
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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My 1st gang bang :) After having discussed with a couple met on this site, they told me of their desire to give Mrs. on a cruising spot to all the people if they found.I find it very exciting and wanted to participate, so I ask them for more precision.MR placed an advertisement on a place, saying that he would go and offer all the holes of his submissive on this place at 10pm.So I noted this appointment in my diary, and waited impatiently for the date.Once the D-day arrived, I went to the place, see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Threesomes
Après avoir contacter un couple d une cinquantaine d année et avoir échanger quelques message,nous décidons de nous voir.Nous avions Rdv à l hotel, Sébastien descendit pour m ouvrir et m expliquer ceux qu'il attender de moi (que je sodomise sa femme devant lui, lui lui baisserais la chatte et moi le cul)Cela m allais très bien.Je m introduit donc dans la chambre où la jolie Clara m'attendais en robe de nuit sexy-"Bonjour Kévin" me dit elle-"Bonjour Clara" dit je en m approchant Je m étais see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Married, Threesomes
Hello, For my 1st threesome: I got contacted by an old friend on facebook, with whom I had already had sex "Hi Kévin, these Sarah I hope you are doing well, I often think of you and I 'would like to see you again with my boyfriend " A little puzzled by the message, I replied, that it would be a pleasure for me to see her again but that I find it a little weird that there is her boyfriend. She gave me an appointment. One Friday evening I therefore went to their place, her boyfriend was downstairs see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Blow job, Sodomy, Vaginal penetration, European, Black, Threesomes