Pool des Halles is a cruising spot in the heart of Paris


Cruising spot gay in Paris

proposed by jerome94  (16/07/2020)

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Type : Swimming pool gay
City :  Paris
Area :  Île-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Pool Suzanne Berlioux (Les Halles). A beautiful swimming pool in the heart of Paris. Many beautiful gay guys come to bathe and dredge it.

We remind you that exhibition and sexual practices are prohibited in public places.

Address :
Allée Blaise Cendrars
75001 Paris

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Bibliothèque du cinéma François-Truffaut, 4, Allée Baltard, Quartier Les Halles, Paris, Île-de-France, France métropolit