holidays not a hot H in the surroundings, I come home disappointed
I'm going tonight around midnight 1 a.m. if woman or couple available pm
Not a H around, I'm going for a walk in the woods, I'll be back around midnight 30 until 2 a.m.
It's the holidays everything is calm, I finish my shift in the hospital and I go to the park around 11 p.m. to see if there are any males to suck. I will stay there until midnight
I just got some info from a trans friend, there was an attack on the woods near the Louis Vuitton Foundation, be careful if you go to this area
With this cold there is practically no one, in addition with the mess of the work at the Porte Maillot, it doesn't help things, the guys can no longer park so they skip the place, and turn in the car in the woods or at the limit Bois-Neuilly. We'll have to wait for sunny days to find people there and once the work is finished the park will be enlarged and cooler.
I fall from the sky, last night on my way home from work I go out to the RER Pte Maillot I'm dressed as a boy I go home I cross the square and Bld M. BARRES a Tunisian in a Mercedes stops and he takes me to suck him . Tonight rebelote Bld du Commandant Charcot a 30 year old Frenchman in a BMW sees me he stops and presto he takes me to a quiet corner where I suck him off. What do the guys have there? are they lacking? the guys in flirting cars the guys who walk on the sidewalks I don't understand anything anymore.
Queues to clear now?? let pm
Queues to clear tonight?? let pm
The last day of the year must have awakened the impulses of some of these gentlemen, I went to this place around 2:30 a.m. there were about fifteen H in search, I had not seen that for a very long time, he is done with meetings between guys this evening, and they found their happiness this night, when to me I was kindly banged by a JH of 28 years and when he had to finish he said to me "it's the first time that I'm fucking a guy, it's too good I'll come back", I answered him "You will have at least discovered something that leaves you indifferent" Hummm 2023 starts well........And now sleep .. Oh I almost forgot, Happy New Year 2023 to all the members of Lieux de Dragues ..........
I just got back, I went to this park tonight, Brouuuuu, it's freezing cold, it's horrible, the cold is even getting through my DIM stockings, and my ass was freezing with my thong and door- suspenders, I dive into a boiling bath to warm myself up, I will come out at night on sunny days not before. It's horrible how cold it is.
I'll be passing through tonight if there are Hs to get sucked I stay, if there's no one I go to the Bois de Boulogne.
Great, I just noticed that they haven't closed the JJ Audiberty park at the corner of Cino Del Duca and avenue de Villiers, a small lighted park with lots of places in the bushes for ++++++++ I'm changing and I'm going there hoping for good ass plans tonight in all discretions.
Good evening, I am speaking to everyone this evening, whether you are from the Ile de France region or from any corner of France or Navarre. I don't understand why for a few weeks travs and trans are no longer tolerated in certain places of cruising in the Paris region?? These gentlemen who come to empty themselves prefer to be sucked by H . This rejection of trav/trans I found it on several pick-up places in IDF, I don't really understand this resonance, that said, I'm not trying to understand, I go to pick-up places to dress in H, it works for meetings , but I still ask myself this question? Why "I'm tired of travs"? It's weird but is it going to be short term or long term?????
Bah not bad I just suck 2 guys a white and a black I stay there until 3 hours after I retuurn. advice to those who want a blowjob .....
GOOD, I think everything is going upside down!! Yesterday evening Pte Maillot 3 guys who are looking to empty themselves tell me ... No thank you no work, I then leave Pte Champerret on the square, there 6 guys, and the answer,, No no work here it's only guys ... True results tonight you Champerret on the forecourt of space, 5 guys only for guy in guys. I come back to dress as a guy to suck,
Hello everyone, following the renewal of my wardrobe, wigs, clothes etc., I am giving away my black pumps (the ones in my photo, 8cm heels, size 41, they are in leather, I had bought them from Angela, the seamstress of the transvestites in Paris, I walked outside with very little, I drove with,) I give them for someone who needs heels, contact me in pm. Not serious refrain .
Info, for those like me who are on vacation in Corsica, there is currently a fire on Propriano in Capu-Laurasu, I am at the restaurant in Sartène you can see the fire in the distance, if you are on vacation in this area, don't panic you can find home at housing level there is room on the side of Olmetto and Ponté-Lechia, I pass the info in case!!!!!
Tomorrow morning the 4x4 gets off the boat and long live Corsica for 15 days, it will be good
I forgot to mention one thing, in the 80s, there was solidarity between Gays, Travs & Trans, this solidarity has long since disappeared, explain to me why Gays, reject Travs and Trans , while we go to the same places, it's not a crime to go out to dress as a girl, put on makeup and etc etc , what I would like is for us to retuurn to this solidarity of the 80s of our community . SEB the Webmaster of the site will read my message, I think he will agree with me???
bear75013 I can accept a lot of things in the gay, trav, trans world, in my previous comments I may not have expressed myself well. Why? many big idiots who are on this site, consider that travs & trans have is "shit", when we read the profiles of these guys who talk to us like shit, we ask ourselves questions!!! They are in a relationship and they are looking for passive guys, travs & trans... to satisfy their sexual needs. I work in a Parisian hospital, I'm not a psychiatrist and far from it, but the more time passes, the more I read certain messages and comments, and the more I say to myself, Christine, let it go, we're no longer in the 1980s, and bisexual sex, is not what it used to be......
Christine7592, for someone who is against sexual discrimination, it's not nice to stigmatize and insult the powerless!
So there I can't believe it, all the NOTORY COCUS who play it and do it à la STEVE MAC QUEEN, on the sites of CULS tonight they are, to the absent subscribers all little players on "Places of flirts", AND big bands SOFT BANDS, it's weird tonight you're not playing it like STEVE MC QUEEN, ah there it's balaize they no erections this band of impotents....
Listen to me, I didn't invent hot water or gas or this that, what I would like is that one day we all meet up around a barbecue and we say to each other, you are my brother you are my sister I love you whatever your sexual orientation. And then SHIT MUST STOP WITH SEXUAL DISCRIMINATION
And why not if you are credible!
At my age I thought I had known and heard everything.. This evening I left my workplace, in the hospital at OOh30, after having spent 09 h in the basement in sheave service, I went for a walk at Parc de la Porte Maillot, and there I came across 2 pigs (5XL underpants size) who insulted me because I wasn't dressed as a girl. You should know that all Parisian hospitals are stuffed with cameras down to the deepest basements, I can't see myself leaving the locker room where there are always people, putting on make-up and dressing up as a girl on high heels, and I still see myself less passes in front of the locker room security guards disguised as a girl and pass my card to clock my exit time. For some you have to stop the handjob.
With the tramway construction site, the prostitutes have been clearing for a long time, they have not been able to park their vans there for 3 years, the place is free, there is no more prostitution, and the park is much brighter, to fuck or suck me j I have my corner, the others manage, look for a fucking corner
I like this park where it's easy to get fucked despite the proximity of prostitutes. It's true that the risk of aggression exists more than in the past.
I like this park where it's easy to get fucked despite the proximity of prostitutes..
philippereng, following your message in private, I'm not badly fucked, 1 I don't fuck I make love, 2 it's young blacks who take care of me in general, then there are others hard bands, not soft bands like you. And for your info they all come to make love to me at my place in my bed in Neuilly/Seine
Why are you so aggressive? You're having your period ? Kisses....
philippereng don't take your desires for realities, I'm not a hustler and I'm not starved, despite the fact that I live on the edge of the Bois de Boulogne in Neuilly, go see the weather elsewhere...
Christine darling.. do you want a hard cock with very full balls?
Shaker 28 seems to me to be a nice BIG SHIT when you see how he talks about nursing staff in hospitals. have to take Viagra to get an erection. shaker 28 you are a sexual impotent and you play Kéké behind a bogus profile without a photo.
the teacher is bisexual, he may have caught monkeypox and to protect you he told you to leave
J'avais oublier pour ceux qui comprendrons pas , il a toujours afficher qu'il étais bi-sexuel malgrés qu'il soit marié .
This is the first time tonight in my life as a nurse in an APHP hospital, that a Professor of Surgery in oncology comes and gives the order to those who have been there for more than 8 hours , to clear and leave their places to their replacements. Replacements that we did not expect, we do not know them. Thank you Professor, we have been working with you for XXX years and we never thought that one day you would make so much noise to defend your teams of caregivers, (block, rea), I will not mention your name, but for all and all the caregivers who work with you at G. POMPIDOU, hats off to Mr Professor, you will soon be retiring Mr Professor, we will all be there for your leaving party, even those who have never practiced medicine with you.
I go there around midnight, to suck, then around midnight 30 I move to the square Anselin Porte Dauphine, I am accompanied by a friend (black pro boxer) who plays the bouncer in case of aggression, because in this moment it's hard on the Maillot - Dauphine sector, it's going to be the attacks at night
I would be forecourt of the Espace Champerret Porte de Champerret between midnight and 1 a.m. to suck, I would be sitting on a bench
Watch out for this place tonight, a gay was stabbed, fortunately not injured but stripped, the police intervened, now there will be cops in civilian clothes all around.....
Hello message for chritine7592 I just left you a message in pm answer me please
I'm Porte de Champerret Paris 17 I'm looking for a nice cock to suck
Good evening . I receive many messages from men who ask me to go to the " Amphybi sauna in Paris 17 ", I know this place for having been there in the past, I can explain to these gentlemen that this kind of establishment is not my thing they continue to send me their messages asking me to go there. ' WILL NOT GO, whether there or elsewhere, and for those who insist I blacklist direct. Good evening to all .
Bonne et heureuse année à tous les membres du site " lieux de dragues ", je vous souhaite toutes les meilleures choses que la vie puisse vous apporter, "Joyeux réveillon " pour ceux qui sont en famille, Une grosse pensée pour ceux qui sont seuls, (souhaitons leur de trouver le bonheur auprés d'une ame en 2022 ) , je suis ce soir a mon travail dans un hopital Parisien, je suis de garde jusqu'à 6 H, je vous fait des Milliers de gros Bisous et BONNE ANNEE 2022 .
nora 92 thank you for your message, I am like that, I always have a thought for lonely people, and others (homeless, homeless, etc etc) what they are going through it can happen to anyone between us one day or another so let's not be selfish, I received a lot of messages from people alone on the site, it may have warmed their hearts, to see.
Christine, thank you for these beautiful thoughts
Je souhaite un " JOYEUX NOEL " à tous les membres du site et j'ai une pensée pour tous ceux qui sont seuls en ce soir de réveillon, courage 2022 vas arriver et souhaitons que cette nouvelle année éfface le désarroi de la solitude de certains . Je vous fait pleins de gros bisous . Christine
You have to calm down guys, now I am proposing marriage on the site, I am not looking for a husband, sincerely stop your delusions, this kind of thing is no.
People tonight? let me PM
ATTENTION INFO TO TAKE SERIOUSLY FOR THOSE WHO FREQUENTLY WITH BOULOGNE WOOD. For a few days now, attempts to assault have taken place at the Louis Wuitton Foundation and at the small lake next to it. It is about JH who are trying to attack people (even park in a car, they hit with pebbles on windows) then they escape into the woods. One of my Travs friend was almost assaulted last night around this place, so be careful if you go that side.
I'm going out to suck a nice cock on the forecourt of the Champerret space Porte de Champerret I have a quiet corner if there's a guy who wants to be emptied...........
On this New Year's Eve where we are confined, I wish all the members of "places of dredges" a very happy new year 2021 and hoping that we will all find our freedom. Happy New Year, good health and lots of great ass plans in 2021 Big kisses to everyone.
I'm going there tonight to suck I need to get some vitamins in my mouth, I put down a message when I go out to go
Tonight I'm not going to wear a Maillot if I suck it's Pte de Champerret in a super quiet corner
I'm looking for an H tonight or tomorrow night to suck it thoroughly in all discretion in a quiet place leave the message in private .......
It's getting hard there, guys they don't give a fuck to see us as a girl they just want to be sucked and they break, or they ask us to be active and take them, either you are dressed as a boy and you find a way either you are in girl and you will wait. It's getting really hard this confinement story. Pte Maillot you take the cops Pte Champerret and Pte Asnières you do what you want I would like to know if this mess will last a long time because we no longer know or we can go to the ass at night on the 17th ..... ........
Me, I'm tired of it, I go out at night on the forecourt of Espace Champerret to suck there are no cops everything is calm so I'll go if you want to get sucked write me in private to an appointment
I would be there at 11 p.m. to suck +++ if a real feeling at midnight I lose and I go home
It is 10 p.m. I go out to buy some cigarettes Pte Maillot I would be at the park around 10.45 p.m. until 11.30 p.m. if a beautiful cock wants to be sucked !!!!!!!!!!
I'm leaving my job in Bichat in 5 minutes I will be on the forecourt of the Champerret space in 30 minutes to suck advice from amateurs
Yesterday evening when I got out of work I sucked 2 guys at Porte de Champerret I come back to it this evening after my work at the hospital I leave my service in Bichat around 11 p.m. so 11:45 p.m. I should be on the forecourt of Espace Champerret
I did a little fab I am leaving Bichat I will be on the forecourt of Espace Champerret in 30 minutes hoping to find a nice sex scene ....... I will be there until 2:30
I am finishing my service at the Bichat hospital I am tired but I would like to suck a nice cock on the side of the Champerret door, advice to amateurs with full purses .......
Attention the Police are in the process of taking on board everything that is trans and trans between the Pte Maillot and the Pte Dauphine I have used the time to hide if you are in the corner caution ..........
Someone tonight? Waiting for you
Anyone interested in a good blowjob ??
Someone to empty tonight ??
Are there people during the day?
Would love a gloryhole plan which would turn me on :)
I was leaving on foot Pte Maillot I stopped on the forecourt of the Espace Champerret Pte de Champerret and I sucked a young Arab pus I came home I will go out in a few minutes at the Espace Champerret if a guy wants to be empty i'm available
@ christine7592 Are you going there dressed as sexy as in your profile picture?
I'm going tonight only if a meeting with a guy who wants to be sucked and empty leave me a message
Notice to my Loulous and my darlings that I suck in the evening in this park from tomorrow I would be there in the evening between 8:00 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. if appointment and do not worry I would provide you with an employer certificate for the retuurn in good and shape and in case of police control you will be able to retuurn home without any worries. Kisses Christine
of the world tonight to empty ??
I did not know this place ... I try tomorrow
I would spend the same hours tonight ..
It is 11:45 pm I leave work late I will be at the park in 35 minutes I will stay 15 minutes if nothing I have to suck I leave
I leave work it will be 11:00 pm I will be at the park around 11:30 pm to see if I find a cock to suck.
I just came back I went to the park a real desert I found a suck a young Arab who cross the park a stroke of luck. Since confinement nothing is the same, people have changed their habits.
very few people last night undoubtedly because of the weather, I'm going back there tonight at 11 p.m. / 11:30 p.m. on leaving work to see if there are any dicks to suck
Tired of my day at work but too much want to suck I'm at the park in 1 hour hoping to find a nice cock to suck thoroughly
I just next door I will test well .... Available at noon or end of am ...
Pas grand monde dans le coin ?
I'm going there tonight to suck deeply I really want to suck so advice to amateurs.
Young straight cock available now
I just got home, I'm going to the park tonight Bouuuuuuuh I'm falling on a young black guy kissing my mouth and ass with his nice cock, I can't take it anymore, my ass hurts.
I'm going to have a look tonight to try to find some suck. I would be on the other side of the park on the Neuilly sur Seine side. I would walk under the trees between Bld Maillot and Allée des Erables until the roundabout of Sablons facing the acclimatization garden. I would be there from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Yes and in the meantime you have to go opposite at the entrance to the wood there is an undergrowth next to the station of the little train in the acclimatization garden you can stay in the light there are small quiet corners but you have to not go further than the acclimatization garden because after the cops do not pass and it becomes dangerous.
the parks and gardens of Paris remain closed ... until June 2? to see according to Ms. Hidalgo ....
Unable to access it have to close with chains and padlocks and large barriers. Beware of those who go to the Bois de Boulogne last night I almost got hit twice by guys from the East on the side of the little lake next to the L. VUITTON foundation. Fortunately I got it right away for avoid aggressions so be careful .....
It is 1:15 am I am tired of my work week but I have a terrible desire to suck I would be there around 2 am
23 h 30 je serais sur place pour sucer
Je suis déjà venu et il y a moyen de se faire baiser après une bonne pipe
On site tonight for cpl or woman in pv thank you
Goodnight To what time you'll be there? Prettymike?
Who tomorrow night I would couple to take my girlfriend ... who presents
yesterday around 23:30 02.06.2018 jy went. I saw a guy who was leaving and I made fired me by the prostitute in van. If the square being surrounded by plance, a street and perophérique is naturally too bright. Frankly it does not spend sy much.
Bonjour is what you recommend this corner? I try to make me suck after work.
I got caught mouth and ass tonight like a whore by 2 young black guys 9-3 j c was great top have still want to go there tomorrow night?
Someone tonight at 22: 30 to get sucked?
Have to go what time to be able to pump?
Hello, is that you recommend this place? I went to 19pm and there was nobody, I work next. Thank you
Hello darling I'm sorry this happened to you let your fallen violent guy !!! Courage. Happy New Year bisouxxx
Hello jy happens I can move myself if necessary k have a big desire to zexe
I repost I'm around No not hesitate to contact me via mo moves me I'm easily jy I recall was 7:00 thank you
Good evening I'd pass this on 17 appointment Cpl the real travesty of jy would contact me by 7:00 pm thank you
Ben frankly no place or there is nothing going on!
Hi, I'll be in the park or under the closed pedestrian tunnels... I'm looking for a slutty guy, a good cock lover. For young guys, all origins small size and end ..... advice to amateurs for Friday evening!
The place was really clean with the AC Police made 3 TIMES THAT I SUCK guys jy am Saturday night you see.
22/7 that interested this evening?
Are there in the world right now?
who wants to pump in the woods?
t me as I have dit..tu be the queen if you want ..
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