
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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Salut à toi qui va lire mon histoire. Tu vas aimer, ou pas. Quoi qu’il en soit j’espère qu’elle ne te laissera pas indifférent. Alors, je te remercie de laisser un commentaire ou une critique. Cela me permettra de progresser et de te proposer de nouveaux récits. Merci d’avance et bonne lecture en espérant que tu prennes autant de plaisir à lire que moi à écrire. Juste une drôle de sensation que de sentir ce bout de tissus entre mes fesses alors que mon pantalon frotte sur ma peau see the rest
Keywords : Pure fantasy, Gay, Bisexual, Blow job, Sodomy
Suddenly the fingers and mouth leave me and are replaced by something bigger and forceful. It hurts and I protest, probably too weakly because the pressure is increasing. I see Laeticia's face tense up, she is probably experiencing the same thing. Suddenly the barrier drops, like a Champagne cork coming out of a bottle but there to enter. I almost scream from the fullness that invades me. I understand that it is the same for my girlfriend who has her mouth and eyes wide open. She then lets out a see the rest
Keywords : Pure fantasy, Gay, Hetero, Bisexual, Blow job, Sodomy, First time, Trav
The hand on my thigh seemed to have tired of playing with the suspender and was moving further. When she reached my tanga the butterflies exploded. Despite myself I moaned fortunately it was muffled by his mouth on mine. When he progressed further under my skirt and touched my penis which was tense, he backed away, turned to Antoine and said, “Hey! Man, I got a job. Whore ! I was sure of it ! I told you it was two tarlouzes.” Antoine replies “I know”. Turning towards him, I see that indeed see the rest
Keywords : Pure fantasy, Gay, Hetero, Bisexual, Blow job, Sodomy, First time, Trav
Hello to you who will read my story. You're going to like it, or not. Anyway, I hope it won't leave you indifferent. So, thank you for leaving a comment or review. This will allow me to progress and offer you new stories. Thank you in advance and enjoy reading, hoping that you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing.Tonight I'm going out ! With a friend, Laeticia, we decided that it was high time that we went out to the club and it's for this evening. We met on a forum where we were able to discuss see the rest
Keywords : Pure fantasy, Gay, Hetero, Bisexual, Blow job, Sodomy, First time, Trav
Just a funny feeling followed by a slight burn when he tries to move forward so he backs away. I feel a little fluid and he's progressing again, it's not that bad, neither bad nor good. The trouble was a little at the beginning, when he forced entry. The good is starting to come as I relax and enjoy the moment.I don't know about you but, for my part, I need a change of scenery from time to time, it comes in periods, without warning, I need sex. Married for many years and satisfied with this situation, see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Bisexual, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, First time, European
Bonjour,Avant de narrer mes aventures je vais me permettre de me présenter. Je m’appelle Sandrine, j’ai 44 ans, je mesure 1m66, je pèse 64 kg, j’ai les yeux bleus et les cheveux châtains mi-longs. Coté personnel, je suis mariée et j’ai deux enfants. Coté professionnelle, je suis cadre supérieure dans la fonction publique. Ceci étant posé, je vais pouvoir commencer à vous raconter mon entré dans le libertinage.Mon mari ayant un appétit sexuel en berne, peut-être a-t-il une maitresse see the rest
Keywords : Pure fantasy, Hetero, Blow job, Vaginal penetration
[Between man and woman] [sodomy] [transvestite] [If you haven't read the previous episodes, I strongly recommend it. Good reading] After this crazy evening we resumed a rhythm and "classic" practices but still in lingerie. Only small difference, when I came home from work I left my suit to put on the dress and the pumps which I was beginning to master and which hurt my feet less. If my wife had laughed at the beginning, she no longer commented and her change of skin did me the greatest good. And see the rest
Keywords : Pure fantasy, Hetero, Blow job, Sodomy, First time, Trav
[Between man and woman] [sodomy] [transvestite] [If you haven't read the previous episodes, I strongly recommend it. Happy reading] Slowly recovering from my emotions, I straightened up and headed for the bedroom. My wife had taken off her dress and she was on the bed, lying on her stomach, her legs slightly apart. Her buttocks were highlighted because framed by the stockings and the waistband. The thong that disappeared between her buttocks gave them an adorable roundness. Faced with this vision, see the rest
Keywords : Pure fantasy, Hetero, Blow job, Sodomy, Trav
[Entre homme et femme] [sodomie] [travesti][Si vous n’avez pas lu les épisodes précédents, je vous le conseil fortement. Bonne lecture]Les jours passèrent et nous évitions dorénavant les caresses anales y compris la sodomie. Mais un jour ma femme a remis le sujet sur la table en me disant qu’elle aimerait essayer la double pénétration. Puisque nous avions un god, autant s’en servir. J’ai accepté de bon cœur car l’idée de la sodomisée avec le god tout en lui fourrant la chatte see the rest
Keywords : Hetero, Blow job, Sodomy, First time, Trav
[Entre homme et femme] [sodomie] [travesti][Si vous n’avez pas lu les épisodes précédents, je vous le conseil fortement. Bonne lecture]Au bout de 4 mois et la première expérience en guêpière, nous semblions avoir trouvé un équilibre. Il n’y eu plus de nouvelles commandes si ce n’est un maillot de bain une pièce qui nous a offert un moment très agréable. Notre libido était remontée à bloc et nous faisions l’amour quasiment tous les jours, toujours en lingerie. Et puis, fin mai, see the rest
Keywords : Pure fantasy, Hetero, Blow job, Sodomy, First time, Trav