Hi, tall, well-built, bearded, dark hair, red briefs, black cap, tonight, 3rd locker room on the right
I watched a hot guy get hard in the locker room 10 minutes ago
∆ fermeture en fin d'année [VIDANGE] La piscine Suzanne Berlioux fermera pour vidange annuelle, le vendredi 20 Décembre 2024 à 23h30, pour réouvrir Lundi 06 Janvier 2025 à 06h30. Le temps de vidanger le bassin, de réaliser quelques travaux et de se refaire une beauté durant les fêtes de fin d'année pour vous accueillir pour la nouvelle année, en 2025.
Oh my, but all your suggestions and testimonies make me want to find a pair of swimming trunks (and yes, that's what happens when you regularly take off your trunks, you lose them) to go and "stir up" a bit this afternoon.
Who's going this afternoon?
a good soaping at 6 very nice! and a blowjob in the cabin, a good evening :)
Who this afternoon around 4:30 p.m.? Blue swimming cap, showing off in the locker room and discreet feeling possible in the pool (average swimming, wait at the start of the line with legs apart, package clearly visible and why not swollen)
Anyone out this afternoon?
It's very good, it's watching and showing off and some people touch themselves but be discreet...
Who is going there this afternoon between 3pm and 6pm?
Who’s going there this afternoon?
Tomorrow 11am to polish myself well
I'll go there on Monday morning around 11am.
Who is going there today Thursday the 18th in the afternoon?
Who is going there today, Friday 8th, late afternoon/evening?
Who's up for a pool plan?
Who’s going there this afternoon?
Who’s going there this afternoon?
Comment faites-vous pour vous amuser là-bas ? J’y suis aller hier et y’avait des femmes de ménage partout ! Impossible de rester tout nu deux secondes…
It was hot yesterday afternoon in the showers and then in the collective locker room!
Salut Je pense y aller demain soir tard Du monde ?
very nice moment at 3 around 5:00 p.m. today. if you recognize yourself..
The guys are sporty muscular and it mates in the showers then in the common locker room. To end up in motion in the changing rooms at the back
D'accord avec "ryandu78" J'ai moi même travaillé pour un important groupe de fitness, on effectuait une surveillance active pour la tranquillité de la majorité de la clientèle. Si je veux rencontrer des hommes, il y a des lieux mieux appropriés
Do not really agree the place is not made for that so I am not shocked by this surveillance
I went there this week. There are gas who flirt. But it's really impossible to do anything. The people who do the cleaning pass watch constantly and in a not very discreet way in the locker rooms but also in the showers directly. They pass by and watch if you touch yourself a little too much, etc. Even when you go to the toilets, they watch that you come in alone. Some toilets are closed for so-called breakdowns but we can see very well because of what. It's really a pity.
Very excited, I go there around 9am. Kiffe exhibits is it still possible there?
I will be there around 6:30 p.m. locker room co swimming in the slow or medium corridor depending on the world want to feel at the end of the line me royal blue jersey, dark blue hat
I don't see how we can have fun there. It's constantly monitored / cleaned and there are cameras all over the changing rooms
Personally I did it very regularly also 15 years ago now
Nice that story, I thought it hadn't been flirting at the pool for a long time
A little session at the Les Halles swimming pool today In the showers I surprised two guys, one of whom was a young man, masturbating next to each other above the urinals They ended up in the same toilet cubicle And with the neon above them their shadow was projected on the ground Obviously it is not only in the basin that people do their sport!
Anyone know if there are still holes in some cabins? :)
Quelq'un Saturday or tomorrow
World Wednesday after noon?
The world today at 14:30?
The world today at 14:30?
Tjr of people at the pool? While in Paris I thought it out
webmaster02 / 12/2017 1:28 Stephtel can you avoid almost always publish the same message? It's a bit heavy ;-) Thanks for understanding ... manlyman28 / 10/2017 at 6:06 p.m. @Stephtel stop spam. 9 days ago. There will be June 23 at 11:45 in collective and 24:45 cloakroom. boxer aussiebum black and white stephtelil bath has 11 day. there will be Thursday, 6/21 at 13:30 black briefs with 2 fluorescent yellow stripes on each side andrew cristian. red and white glasses. I swim in line closest showers and changing rooms, either line 6 or line 5. rubbing or fondling subtle signs under water. Feel free to take initiatives as soon as you have spotted me. Showers at 14:30 and bottom of the locker room to collective right or changes me at 13:30 to 14:30 stephtelil are 14 j. there will be Monday, 18.06 to 10.30 red panties front and black behind andrew cristian. red and white glasses. Online widest stephtelil are 18 j. there will jeudi14 / 06 at 13:30 red panties front and black behind andrew cristian. red and white glasses. Online widest stephtelil are 19 j. who goes there this afternoon? and Thursday afternoon?
there will be Thursday, 07/05 at 14:30 black briefs with 2 fluorescent yellow stripes on each side andrew cristian. red and white glasses. I swim in line closest showers and changing rooms, either line 6 or line 5. rubbing or fondling subtle signs under water. Feel free to take initiatives as soon as you have spotted me. Showers around 15:30 and bottom of the locker room to collective right or changes me 14:30 and 15:30.
I intend to go swimming tomorrow Monday, July 2 at 10-11am.
Qqun tonight? Send me mp!
Y will be this afternoon. In the locker room a bit quiet at the bottom right and / or showers.
there will be Tuesday, 05/02 at 16:32 kiss red panties front and black behind andrew cristian. red and white glasses. I swim in line closest showers and changing rooms, either line 6 or line 5. rubbing or fondling subtle signs under water. Feel free to take initiatives as soon as you have spotted me. Showers at 5:06 p.m. and bottom of locker rooms to collective right or changes me in 5:07 p.m. 4:04 p.m. ET
there will be Tuesday, 13/03 at 13:30 red panties front and black behind andrew cristian. red and white glasses. I swim in line closest showers and changing rooms, either line 6 or line 5. rubbing or fondling subtle signs under water. Feel free to take initiatives as soon as you have spotted me. Showers at 14:30 and bottom of the locker room to collective right or changes me at 13:30 to 14:30
there will be Tuesday, February 27 at 15h red panties front and black behind andrew cristian. red and white glasses. I swim in line closest showers and changing rooms, either line 6 or line 5. rubbing or fondling subtle signs under water. Feel free to take initiatives as soon as you have spotted me. Showers around 16:00 and bottom of the locker room to collective right or changes me at 15h and 16h
there will be Wednesday, February 28 at 11:55 red panties front and black behind andrew cristian. red and white glasses. I swim in line closest showers and changing rooms, either line 6 or line 5. rubbing or fondling subtle signs under water. Feel free to take initiatives as soon as you have spotted me. Showers at 12:55 and bottom of the locker room to collective right or changes me in 11h55et 24:55.
if the brown hairy guy who was yesterday the pool 3:30 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. ET on this site ... fuchsia shirt to cock bandaged right under the collective cloakroom mid shower leaves private message stp
Stephtel can you avoid almost always publish the same message? It's a bit heavy ;-) Thanks for understanding ...
Members of cleaning / custodial staff are fed up because they see unfold. They did - block bottom bins collective cloakroom; - install surveillance cameras in all male changing rooms; and long: - close the most cabins at the bottom, opposite the inlet; - order one of two collective dressing rooms. Next step: closing the last collective cloakroom. Congratulations and thank you to those who put on a show instead of indiscriminate use discretion.
that the pool tonight around 19:30? one of 3 cabins with bottom door open ... bottom of the shower tate in water if amateur ultimately my blue jersey aussiebum dark blue cap
Despite the cameras, there are ways to do things and I know what I mean! ;)
Site guys were there last night Thursday at 8:30 p.m.? it was cho! Private message
I would be tomorrow around 15h Mini slip Red I am beardless quelqun If there is going to meet together can Preference to beardless boys
Who tonight at 8 p.m. for ds feels the water under shower package exhibits change myself ... ds cab if I can blue jersey aussiebaum marked in red
want to go tonight 20h30à 22:00 and just shower caulking, single cabin, tate in the water?
Went to the Halles pool while ago and I struggle to see how you can dredge quiet. The showers overlook the pool so it is not very discreet. Well, that did not stop me to do well and watch me to get out my dick and my shower neighbor. That of Pontoise street is still much more convenient.
seen last night around 8:30 p.m. bearded guy in white swimming trunks, water line 5 blue mini slip collective dressing room ... if you recognize you ... mp
Slt I seek a good pool for 20/05. One can easely matter in this pool? (Holes in the cabins?)
It really happening things in this pool? One hopes come across a guy who loves a good pump cabin dick? I intend to go swimming today (May 13, 2016 V) to 15h-16h.
I go Monday and Tuesday 20h / 22h. The first aisle cabin right out of the shower is not bad with three cabins with holes to subdue and means to slip two in the bottom of the cab easily. Other tips?
Hi guys. What are good things to know in this pool? Guys can go to instead use what concrete cabins? ;-)
there went 26ovembre Thursday at 16.30 and mesuis groped in the pool with a swimmer who caressed me every time we crossed. too exciting. do again when you've if you recognize yourself.
Hi everybody. J y'll Friday (today) to 19a21h. Who will be there?
Am even stay on my hunger estimator with a young sapling good guy who delivered her was without Calbut !!
Good meeting tonight! Very good and good matting exib !!
Small passage this afternoon after a two year absence tjs as cool!
by beautiful weather as being good ballads on foot.
it still exists scipine this? ca good level showers dredge.
ki available for this Friday or this weekend?
but impossible to do anything, right? jy went after noon Thursday but the cleaners do not stop ... .. and water some have already tasted?
It is not mixed with the Admirals pool, locker rooms?
interested in a plan between noon and two?
Another hunk of view ... and it must pass serious thing ds a cabin there is nobody ... sad c ...
I look for a nice cock between noon and two, for a good plan cho in swimsuit and full bladder. Who is interested ?
Last night the top! Beautiful beautiful bumps hot guys cocks!
Qqun between noon and 14 pm?
someone tomorrow night 7:30 p.m. / 21h?
Tonight 19h 30 / 20h amateurs? Brown thirties
I also Monday night. It was hot. Fucking urinal too. Next to a hot guy who did the same beside me. Sure some guys tights ...
I saw the beautiful look that had me 3 months ago ... pity I went out
you have the right to both
It really moves labas and the guys are chewable .... I suggest you ... Besides, if the handsome man of 38 years with whom I had a beautiful time in a cabin passes pat there ... What ' it makes me sign!
if this man has recognized that touch me ^^ ... I'm young Métis man, and I added that it made me very happy to share this with him ... bye
I actually fondle the ass while ago by a "daddy" ... Handsome man !!
not bad for exib in the locker room. Too bad the showers overlook the pool
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